Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 629: Perverted World Tree Remnant Leaves

Li Changsheng rubbed his hands vigorously and opened the jade box expectantly.

Like the wooden box, this super large jade box has no restrictions and can be opened with confidence.

Put it aside~

As the super large jade box opened slowly, a very fresh breath filled the entire bedroom.

Li Changsheng took a deep breath, only to feel refreshed and refreshed. It seemed that all the exhaustion was empty, and it was a level better than the feeling of smelling the Qiankun Pill.

Of course, as a top-level pill, the value of Qiankun's alchemy pill is not inferior to ordinary treasures of the world.

When he saw the treasures in the super-large jade box, Li Changsheng couldn't help but his eyes widened, and his mouth opened unconsciously, revealing a shocked look.

Li Changsheng rarely showed such an expression, especially after his vision improved. It is no wonder that he was so shocked, because the super large jade box was full of green leaves.

No, this is not a whole leaf, but a remnant leaf.

Judging from the veins of the leaves, let alone a slice, even half of the slice has not been reached, and it will hold 110 leaves.

110 leaves are as big as just 110 leaves, so how big is a whole leaf.

Four or five meters long and wide leaves are not without them. Like some leaves such as palm leaves, coconut leaves, and king lotus leaves, their size is more exaggerated.

However, the volume of the leaves is not the key to Li Changsheng's shock, but just 110 leaves, but exudes energy fluctuations of the world's rare earth, which makes Li Changsheng have an illusion that his special ability is invalid.

"It's not wrong!"

After experimenting for a long time, Li Changsheng determined that his special abilities did not show any deviation, and finally determined that these 110 leaves indeed exude energy fluctuations of the world's rare earth.

110 films are so exaggerated, so a whole film is likely to reach the level of wonders of heaven and earth.

In addition, based on the veins of this remnant leaf, Li Changsheng roughly restored the appearance of the entire leaf, and was surprised to find that its shape was not much different from that of ordinary leaves.

Whether it's palm leaves, coconut leaves, or king lotus leaves, they are as big as they are, but their mothers have a few or a dozen leaves sparsely in total. How can they have massive leaves like ordinary trees?

This means that the mother of this residual leaf is very likely to have a large number of the same leaves.

"This thing won't be the leaves of the World Tree!"

Li Changsheng thought about it for a long time, and he found that only the World Tree seemed to meet the requirements.

The tree of life that grows to the extreme may be able to produce such large leaves, but the energy contained in a leaf is at most the essence of the world, and even 110 remaining leaves are far from reaching, let alone a whole piece.

The bodhi tree, hibiscus tree and other spiritual plants that are more advanced than the tree of life are stronger than the tree of life, but they cannot be so much stronger.

No matter how you look at it, the only thing that meets the requirements seems to be the world tree that suppresses the vast world. This can be said to be the only spiritual plant, far beyond the top spiritual root category.

This is also the first time Li Changsheng has obtained something related to the World Tree, even if it only has 110 leaves.

Even so, it is also very precious. With just these 110 fragments and adding some materials, it is possible to refine semi-sacred artifacts or rare treasures of heaven and earth.

"I don't know if it has any effect on the tree of life?"

Li Changsheng couldn't help but secretly said that the world tree gave birth to ten top spiritual plants with different attributes, including the tree of life.

Since it is the leaves of the World Tree, theoretically it has an effect on the Tree of Life. It is possible to enhance the origin of the Tree of Life, and it is also possible to make the Tree of Life grow rapidly, or both.

In any case, Li Changsheng must try it.

Instead of refining semi-divine artifacts or exotic treasures of the heaven and earth level, it is better to cultivate the tree of life, all premise is useful to the tree of life.

Until this moment, Li Changsheng picked up the last tin box.

Unlike the other two boxes, the iron box is hung with a large rusty lock, which looks very old, which is why Li Changsheng put it in the end.

Li Changsheng was about to violently break the iron lock, but his cautious character made him study it carefully.

Suddenly, in the crack of the iron box, Li Changsheng discovered an abnormality.


Li Changsheng's expression changed, and then he sighed. Fortunately, he was cautious enough. Otherwise, if the iron lock was broken forcibly, the prohibition in the iron box would most likely be activated.

As for what kind of restrictions are in the tin box, this is not what Li Changsheng can know. The gap is so big that it can't be observed at all.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng activated the Sky Vision secret method, but unfortunately, even after zooming in, he could only see a clear blue and could not observe anything.

Li Changsheng struggled, and finally gave up the idea of ​​forcibly breaking the tin box.

It is very possible that a mysterious box like this is equipped with a self-destruction prohibition. Liu Zongtang has not broken the iron box. I am afraid that there is also such an idea.

This does not mean that there is no way. If you find a treasure that specifically breaks the prohibition, even if the iron box is equipped with a self-destruction prohibition, you can delay the activation time or directly destroy the prohibition without damaging the contents inside.

However, there are only two or three treasures that specifically break the ban, and they are quite rare, at least Li Changsheng has never obtained them.

After checking the harvest, Li Changsheng came to the backyard.

After several expansions, the backyard has expanded dozens of times, covering an area of ​​nearly 20 square meters.

Although it looks very big, Li Changsheng still feels too narrow and can't help it, just look at the size of his demon pet.

The crowned flaming bird is forty meters, and Ash, Dumb, and Black Dragon are all above 30 meters, and the chubby horizontal area is too large. There are nearly ten demon pets over 20 meters.

Such a backyard is naturally narrow for them.

Li Changsheng first came to the two cages, which contained Emperor Zhuo and Zixiao Leopard Lin Beast.

Among them, the Zixiao Leopard Lin Beast is still in a lethargic state.

Di Zhuo on the side looked at the Zixiao Leopard Lin Beast, and he felt pity for the same disease, but his mood improved a little, after all, he would be accompanied in the future.

It's better to die than to live, and the same is true for the demon pet. This is also the reason that Di Zhuo has never committed suicide.

The biggest advantage is to be alive, and Li Changsheng has never abused it, so he drew some blood every once in a while.

For Di Zhuo, the only uncomfortable thing was that he had been living in a steel cage, unable to go out, and lived a life of eating, sleeping, and eating every day.

Di Zhuo had become accustomed to this kind of life, but he would still feel lonely over time.

Because it is Cai Yangqian's demon pet, Cai Yangqian and Li Changsheng have a monstrous hatred. Even if Li Changsheng cuts Cai Yanggan by hand, his demon pets still cannot communicate with Di Zhuo, and it is considered good without abuse.

Xiaoguai is the one who communicates most with Dizhuo. After Li Changsheng leaves, Xiaoguai is responsible for the entire backyard. Unfortunately, Xiaoguai's focus is mainly on taking care of Lingzhi and rarely communicates with Dizhuo.

With the Zixiao Leopard Lin Beast now, Di Zhuo felt that his quality of life would be better in the future.

Soon, Li Changsheng opened the steel cage, directly sever the artery of the Zixiao Leopard Beast, collected all the splashed blood, and used it to refine the Zixiao Qilin blood.

Li Changsheng's mental power has been observing the state of the Zixiao Leopard Beast, and when he sees that the state of the Zixiao Leopard Beast reaches the critical point of health, he immediately let the Bright Eye Bird recover the wound.

At this time, Xiao Guai picked a few spiritual plants to restore Qi and blood in the medicine garden, and with the help of Ah Du, put them into the mouth of the Zixiao Leopard Lin beast.


Ah Dui raised the Zixiao Leopard Lin Beast and shook it vigorously until it swallowed the Lingzhi.

The poor Zixiao Leopard Lin beast was almost broken by the broken tendons of Ah Dao.

At this time, Li Changsheng came to the Tree of Life. When he took out the remaining leaves of the World Tree, there seemed to be resonance between the two, radiating glowing green brilliance together.

When the remnant leaves of the World Tree touched the Tree of Life, the remnant leaves of the World Tree suddenly radiated light, and in the blink of an eye, they wrapped the tree of life The next moment, countless seemingly real The wood energy bee pupae gathered and formed a funnel shape, madly pouring down towards the tree of life.

It was also at this time that the tree of life rose rapidly like bamboo shoots after the rain, growing much faster than the previous Liuli Water Purification.

In this process, the energy of the remaining leaves of the World Tree gradually dimmed.

At the same time, the wood energy within a hundred li radius was exhausted, and it would not last long.

Under this circumstance, Li Changsheng could only repeat the previous method, smashing a large number of wood demon cores in one breath, providing conditions for the growth of the tree of life.

Only sufficient wood energy can make the world tree leaves to exert their greatest effect.

However, the number of broken Wood Element Demon Cores this time far exceeds that of the previous Liuli Purifying Water, and the corresponding is that the growth of the Tree of Life far exceeds the last time.

This is more exaggerated than pulling out seedlings to encourage growth. Before the world tree remains completely withered, the height of the tree of life has exceeded 100 meters.

Fortunately, Li Changsheng activated the enhanced version of the restraint of restraining interest and the imitation of the demon refining pot in advance, which suppressed such a strong energy atmosphere.

"It seems we will continue to raise the height of the wall!"

Looking at the ever-increasing tree of life, Li Changsheng was painful and happy. What was happy was that the tree of life was growing fast, and what was heartache was that the reserve of demon cores was passing fast.

Click~ Click~ Click~

Fortunately, before all the wood demon cores were exhausted, the remaining leaves of the World Tree finally withered completely, and finally turned into a pile of yellow sand-like material, which became fertilizer.

The tree of life, originally only 20 meters high and more than one meter in diameter, has now become 110 meters, nearly seven meters in diameter.

Li Changsheng converted it and found that the effect of the remaining leaves of the World Tree was almost equivalent to the effect of five bottles of colored glaze water purification, which reduced the growth cycle of the Tree of Life for more than two hundred years.

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