Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 606: tree of Life

Li Changsheng didn't hand over the five-color colored glaze fruit of Xuanqiong to Chilong. After all, it would take at least several months for Chilong to help him.

Such a long period of time, with the channels he mastered, was enough to collect one or two treasures that would help Chilong make up for innate deficiencies.

Instead of this, it is better to hand over to Kailan, who is on the verge of a breakthrough, even if it can only increase a few breakthrough percentage points, it is very valuable.

Only in this way can the benefits be maximized, not to mention that by that time, the bloodline of Kailan's Elf King will also reach the majestic level, how can it be much worse than Chilong.

In addition, if the breakthrough is successful, Kailan's half-step epic quality may reach epic quality.

Owing to controlling the channels of Tian Jingling and Zu Yu, among Li Changsheng's many demon pets, Kailan must evolve faster than other demon pets, and it is very likely that she will jump up and become Li Changsheng's strongest demon pet.

In the backyard, Li Changsheng introduced Chi Long to many demon pets.

The big head that turned into a golden-eyed big peng bird looked at the Chilong in a little panic. From the time it was born, due to its keen intuition, it was somewhat afraid of the Chilong that had not hatched at that time.

However, the blood of the big head now melts into the blood of Kunpeng, which is not much inferior to that of Zulong, that is, the blood concentration is lower.

At this time, Kailan, as the big housekeeper, took the initiative to lead the friends to fight Chi Long.

Of course, because Chilong was too weak, the monster pets were afraid of hurting it, so they used most of their strength when playing around.

While they were playing around, Li Changsheng came to the Lingzhi area.

At this moment, Xiaoguai was blinking his big eyes, casting a sacred spell on his face, and saw the raindrops dripping, moisturizing the spiritual plants in the area.

After the cast, Xiao Guai was a little more tired, even if the Gan Lin curse was her natural ability, it would also have a great burden on her.

"Little boy, you have worked hard!"

Li Changsheng stretched out his big hand and touched her little head. He can be said to be quite relieved to have such a hardworking guy taking care of Lingzhi.

"This is my duty, so I'll go play first."

Xiao Gua raised his head slightly, and immediately used the shrinking ground to join the ranks of playing with Chilong.

Li Changsheng shook his head and came to the seedling.

This seedling has grown to a height of half a meter, but it will take at least decades to wait for it to fully grow.

If it were not for the care of the soil, the water of life, and the little boy, its growth cycle must be calculated in a hundred years.

But even if it was only a few decades, Li Changsheng still felt that it was too long. For such a long time, he might have been on top of this world.

In order to speed up the growth of this suspected top spirit root seedling, Li Changsheng decided to try Liuli Water.

Under the guidance of Li Changsheng's spiritual power, a drop of crystal-clear jade-run liquid flew out of the jade bottle and landed on the main stem of the seedling.

The main reason why it does not fall on the roots is to avoid waste. The roots, trunk and even leaves can absorb the natural treasures like Liuli Water Purification.

In just one or two breaths, this drop of Liuli pure water slowly soaked into the trunk of the seedlings, and finally disappeared.

In the next moment, the main stem of the seedling began to emit a radiant green brilliance, and the whole seedling was completely wrapped in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, a gentle breeze was blowing from all directions, and with Li Changsheng's eyes, you could see a large number of green light spots of bee pupae rushing in crazily into the seedlings.

These green light spots are condensed by wood energy. With the successive input of a large number of green light spots, the seedlings begin to shine and turn into a dark green light column.

Fortunately, the enhanced version of the backyard restraint is always active, and outsiders naturally cannot see the dark green light beam.

It was also at this time that the seedlings began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. During the growth process, the dark green brilliance quickly dimmed.

Even if the seedling absorbs the energy of the nearby wood element, it still cannot keep up with the growth rate.

Seeing this situation, Li Changsheng hurriedly pulled out hundreds of low-level wood demon cores.

Like this kind of low-level demon core, Li Changsheng has nearly ten thousand in his hands.

Click~ Click~ Click~

Under the pressure of spiritual power, a sound like fried beans sounded, and hundreds of Wood Element Demon Cores exploded all at once, turning into a large amount of strong Wood Element energy.

Without Li Changsheng's operation, these wood energy sources are continuously invested in the seedlings to provide the energy needed for the growth of the seedlings.

Of course, the wood energy can only be said to be the second reason for the rapid growth of seedlings. The key is the magical effect of water purification from Liuli.

Soon, five minutes passed.

At this time, the seedling has grown from half a meter to three meters, even if the energy supplied is still sufficient, it hardly continues to grow.

Obviously, the effectiveness of this drop of Liuli water purification was almost completely absorbed by the seedlings.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, this drop of Liuli water has almost reduced the growth rate of seedlings for two years.

The two years here refer to the bonus of no soil, water of life, and the care of Xiaoguai, which is the normal growth rate of seedlings.

It takes hundreds of years from seedling to maturity for such top spiritual roots.

Hundreds of years, it may be a hundred years, or it may be nine hundred years.

This bottle of Liuli Water Purifying Water has 20 drops in total. Even if the effect is not reduced, it is equivalent to reducing 40 years of growth time, which is still far from maturity.

However, Li Changsheng continued to invest in Liuli Water Purification without hesitation.

Even if it is an immature top spiritual root, it still has the effect of a stable space and dependent on the energy of the void, even if the effect is greatly reduced, it is still precious.

What's more, with Li Changsheng's acquisition channels, it is not impossible to acquire a natural treasure like Liuli Water Purification that can accelerate the growth of spiritual plants.

With the second drop of Liuli water input, the seedling grew from three meters to five meters. It seems that the height of the increase is not as good as the first drop, but this is mainly related to the thickening of the seedling's diameter.

Seeing that the efficacy of Liuli Water Purification was not greatly compromised, Li Changsheng was relieved and began to put the remaining Liuli Water Purification Drop by drop.

The third drop has grown to 6.7 meters.

The fourth drop has grown to eight meters.


When all the colored glaze water is put in, the seedling has turned into a big tree 20 meters high and more than one meter in diameter, shining slightly with bright green light.

"tree of Life!"

Seeing the characteristics of this small tree, Li Changsheng finally recognized its true identity.

In the legend, the world tree that suppressed the origin of the world differentiated into ten top spiritual roots with different attributes, including the Red Fire Dragon Scale Tree and the Tree of Life.

In addition, among the ten top spiritual roots, the tree of life is the top spiritual root that inherits the most origin of the world tree. Legend has it that the original elves were bred by the tree of life.

The original elves can be said to be the ancestors of the elven clan. They are extremely talented, and like the quasi-gods, they can have a lord-level realm as adults.

However, the original elves are not easy to be born.

These contents come from part of Di Zhiyi's memory. As for whether it is true or not, who knows, after all, even Di Zhiyi learned from an ancient book.

In addition, the ancient books read from Di Zhiyi also contain the growth cycle of the tree of life, which takes five hundred years.

In other words, Li Changsheng probably needs ten bottles of Liuli water to make the tree of life transition from the growth stage to the mature stage.

In fact, there is a saturation period above the maturity period, but it takes more time.

Unlike the seedlings, after reaching the growth stage, the tree of life already has the function of automatically adsorbing the energy of the surrounding wood system.

The endless stream of green energy flows into the backyard, making the air in the backyard a lot cleaner, and the training effect of the demon pets has been more or less improved.

The most important thing is that the increase in wood energy concentration also greatly increases the growth rate of flowers and plants in the backyard.

The closer the spiritual plant is to the tree of life, the faster it will grow, which also allows Xiaoguai to transplant important spiritual plants near the tree of life.

In addition, Li Changsheng chopped the ground, and found that the hardness of the ground in the backyard had increased significantly, just like hard granite.

At this time, Kailan suddenly said to Li Changsheng: "Li Changsheng, I can feel that when I practice near the tree of life, my cultivation speed will not only increase a lot, but it also seems to have a certain gain in breakthrough!"

This is an unexpected surprise!

Li Changsheng didn't think this was Kailan's illusion, because when he got the Scarlet Fire Dragon Scale Tree, the crowned flaming bird had a similar feeling.

"Did you feel it?"

Although it feels unlikely, Li Changsheng still looks at other demon pets.

Unfortunately, the demon pets except Kailan shook their heads.

Li Changsheng is not This is a surprise after all.

After everything was done, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand, Chilong quickly shrank to half a meter in length and wrapped it around Li Changsheng's wrist.

Li Changsheng turned to take out his own frame. Under his sign, Dumb lifted up a large box comparable to the carriage with both hands and placed them on the frame.

In these two large boxes, all placed a hundred high-quality fairy eggs purchased from Yecheng, including two top-grade fairy eggs.

As for the superb quasi-god fairy egg, it was naturally placed in his bedroom by Li Changsheng, and Xiaoguai would take care of it if he went out.


The black dragon and the red dragon consciously chained themselves, and under Li Changsheng's instructions, they flew out of Courtyard No. 1 towards the courtyard where Lin Wan's mother and daughter lived.

Li Changsheng has many privileges in Yuanling Academy, for example, he does not have to worry about the so-called no-fly zone.

During the flight, the frame began to emit a variety of visions, coupled with the two dragons about 30 meters in length, naturally attracted a lot of attention.

In just one minute, two giant dragons pulled the frame and landed in the small courtyard where Lin Wan's mother and daughter lived.

With his current strength and reputation, he has no scruples in the Pengcheng School District.

Such a big movement naturally shocked Lin Wan's mother and daughter.

In the small courtyard, a group of obviously young cubs were playing, but after two giant dragons appeared, they hurriedly hid in the house.

Even if the two giant dragons have tried their best to restrain their momentum, their huge dragon bodies are still daunting.

Li Changsheng subconsciously released his mental power to check the quality of these cubs and prepare for the winter auction.


It's just that when Li Changsheng received feedback from his mental power, he couldn't help but scream.

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