Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 627: 1 night kill 2 pseudo king

The remaining power of the giant blade was not diminished, and Qingmaozhen had no time to avoid it, and was chopped on his back by the giant blade more than ten meters long.


The sound similar to the cracking of cloth sounded, but the sound was many times louder.


Qingmaoyan let out a painful scream, most of his back was cut into a scar with deep bones, and the blood was flowing. If it weren't for the wind barrier and the guardian to offset part of the damage, it would probably be cut in half by Kailan.


In an instant, Ashe slapped Qingmaojian's back with a claw, and immediately broke Qingmaojian's spine with the crisp sound of broken bones.


Qingmaoyan let out an extremely painful roar. Although he did not lose his fighting ability, he could no longer control his body as flexibly as before, and fell straight from the air to the ground.


Qingmaoyan let out a wailing and smashed a big hole on the ground. He was directly injured, and his body suffered a wound that could not be healed in a short time.

The Qingmao with his broken spine can only be used as a gun stand.

At this time, Liu Zongtang, regardless of the massive loss of mental power, summoned five demon pets including the Demon King-level Shadow Dragon at one time, and the remaining four were all demon pets of the Lord's 9th rank.

On the other side, Li Changsheng routinely summoned three demon pets, namely the crowned flaming bird, dumb and big head.


The crowned flaming bird uttered a loud chirping and rushed straight to the shadow dragon.

The color of the shadow dragon is relatively bleak, obviously not in its heyday, but the advantages of the shadow dragon without a flesh and blood body can be said to be very obvious, even if it is severely injured, the combat power will not drop at all, and the whole body is not Weaknesses at all.

Even so, how can the shadow dragon with only the top quality be the opponent of the crowned flaming bird.

Duan and Datou joined forces to deal with the other four demon pets. By virtue of their huge quality advantages, they not only did not fall under the wind, but stabilized and controlled each other.

"Li Changsheng!"

Up to this moment, Liu Zongtang finally saw the enemy who ambushed him, and when he found out that it was Li Changsheng, he couldn't help but be taken aback.

Feeling the aura of the pseudo-kings exuded by Li Changsheng, as well as the power of Kailan, Ashe and the crowned flaming bird, even if Liu Zongtang is knowledgeable, he is still full of shock.

Liu Zongtang's current appearance is exactly the same as Fang Qing who was killed by Li Changsheng not long ago.

Isn't Li Changsheng the fifth order? How come you become a pseudo-king?

When Li Changsheng was less than 18 years old, Liu Zongtang was frightened.

"Could it...could it be the inheritance of Yan Wang Di Zhiyi! It is not the time to think about this, how to keep your life is the most important thing!"

Almost subconsciously, Liu Zongtang attributed Li Changsheng's abnormality to Di Zhiyi's inheritance.

What made Liu Zongtang panicked was that Li Changsheng's strength was clearly superior to him. Because he was caught off guard, he seemed to have no chance to escape.

Above the sky, Li Changsheng's sleeves fluttered, his black hair danced wildly, and his eyes were calm as an abyss.

Under his command, Kailan and Ash ignored Liu Zongtang, but continued to rush towards Qingmaoyan.

Qingmaoyan is Liu Zongtang's demon pet, once Liu Zongtang dies, it will be abolished. It is more efficient to kill the immobile Qingmaoyan than to hunt down Liu Zongtang.

"Block them!"

Liu Zongtang's expression changed drastically, as if drinking poison to quench his thirst, three scarlet six-pointed stars appeared around Qingmaoyan, and three lord 9th-level demon pets were once again summoned to stop Kailan and Ashe.

At this moment, Li Changsheng's body suddenly soared, and in an instant he turned into a terrifying giant with hundred arms. Under Liu Zongtang's horrified gaze, he shot out bucket-thick beams of light from fifty pairs of eyeballs, and rushed straight towards the Qingmaoyan and The three Lord-level demon pets just summoned.

After being promoted to the pseudo-king, the hundred-armed giant that Li Changsheng transformed into can be said to have reached the level of lord. With the terrifying measurements, quality and race of the hundred-armed giant, the strength is afraid to chase Kailan.

Under Liu Zongtang's desperate gaze, Qingmaoyan and the three Lord-level demon pets were completely submerged by a hundred beams of light.


Before the brilliance dissipated, Liu Zongtang's sea of ​​consciousness trembled violently, and could not help but spout a mouthful of blood, his face pale as white paper.

Qingmaozhen was not dead, and at the critical moment, he used the Guardian of the Wind, which offset most of the damage and almost lost his combat ability.

Only the three Lord-level demon pets that had just been summoned were extremely miserable. Before they could do anything, they were killed by Li Changsheng, who was transformed into a giant with a hundred arms, and turned into three ambiguous bodies.

In the crisis of life and death, Liu Zongtang felt cruel, and wanted to use secret suicidal methods like burning or burning blood.

Liu Zongtang already regarded death as home. If he was in his heyday, he still had some certainty to escape, but now it is impossible. In that case, it is better to put it together and pull a back before dying.

In Liu Zongtang's eyes, Li Changsheng is simply a scourge. He became a pseudo-king only at the age of less than 18 years old, and his strength is stronger than him. If he is allowed to continue to grow, the Langya Liu family is in danger.

Even if the Liu family in Langya has the secret realm left by the ancestors, with the exaggerated growth rate of Li Changsheng, I am afraid that he will become the king in a few years, and even if the clan members escape into the secret realm, it will not help.

If Li Chang is allowed to live, then what is waiting for the Liu family in Langya is very likely to be an extermination.

Liu Zongtang forcedly endured the shock of the sea of ​​consciousness, and wanted to use the secret method of the disintegration of the demon.

This is a top secret method mastered by the Langya Liu family, which can make the monster pet's strength explode several times in a short period of time, and the increase will exceed the secret method of burning blood and burning out, but the maintenance time is shorter, and the sequelae is death.

It is a pity that Liu Zongtang was a step late, and Kailan and Ash attacked Qingmaoyan at the same time after Li Changsheng.

Liu Zongtang's eyes were about to split, but there was nothing he could do. He could only watch Qingmaoyan being cut through his throat, his huge body twitched violently, and there was no more breath.


At the moment Qing Maozhen was killed, Liu Zongtang hugged his head in pain with both hands, and fell from the air to the top of the mountain.

At this moment, Liu Zongtang only felt that his head was pierced by countless steel needles. An indescribable pain filled his body and mind. He curled up on the ground in pain, his facial features were twisted, and his seven orifices were bleeding, like a ghost.

If the demon pet dies, Liu Zongtang will become an idiot if he does not die. His bad luck has not survived this wave of backlash, but for him it is a kind of luck, at least he can bear less pain.

This night, after Fang Qing, another pseudo-king died in Li Changsheng's hands.

After Liu Zongtang's death, the remaining demon pets who were still fighting also suffered backlash.


The four Lord-level demon pets that had been suppressed by Duan and Datou fell painfully to the ground. Duan and Datou did not let go of this opportunity and killed them all.


In the sky, the shadow dragon uttered a painful dragon roar. This is the pain from the soul, and it is naturally impossible to be immune.


The crowned flaming bird spewed a red and white flame, instantly enveloping the shadow dragon.

The shadow of the dragon's voice quickly weakened, and in the end there was no more life, the smoke-like corpse disappeared, leaving only a black Demon King-level demon core.

Li Changsheng shook his head. What he didn't like most was the shadow dragons and giant puppets, which had no flesh and blood, and the harvest was obviously not as good as those with flesh and blood.

Since most of Langya Liu’s arrogance died in the Secret Realm of Huoyan, the growth potential of Langya Liu’s has dropped drastically. Now Liu Zongtang has died, which can be described as a severe injury.

Soon, when Li Changsheng finished touching the corpse, the crowned flaming bird spouted out a pillar of fire, turning his corpse into fly ash and disappeared.

In addition to Liu Zongtang's gains, it is his demon pet, which is also a fortune.

After cleaning up all the traces, Li Changsheng continued to wait for a while, but never saw Liu Xuguang again.

Before long, Li Changsheng, who had converged his breath, rode on the big head and returned to Yuanling Academy without any surprises.

Li Changsheng is not the latest. Xu Wenhua and Xu Fanghua have not yet returned. Their target is Liu Xuguang.

After seeing Li Changsheng, Zhang Kaishuo asked suspiciously: "Hey, Changsheng, what did you just do? Why did you come back now?"

"I just wandered around."

Li Changsheng responded casually, he couldn't say that he killed Liu Zongtang.

Up to this moment, Xu Wenhua brought Xu Fanghua to fly over, and after seeing that they were fine, several people let go of their hearts.

"How's it going?"

Xu Wenhua said regretfully: "We all chased to the border of Luzhou, but in the end the kid ran away."

The kid in his mouth was naturally Liu Xuguang. This time, Liu Zongtang died in battle, and Dou Yuanbin lost a Demon King-level demon pet and a life-saving thing. Only Liu Xuguang was intact.

However, Zongtang's death is equivalent to breaking Liu Xuguang's arm.

Li Changsheng, Xu Wenhua and others chatted for a few words, and once again thanked them for their help, and only then brought Ning Bizhen back to courtyard No. 1.

This time, if it were not for Xu Wenhua and others to help, Dou Yuanbin and the three would probably not have suffered any loss. Naturally, he was very grateful.

However, gratitude is not just talking about it. If they encounter trouble in the future, Li Changsheng will naturally not stand on the sidelines, and must do his best to help.

In courtyard 1, Li Changsheng began to count the harvest of the night.

Two space rings carried by the pseudo-kings, one high-grade demon pet bag that can hold 30 temporary demon pets, three demon king-level demon pet corpses, and the remaining corpses and treasures.

Among them, the corpse of Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast was given to Li Changsheng by Ning Bizhen.

Li Changsheng smiled and accepted the high-grade demon pet bag from Fang Qing, and then began to sort out the demon pet's corpses, laying down all their scales, feathers, and minions, and preparing to purify the blood after a while.

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