Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 926: Get rich in one night

Latest website: For this reason, the dragons in this world compare their reports, and they are often led by the Demon King Dragon.

The dragons that Li Changsheng encountered in the past two years, except for the black dragon Harry Kutcher, all of the other dragons are of the nature of the group.

As for the black dragon Harikucci, the main reason it didn't report to the group was that it wanted to monopolize the corpse of the ancestral black dragon. Until it became a Demon King-level black dragon, after it had enough confidence, it took a few giant dragons as its subordinates.

It can be said that the dragon that does not report to the group is either very strong or has its own reasons.

Just after feeling it, Li Changsheng found that the number of flying golden dragons was no less than twenty.

Among them, a few heads are far inferior to the golden dragon, and they are obviously still in the growth stage.

When the golden dragons gathered here, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen quietly summoned the demon pet.

Since they are far apart, even with Jinlong's eyesight, when they see Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen clearly, they will be only a few kilometers apart.

When the first adult golden dragon saw Li Changsheng's appearance, he was obviously taken aback, especially when it saw Robuges who fell on the ground without his head, the adult golden dragon's heart was suddenly filled with endless fear.

The key here is not the secret realm of the heavens, the secret realm of the heavens can be resurrected if it dies.

So, the adult Golden Dragon turned around and ran, trying to escape with all his strength.

"Big head, it's up to you!"

Under Li Changsheng's order, the big hair that turned into a golden-eyed big penguin bird made a sharp call, like an arrow from the string, and quickly pursued the golden dragon.

"Flee, run away! The guy who killed us in the Secret Realm of Heaven is here again, the leader has been killed by him!"

The first adult golden dragon ran away while shouting the obscure dragon language.

After hearing the voice of the golden dragon, the adult golden dragons hurriedly stepped on the ‘sudden brake’, and the fear of being dominated by Li Changsheng emerged in their minds. They had no idea of ​​revenge for the leader and turned and ran.

In the Secret Realm of Heavenly Dao, these adult golden dragons are very clear about Li Changsheng's strength, not to mention that their leaders have been killed, even if all the golden dragons are assembled, how can they be Li Changsheng's opponent.

In this case, they have and can only choose to escape.

The remaining few juvenile golden dragons, seeing the elders flee in a hurry, they also subconsciously followed.

Although there are many golden dragons with more than 20 heads, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen's demon pets together have more than 20 heads, and there will be no fish that slip through the net.

In the next moment, under the command of Li Changsheng, the demon pets locked onto their respective targets one after another, mainly based on their speed.

The target of the fast demon pet is naturally the golden dragon far away, and the slower one is often the golden dragon closer.

A very interesting thing happened on the way. Some golden dragons remembered the treasures that looked like fate in the process of escaping, and finally flew towards their dragon dens.

Although they knew that this would take precious time to escape, these golden dragons did it anyway.

Life is precious and treasures are more expensive. These golden dragons interpret this sentence vividly.

Within a few breaths, the first adult golden dragon to escape was intercepted by the big head.

Although he was not promoted to the Demon King level, the strength of the big head was almost comparable to that of an ordinary Demon King level goblin, and how could it be compared to an adult Golden Dragon. He defeated the adult golden dragon in twos and threes and flew to Li Changsheng with his grasp.

However, the big head is not the fastest.

With an adult golden dragon in his mouth, Ashe returned first to ask Li Changsheng for credit.

Also returning with the big head were Kailan and the Big Sun Fire Crow. Kailan tied an adult golden dragon with five vines, and then dragged the golden dragon back with her petite body. The scene was quite abrupt.

Although their target distance is farther than that of the big head, their speed is faster and their combat power is obviously stronger, so they will return so quickly.

Seeing such a scene, Datou became more and more anxious to break through the Demon King level.

Soon, other demon pets returned one after another, and all of them were captured without exception.

Unexpectedly, it was Chilong who seized the most. This guy caught three golden dragons, but one golden dragon returned to the dragon's cave. There were two juvenile golden dragons in this dragon's cave. Naturally, they were all captured without exception. Chilong defeated and captured.

The harvest this time was great, with 22 Golden Dragons alone.

In addition, there are five golden dragon eggs.

Except for some, it is the treasure of the golden dragons and the dragon corpse of Robuges.

As for the Yalongs who were slaves to the Golden Dragon, there were too many of them, except that they had taken things that they shouldn't have, otherwise Li Changsheng would be too lazy to take care of them.

Among these golden dragons, Li Changsheng naturally discovered Margaret who had provided him with information.

Margaret didn't expect Li Changsheng to move so fast, but it didn't panic about it either, because of the binding force of the oath of heaven, its safety was enough to be guaranteed.

Not only did Margaret feel no panic, she was full of expectations because she had not yet been paid.

In order to avoid being seen by other golden dragons, Margaret still pretended to panic on the surface and lowered her huge head.

At this time, Li Changsheng temporarily contracted all the golden dragons present and put five dragon eggs into the Kang necklace space.

In this way, unless the Golden Dragon breaks through the Demon King level, it will not escape Li Changsheng's control.

"From now on, you will all follow my arrangements. As for the treasures you have collected, I will only take away a few, and none of the rest."

After hearing Li Changsheng's arrangement, the Golden Dragons all heaved a sigh of relief, but their hearts inevitably hurt. After all, the treasures that Li Changsheng can admire are probably their best collection.

However, this was the best result for them, and the Golden Dragons had to obey Li Changsheng's orders reluctantly.

As for avenging their leader, none of the Golden Dragons present dare to put it into practice, and it is rare to hate Li Changsheng.

The reason is simple. Over the years, Robuges has robbed them of their treasures from time to time, and how they are not irritated at the extent that the dragons regard wealth as life.

It's not that they don't want to leave here, but without Robges' shelter, they are likely to be captured or beheaded by humans and can only stay here.

After "persuading" these golden dragons, Li Changsheng began to search for the spoils this time.

Although there are 22 golden dragons, many of them are husbands and wives, and several minor golden dragons also live with their parents.

Because of this, there are only twelve dragon caves in total.

Even so, the huge gains this time are still amazing.

All the Robggis collections alone are enough to make Li Changsheng feel worthy of his trip, not to mention the collection of the remaining 22 golden dragons, which can even be described as getting rich overnight.

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