Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 604: Reward for breaking history

   Before dusk, Longma Palace finally flew into the realm of Yuanling Academy.

   The senior officials, instructors and students of Yuanling Academy had already heard the news in advance, and they gathered on the square spontaneously, quietly waiting for the triumphant return of the participating teams.

   Except for some part-time personnel, almost all the people in Yuan Ling Academy gathered in the square. The dense population definitely exceeded four thousand.

   In this academic exchange competition, Yuanling Academy made history and became the first institution of Langya country for the first time, which made them cheer and excite themselves.

  Becoming the first institution of higher learning means that the resources of Yuanling Academy have soared, and they are naturally the beneficiaries.

   In addition, the name of the first institution alone is enough to make them and You Rongyan, saying that Beier has the face, and will not be overwhelmed by the royal institution as before.

   With Li Changsheng’s strength, the Yuanling Academy will surely win the championship in the next two years. By that time, the Yuanling Academy, which has completed three consecutive championships, has become a reality, and the Royal Academy is afraid it will be difficult to regain the glory of the first institution.

  The stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker. This is the trend of the academic exchange competition. After all, the first and second place have a double resource gap.

   "Everyone get ready, they are coming!"

   Suddenly, Dean Lu Qian’s loud voice sounded, even in an unusually noisy environment, it still seemed so loud, and it made people feel like shouting in their ears.

   After Xu Wenhua and other four high-level leaders left, Lu Qian, the dean of the Battle Academy, naturally became the temporary head of Yuanling Academy, with Xu Fanghua and Qian Yuanfei standing beside him.

   Dean Lu Qian just finished speaking, everyone hurriedly stared in the direction of Yecheng, and a small black spot could be vaguely seen.

   The black dots are growing rapidly, and in just a few breaths, nine dragon horses dragged a small antique palace toward this side.

   "Wow, it's really coming!"

   "Hurry up, everyone quickly line up and welcome our heroes!"

   "You guys will look at my secret signal later, chant slogans with me, and keep the rhythm!"


  As soon as they saw Longma Hall, everyone in Yuanling Academy became excited, making the central square more and more noisy.

   However, under the organization of some instructors and student representatives, it quickly became quiet again, waiting for the heroes to return.

   For them, Li Changsheng and others are indeed heroes, because they have won the highest honor for the university.

   Not long after, Longma Palace fell on the central square.


  Similar to last year, at this moment, countless demon pets released their energy towards the sky, bursting into brilliant fireworks.

   "You are the captain, you come to take the lead!"

   In the Dragon Horse Hall, Luo Liang couldn't help but stuffed the gold trophy symbolizing the championship to Li Changsheng.

   Li Changsheng did not refuse, he raised the gold trophy high, and fell lightly from the Longma Hall.

   "From today, we are the first university!"

   With the help of spiritual power, Li Changsheng's voice resounded through the central square.

   At this time, the rest of the participating players also fell and surrounded Li Changsheng.

   "The first university!"

   "The first university!"


   At this moment, more than four thousand people are yelling rhythmically for the First Academy, which can be heard clearly in the entire academic district.

   Other schools in the school district also came with cheers. Yuanling School became the first school, and they could also take care of it.

   "Senior sister, it's your turn!"

   After Li Changsheng shouted, he gave Luo Liang the gold trophy again.

   Luo Liang did not refuse, she also raised the trophy and shouted for the first university, and then passed the trophy down, so that all the participating players could share the glory.

Alone Better Together!

   is not only the team members, Xu Wenhua and other four high-level leaders and mentors did not miss this opportunity.

   When the celebration is over, more than an hour has passed. It's not that they don't want to continue to celebrate, but their voices are so loud that they have to stop.

   "Now I am here to announce the rewards of participating students in public!"

   When Xu Wenhua spoke, he spread his aura.

   Same as last year, in order to motivate the students' fighting spirit, Xu Wenhua decided to announce the award on the spot.

   Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave husband.

   The more generous the reward, the easier it is to inspire people.

   As Xu Wenhua's voice just fell, the students were refreshed. Although they are not participants, it does not mean that they will not be able to become one of them in the future.

"Let’s talk about the basic rewards first. All participants who have not played in the field will be awarded 2,000 credits. All students who have played on behalf of the university will be awarded 5,000 credits. Zhao Shuyi and Luo Liang, who have made outstanding contributions in the exchange competition, will reward 10,000 credits. Outstanding, 50,000 credits awarded."

   Xu Wenhua did not hide it, and announced the basic credit award in one go.

   Even if it was just a basic credit award, it still made the students and instructors present take a breath.

   Just this time the basic credits are awarded. The total of forty participants is probably close to 200,000 credits.

   Among them, Li Changsheng scored 50,000 credits, which everyone present took it for granted.

   This time Yuanling Academy was able to become the first institution, and Li Changsheng could be said to have killed the Royal Academy on his own.

   In Yuanling Academy, the exchange value of credits can be said to be twice that of soul crystals, and this alone is enough to make the students' eyes enthusiastic.

   If nothing happens, Yuanling Academy's strength in the next exchange competition will definitely be upgraded to a new level.

   Of course, this is only a reward for basic credits.

   At this time, Xu Wenhua handed a list to Li Changsheng, who came to announce the rest of the rewards in public.

   rush rush ~

   When Li Changsheng came to the center, even though most of the people's voices were hoarse, they still gave applause and cheers hoarse.

   Li Changsheng’s high reputation shows that even the respected Xu Wenhua would be inferior in this respect.


   Li Changsheng agitated his spiritual power, and his voice exploded in the central square under the increase of his spiritual power.

   The next moment, the noisy central square is quiet again.

   "I will announce the rest of the rewards below!"

   Li Changsheng looked at the list and began to follow the script.

   "Li Wanru, reward three vouchers on the second floor of the Jumbo Pavilion, one high-level secret method, a bottle of Shen Shen Dan, and one credit redemption discount! Qin Danxin, reward..."

   When hearing Li Wanru's reward, almost all the students and instructors present were shocked.

  I never expected that only the second-tier Li Wanru would have so many rewards, not to mention other main participants.

  Because, Li Wanru is the only one below the third rank among the main participants.

   After the reaction, most of the students got ready to work hard after the awards were over, and they must become participating students next year.

   It didn't take long for Li Changsheng to read his name.

   He was startled for a moment, and then read it pretending to be calm.

   "Li Changsheng, reward three vouchers on the third floor of the Jumbo Pavilion, permanent credit exchange halving discount, and the credit exchange list extended to the first sequence!"

   Be obedient, this reward is too exaggerated.

   Even if there are only these three rewards, each of them is enough to make people lose their heads.

   There are only a dozen treasure boxes in the entire third floor, and this time Li Changsheng can choose three times.

   The permanent credit redemption halving discount, not to mention, will no longer be limited by the lack of the credit redemption halving discount. With the exaggerated speed of Li Changsheng earning credits, I don’t know how many credits will be saved in one year.

   Of course, it is forbidden to buy and sell, but even if it is only for supplying itself, it also makes everyone present greedy.

   Because of the authority to redeem permanent credits in half, the entire Yuanling Academy can be said to be the only one, even if Xu Wenhua does not have it.

   Throughout the history of Yuanling Academy, only the first principals have such authority.

   In order to obtain such authority, in addition to making incomparable credit for the institution, all the senior officials of Yuanling Academy must vote for it.

   This time, Li Changsheng completely led Yuanling Academy to become the No. 1 university with his own power. On the level of academy, is there any greater credit than this?


   And the seven giants of Yuanling Academy have a very good relationship with Li Changsheng, how can they make a stumbling block behind their backs? That is not a mere joke.

As for the first generation principal, he is the only king in Yuanling Academy’s history, and he is also the founder of Yuanling Academy. Under his leadership, Yuanling Academy can always be ranked as the second university. It is not a matter of obtaining such authority. accident.

The final credit exchange list is expanded to the first level, which is also the highest level of the Yuanling Academy’s redemption authority. Only the seven giants in the entire academy have such This time, Li Changsheng’s reward is enough to break the yuan The history of spiritual school.

   In order to stimulate the students' fighting spirit, but also to consolidate the honor of the first university as soon as possible, and to avoid the unstable foundation after Li Changsheng graduates, so this time the seven giants specially increased the reward.

   Not long after, Li Changsheng announced the completion.

   Among them, Zhao Shuyi and Luo Liang, who are second only to Li Changsheng, have also obtained the second level of the credit exchange list and a voucher for the third level of the treasure pavilion. The reward is similar to last year's Li Changsheng.

   However, how can this year and last year be confused again, after all, the resources of the first institution alone are exactly twice that of the second institution.

   Soon, Xu Wenhua announced the dissolution.

   Li Changsheng looked at the reward in his hand, the original silver student token had turned into gold.

   In addition, there is also a first-authorized credit redemption list and three third-level vouchers of Jumbo Pavilion.

   After receiving the reward, Li Changsheng returned to Courtyard No. 1 with a bunch of fairy eggs.

   These fairy eggs were specially brought by him from Yecheng. Although they were a bit less than last year, there were nearly a hundred of them.

   After returning to Courtyard No. 1, Li Changsheng rushed into the bedroom and prepared to hatch the crystal goblin egg obtained from Yum King’s secret realm with the void crystal.

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