Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 905: Looking for treasure

Not only the bloodline concentration, but from the feedback of mental power, the light spot representing the Demon King Red Dragon suddenly brightened, rising to the next stage.

   In other words, the Demon King Red Dragon also successfully sublimated its own quality during the process of increasing the bloodline concentration.

   In terms of combat power, that means that the current Demon King Red Dragon can fight two of the previous ones.

   It was also at this time that the seven-eyed mink finally changed, and a strong evolutionary white light emerged, gradually wrapping the seven-eyed mink.

   It's done!

   Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen looked at each other, which means that the seven-eyed mink is about to evolve to the next stage.

During this process, the size of the seven-eyed mink began to grow, and the overall size did not become much larger. The biggest change is that it has one more eye, which looks quite dark, and has a sense of creepy when looking at it. As if deep in darkness.

   In this way, the seven-eyed mink successfully evolved into an eight-eyed mink.

If you don’t look at the eight eyes of the eight-eyed mink, the image of the eight-eyed mink is actually quite cute, but these eight eyes destroy its beauty and make it look terrifying, while also focusing on its strongest Ability.

   After completing the evolution, the eight-eyed mink did not wake up immediately, but was still lying on the ground. With the help of evolution, he wanted to become a true demon king-level demon pet.

   Eight-eyed mink has been a pseudo-demon king-level demon pet for some time, and it is in its best condition, and now it has the blessing of power born during evolution, and the success rate of removing the word ‘false’ is very high.

   In a blink of an eye, the eight-eyed mink was shrouded in darkness.

   The enhanced version of the restraint of interest rate is fully activated, converging all the movements and statics generated when the eight-eyed mink breaks into a certain range.

   It took only a quarter of an hour to move their ears. Vaguely heard the sound of a broken door.

   did not wait long, the dark energy was instantly dissipated, revealing an elegant eight-eyed mink.

   Compared with before, the aura of the eight-eyed mink has once again risen to a notch, and the guardian of the body is obviously thicker.

   It was also at this time that Ning Bizhen's body shook. In the spiritual channel connected to the eight-eyed mink, a pure and profound energy poured into her body and began to temper her skull.

   Under the feedback of mental strength, Li Changsheng began to check the information of the eight-eyed mink.

   [fairy name]: Eight-eyed mink (mature stage, semi-sacred beast. Comprehend the profound meaning, greatly enhance the power of the skills; the mysterious guard: exempt some damage, mainly depending on the opponent's realm)

  【Fairy Realm】: Demon King

  [Fairy Race]: Medium Domination

   [fairy quality]: the best

  【Fairy Bloodline】: Nine-eyed Mink (majestic)

   [Fairy Attribute]: Darkness

   [Fairy State]: Healthy

   [fairy weakness]: bright

   In this evolution, the abilities of the eight-eyed mink can be described by leaps and bounds. The only flaw in the beauty is that the quality of the eight-eyed mink has not yet been upgraded to a half-step epic level.

   However, under the observation of Li Changsheng, the eight-eyed mink, like the eight-armed Naga, has reached the critical point of top quality, and it is almost a step forward.

   One minute later, Ning Bizhen opened her eyes again, and her skull was smoothly tempered into a jade bone.

   With this wave of improvement, Ning Bizhen's strength has increased by about 30%. Even if he is not the opponent of the new king, it is not much different.

   In addition, Ning Bizhen also has a sixth Demon King-level demon pet, which has already met the basic requirements for being promoted to the King. As long as his mental power reaches Consummation, he can try to break through the King.

   The two have no idea of ​​staying here for a long time. If it were not for the pursuit of the treasures left by the Phoenix, the two would have left the Kailing Empire long ago. After all, there are many kings in this country that can threaten them.

   The gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, even if the two of Li Changsheng are still the objects of Tiandao’s attention, it is difficult to guarantee that no one will take the risk. If you do not kill them, just grab the treasure, you do not know whether Tiandao will send thunder penalty.

   Since the double-word king was struck by lightning, no king has tried to **** it, but it is hard to guarantee that there will be no king who is about to end his life. It is necessary to plan for future generations. Caution is necessary.

   After cleaning up the traces here, Ashe led the two to break through the wind layer and continue to fly towards the place where Phoenix once landed.

   Even in the wind layer, Ashe's speed was not affected much.

  In the middle of the wind and the speed, the surrounding scenes passed by quickly.

   It took more than two hours, and Ashe straddled most of the Enlightened Empire and came near the suspected destination.

   Li Changsheng held the map of the Kailing Empire in his hand, and summoned the crowned Sunlight Luan.

   The vicissitudes of life, the landform here must have undergone certain changes in the past so many years.

   Guan Mian Guangluan carefully looked at the landscape below, carefully comparing it with the memory fragments in his mind.

   Although the landform has changed over the years, as long as the changes are not too thorough, the crown Nikko Luan can always find the right place.

   It took nearly an hour, and Mian Guangluan circled a few times around a hundred miles, and finally found his destination.

   This is a basin, and there is also a large lake nearby. Coupled with the suitable temperature and abundant rain all year round, there are naturally a large number of wild goblins.

Tens of miles away, there is still a city named The gap between countries is quite obvious. From the perspective of scale, the scale of Kaiyun City is not much smaller than Pengcheng, but it is of this size. The cities in the Kailing Empire are everywhere, and they can only be regarded as medium-sized cities.

   Soon, Guan Mian Guangluan took the two to a place near the lake.

   "Is the treasure near here?"

   Guan Mianguang Luan nodded heavily. This is very different from the scene in the memory clip, because there was no lake originally. If you didn't find some familiar scenes, it might not be able to find it.

   The next moment, Li Changsheng used his mental power to cover all the thousands of meters in a radius.

There were no strong energy fluctuations within the range of   . Either the treasure was picked up first, or the treasure was brought underground because of the movement of the earth's crust.

   Under this situation, Li Changsheng began to explore the underground, only less than ten meters deep, he found an unusually bright light spot, and it was just under his feet.

   Without hesitation, Li Changsheng used his hands to push directly into the hard soil like a sharp blade.

   Under the situation like a broken bamboo, Li Changsheng dug a small hole several meters deep in the blink of an eye.

   When he threw a large pile of mud and stones out, he suddenly found that the light spot had moved.

   Li Changsheng was slightly startled, only to find that the light spot representing the treasure was in the mud and stones.

   This is too inconspicuous!

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