Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 625: Shadow Dragon, Ancestor Spirit Eater

In the final analysis, Dou Yuanbin is only a prince, and cannot represent the royal family. This is also the main reason why Langya Liu is not afraid of turning his face.

In just over half a minute, Li Changsheng's car was about to enter their ambush.

At the next moment, six demon king-level demon pets with a reduced aura rushed out from the hidden location, and launched a long-range offensive one after another.

For a time, six light beams of different colors, light **** and light blades were placed outside, rushing towards Li Changsheng's car.

Whether it is Dou Yuanbin, Liu Zongtang or Liu Xuguang, they all have two demon pets.

Among them, Liu Xuguang is the strongest, because he has an epic dragon python.

At the same time, the three pseudo-kings launched the Dimensional Anchor Secret Technique from three directions, and the space with a radius of nearly 10,000 meters instantly solidified, not giving Li Changsheng a chance to escape.

If there is only Li Changsheng, under the sneak attack of these three pseudo-kings, some price will inevitably be spent.

It is a pity that Li Changsheng is not fighting alone, even he only needs to watch the battle.

At the next moment, Li Changsheng activated the purple flame barrier and temporarily placed a defensive prohibition, completely enclosing the car including the two dragons.

In the car compartment, the demon pets who had been wary of long ago started to take action. They also released various light **** and beams to offset the offensive of the enemy's six demon king-level demon pets.

In the night sky, countless energy tides are turbulent, but they are useless for a well-protected car and are easily eliminated invisible.

"He Fang Xiaoxiao dared to be presumptuous in the school district, and capture him before he could do it!"

With the sound of Xu Wenhua's voice, the seven giants of Yuanling Academy flew out of the carriage. They summoned their strongest demon pets. Together with the demon pets that came out of the carriage, there were nearly 30 demon pets. .

Among them, Ning Bizhen's three-legged fire crows, blue-eyed golden-eyed beasts and cold jade rabbits, Xu Wenhua's archangels, six-winged frost worms, and one-legged cloud-crowned cranes, and open-swept flying alpacas are all demon king-level demon pets.

In addition, Xu Wenhua also has a red dragon of the pseudo-demon king level.

With such strength, it is natural to easily suppress the six demon king-level demon pets of the three pseudo-kings.

"not good!"

At the moment when the seven giants of Yuanling Academy rushed out of the carriage, Dou Yuanbin and the three were stunned, their expressions changed drastically.

They have considered many changes, but they have never thought of such a possibility.

Judging from the cards, they have no chance of winning at all.

Of course, unless they fought hard, it would be difficult for the other side to keep them.


In the sky, the seven giants of Yuanling Academy commanded the demon pets and began to fight back.


The three-legged fire crow was surrounded by red and gold flames, turning into a huge fire bird, and rushing towards Dou Yuanbin's azure blue wind beast.


The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast and the cold jade rabbit rushed towards Liu Xuguang's epic dragon python. They are not the opponents of the dragon python in one-on-one, but two-on-one is different.

Sneer ~ roar ~

The six-winged frost worm and the red dragon pounced on Liu Zongtang's shadow dragon at the same time. This is a bloodless dragon that looks like a large group of fuzzy dragon-shaped shadows.

When the dragon falls on the plane of shadow, it is possible to become the shadow dragon, which is a special type of dragon known to the world as the bone dragon, the underworld dragon and the abyss dragon.

Compared with ordinary dragons, shadow dragons are almost immune to most physical damage, but they also possess elemental abilities during their lifetime. This is the characteristic of shadow dragons.

It is a pity that it is almost impossible for a shadow dragon without flesh and blood to evolve. It is completely determined by its pre-mortem form, and its melee ability is relatively limited, and its strength is relatively weaker than before.

On the other side, the archangel, the one-footed cloud-crowned crane and the flying alpaca entangled the remaining three demon king class demon pets.

As for the nearly twenty Lord-level demon pets, they are mainly assisted or harassed.

Not only that, the seven giants of Yuanling Academy also used secret methods to strengthen their main battle demon pets.

From the very beginning, they were ready and caught Dou Yuanbin, Liu Zongtang and Liu Xuguang by surprise.

Under the targeted plan, the six demon king-level demon pets had already suffered some trauma before the three of Dou Yuanbin could react.

Among them, the shadow dragon is the worst. Although the shadow dragon is immune to most physical damage, the six-winged frost worm and the red dragon have no idea of ​​fighting with it at all. Instead, they use long-range offensives to make achievements.

Every time you hit the shadow dragon, its color will become darker. When the shadow dragon disappears completely, it is the moment of its death.

In addition to the shadow dragon, the azure blue wind beast targeted by the three-legged fire crow is also more embarrassed. Regardless of quality, race or bloodline, the three-legged fire crow has the advantage, plus it was caught off guard. Qingfengshengsheng suffered serious injuries.


Seeing the unfavorable situation, Dou Yuanbin and the three naturally did not have enough food to hold on and continue to resist, commanding their demon pets to escape.

Because the three of them stood in three directions, with Li Changsheng’s car and a large number of demon pets in the middle, and the space was solidified by their respective dimensional anchors, they could only run their own and bring their own two. The demon pet ran away.

"Except for Changsheng, everyone will be chasing after each other, and we will gather here in half an hour!"

For such a scene, the seven giants of Yuanling Academy naturally expected them, and they quickly divided into three camps.

Annoyed by what Dou Yuanbin had done, Ning Bizhen stepped onto the three-legged fire crow and chose to pursue Dou Yuanbin independently. With her strength, there was naturally no possibility of defeat.

Xu Wenhua led Xu Fanghua to pursue Liu Xuguang, and Zhang Kaishuo led Ning Wei, Lu Qian and Qian Yuanfei to pursue Liu Zongtang.

In this way, only Li Changsheng is left here.

After they left, Li Changsheng thought for a while, summoned Ashe out, let Ashe cast the technique of turning a white tiger into a rainbow, and flew quickly in the direction of Yecheng, where he was ready to wait and wait.

As for whether you can meet one of them, it can only depend on his luck.

In the distant sky, the three-legged golden crow turned into a rainbow of red and gold, and quickly chased towards Dou Yuanbin.

Even if the Zhan Qingfengsheng beast escaped with all its strength, how could it easily escape the pursuit of the three-legged golden crow.

In just half a minute, the three-legged Golden Crow chased up from the rear, and it was out of the scope of the dimensional anchor.


Dou Yuanbin cursed secretly in his heart, but he couldn't help running away. Not only did he think he couldn't beat Ning Bizhen, but he was also afraid that someone would chase him behind him.

Four-elephant constellation forbidden!

For the first time, Ning Bizhen immediately used the magical powers of "Four Elephants and Stars Yuyao Jue" after its completion, trying to restrain Dou Yuanbin in place.

In the process of performing, Ning Bizhen could feel the spiritual power fading rapidly.

The four-elephant stars in the sky shimmered slightly, and from this point of view they seemed to be a little bigger.

The stars are shining tonight, and it happens to be able to exert all the powers of the four-horizon astrology forbidden.

In an instant, four star pillars with a thickness of several tens of meters appeared out of thin air, falling in the four directions of Dou Yuanbin, on which there were phantoms of Azure Dragon, Suzaku, White Tiger and Xuanwu.

In an instant, hundreds of starlight chains with arm-thickness took shape and quickly flew towards Dou Yuanbin.

Once locked by the starlight chain, Dou Yuanbin was afraid that he would suffer a lot, and he might even be killed by the angry Ning Bizhen in one fell swoop.

Dou Yuanbin didn't dare to gamble. Although he was a dignified third prince, he could not guarantee that Ning Bizhen would let him go.

At the critical juncture, Dou Yuanbin used his teleportation and took another Demon King-level demon pet in his arms and moved to a kilometer away.

Without waiting for Dou Yuanbin to take back the Zhanqingfengsheng beast, hundreds of starlight chains bound it round and round.

Click~ Click~ Click~

Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast struggled hard, countless starlight chains shattered, and Ning Bizhen's face quickly turned pale. Judging from Ning Bizhen's mental power, the Zhanqing Fengsheng beast was bound for a few breaths at most.

Even so, a few breaths are more than enough.

At the next moment, the cold jade rabbit and the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast who came afterwards launched a joint offensive, spewing out a jet of water and a breath of cold ice.

When he was about to hit, Ning Bizhen instantly lifted the four-horizon constellation ban, and then the Zhanqing Wind Beast was hit by the water column of the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast, and the cold breath rushed to him, and the wet Zhanqing would be instantly affected. The wind beast froze into a huge iceberg and fell straight down from the sky.

Due to being frozen, Dou Yuanbin was unable to recall the Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast.

Dou Yuanbin naturally wanted to rescue the azure blue wind beast, but was entangled by the three-legged fire The key point Ning Bizhen released the dimensional anchor again, freezing the nearby space.

Dou Yuanbin's other Demon King-level demon pet is called the Wanxiang Spirit Eater. Not only is it not inferior to the three-legged fire crow, but it also has some advantages.

[Fairy name]: Vientiane Spirit Eater (mature stage, semi-sacred animal)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon King Tier 6

[Fairy Race]: Medium Domination

[Fairy Quality]: Supreme

[Fairy Bloodline]: Devouring Sky Rat (major)

[Fairy Attributes]: Earth System

【Fairy State】: Healthy

【Fairy Weakness】: Wood

This is another demon pet that dominates the race. Due to the relationship between the semi-divine beasts, the ancestor Spirit Eater can reach the Demon King level as long as it grows up, and its strength can be imagined.

However, it takes some time for Dou Yuanbin to get rid of the three-legged fire crow.

It's a pity that what Zhan Qingfeng produces is lack of time.

The Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast had suffered severe damage, and now it was hit by the Blue Eyed Golden Eye Beast and Han Yutu's offensive one after another. Even though the Upanishad Guardian was exempted from some damage, it still suffered heavy damage and was even more frozen.

When falling from the sky, a large number of cracks appeared on the iceberg of Nuo Da.


Before the iceberg fell to the ground, the iceberg shattered and turned into countless ice crystal fragments overflowing.

Seeing that the Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast was about to be recalled by Dou Yuanbin, but at this moment, the Han Yutu fell from the sky and slapped the Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast on the forehead.

"Do not!"

Dou Yuanbin screamed almost desperately, but at this time, there was no time for him to rescue the Zhanqingfengsheng beast.


The dull voice sounded, Zhan Qingfengsheng beast screamed full of unwillingness, opened its mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood mixed with white brain pulp, and fell straight from low in the sky to the ground, its limbs twitched violently, and no more breath .

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