Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 554: Wonders of Heaven and Earth-Mirodin Yuanzhu

   Luo Jingfei took the lead to walk towards the portal of the cave. This is a door carved from black crystals. A black plaque is hung on the lintel of the door with the four characters "Yongshengge" written in seal script.

   "Heh, what a big tone!"

   Seeing the name of the Dong Mansion, Luo Jingfei couldn't help but sneered. The owner of the Dong Mansion was not ordinary arrogant, and even named the Yongsheng Pavilion for the Dong Mansion.

  Even the emperor and the emperor dare not say that he can live forever. It is really laughable for a demon master who may not even be a king to have such a name.

   Such arrogant behavior is really unpleasant.

  Although almost everyone yearns for eternal life, from ancient times to the present, no one can achieve immortality, at most, they can only achieve immortality.

   Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen silently followed Luo Jingfei, the door of Yongsheng Pavilion was open, and the three of them could be said to be unimpeded.

   For the first time, Luo Jingfei picked up the orb that had fallen on the ground.

   This orb is quite mysterious, and different colors will appear every one or two seconds. Li Changsheng silently counted it again. A total of ten colors correspond to ten regular attributes.

   From the feel, this orb is somewhat similar to the Yuanheshi-colored orb, but there are obvious differences.

   This orb can gather ten kinds of energy within a certain range, which is far beyond the Yuanheshi-colored orb, but unlike Yuanheshi-colored orb, it has the space to store energy.

   Seeing the appearance and general effect of this orb, Li Changsheng was instantly excited.

  Miradine Motoju!

   That's right, it is the core material of the imitation demon pot-Mirodin Yuanzhu.

  Miradine Yuanzhu: A treasure of heaven and earth, it can automatically absorb free energy within a kilometer range, and has the effect of temporarily fusing energy. Note: Do not swallow, otherwise the absorbed energy will burst you alive!

   This is the Mirodin Yuanzhu. It is precisely because of its ability to temporarily fuse energy that it becomes the core of the imitation demon pot, and it also functions as a regulator.

   Judging from the situation at the scene, the master of the cave uses the Mirodin Yuanzhu as the core of the restriction, automatically adsorbing ten kinds of energy within a kilometer of a radius, plus the connection with the nearby ground veins. Under the double effect, this is also the reason why Luo Jingfei cannot break through.

   Li Changsheng couldn't hide his excitement. If he got this Mirodine Primordial Orb, he could try to refine the imitation demon refining pot by collecting the Cangxuan Dingfeng Orb and three pounds of Mithril.

   As long as it takes a little time, Mithril is not a problem. In addition, Li Changsheng also has news of Cangxuan fixes the wind beads. He has seen it in the contribution exchange manual of the Licheng Fortress and has some preliminary plans.

   Luo Jingfei's eyesight is extraordinary, she also saw that this is Mirodin Yuanzhu, and her face couldn't help but smile.

   As soon as she entered the cave, she obtained a treasure of heaven and earth, which made her look forward to the remains of the cave.

  As a Tier 5 imperial demon master, Luo Jingfei's senses are obviously far beyond that of ordinary people. She naturally felt Li Changsheng's sight, and her scalp was numb, for fear that Li Changsheng would come to murder and win treasure.

   Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen care about Mo Ni, and she and Ning Bizhen are a pair of plastic sisters. If Li Changsheng really wants to kill people and win treasures, there is no need to say where Ning Bizhen is.

   Luo Jingfei thought for a while, and while putting the Mirodin Yuanzhu into the space ring, he said: "I will take this Mirodin Yuanzhu first, and I will settle the settlement after this exploration is over. What do you think?"

   "Everything Miss Yiluo said!" Li Changsheng's eyes flickered, but he did not object.

   Li Changsheng was not afraid of Luo Jingfei's debts, because Luo Jingfei had no threat to him at all.

  This truth, Li Changsheng didn't believe that Luo Jingfei would not know.


   Ning Bizhen still sings with her husband, but she, like Li Changsheng, has the same idea of ​​Mirodin Yuanzhu.

   Six months ago, she and Li Changsheng explored King Dan’s Beppu together. Naturally, she had also seen the refining materials of the imitation demon pot, and she knew very well its importance to Li Changsheng.

   Seeing that the two of them had no objection, Luo Jingfei was obviously relieved, and her impression of the two of them suddenly became much better.

   When the Demon Master is teaming up for expeditions, most of the time the biggest danger is not from the enemy, but from the team itself.

   It is easy to defend against the enemy, but it is really difficult to defend against yourself.

   Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many teams have infighted due to the treasures they have obtained from their explorations.

   The three of them began to go deep into the cave. Unlike before, the three of them moved forward together, thus avoiding the possibility of a sneak attack from behind.

  It's just that Luo Jingfei still feels insecure. Li Changsheng can smash the boulder thrown by the giant **** puppet with a single shot. Standing with Li Changsheng, who is so strong, Luo Jingfei is frightened.

   Luo Jingfei feels that her biggest support is nothing more than the distant niece of "Butterfly King" Luo Qingning, but the two have been separated by five generations, and there is not much contact between them.

   Because of this, Luo Jingfei is always vigilant, and once he finds something wrong, he will use his teleportation at the fastest speed.

   The internal space of the Yongsheng Pavilion is not small, it measures tens of thousands of square meters, and is divided into four stone chambers.

In the refining chamber, I got a refining cauldron that is not much different from the Yulong Jiwu cauldron, and there are three high-level treasures.

   Pill refining room, got a high-grade pill furnace, and a few gourd pills, all of which were filled with high-level pill, and one of the gourds was loaded with a pill to help break through the lord level.

   In the bedroom, there is only a gorgeous wooden bed carved out of suspended wood, which floats quietly on the ground high above the ground.

   Same as before, these treasures found are temporarily handed over to Luo Jingfei for safekeeping.

   Luo Jingfei's face is not very good-looking. Judging from the previous harvest, the master of the cave is likely to be just a pseudo-king, rather than the one who escaped from the imaginary secret realm and fled here.

   It didn't take long for the three of them to come to the retreat room located in the deepest part of the cave.

   Different from the previous three stone chambers, the gate of the closed chamber is closed, and the outside is covered with a barrier.

   Looking at the confinement room, Luo Jingfei showed a thoughtful expression, and said: "I didn't find the remains of the master of the cave in the bedroom. I think it is likely to be in the closed room."

   "Well, I think so too!"

   Li Changsheng nodded and approved Luo Jingfei's guess.

   At this time, Ning Bizhen said to the Hanyu Rabbit in his arms: "Xiaoyu, break the door."

   This kind of ban on guarding the retreat mainly serves as an early warning function, and the defense is often not strong.

   Han Yutu stretched out a hand dissatisfied, and immediately spewed a breath of cold ice, landing on the restriction.


   Although the ban defense is strong, how can it be compared with the ban outside. It didn't last long before it was broken strongly by Han Yutu, and even the door behind it was easily penetrated.


   The fragments of the door kept falling on the ground, and the scenery in the closed room was unobstructed.

   In the small retreat room, the most conspicuous is a skeleton sitting cross-legged on the futon, shrugging his head towards the door.

   Some of the skeletons of this skeleton are like white jade, which is obviously a pseudo-king.

  As long as you become a pseudo-king, the bones will be partially jade based on the number of demon king-level demon pets. The more the number of demon king-level demon pets, the higher the quality of jade, and the greater the physical strength. At this time, Ning Bizhen had three Demon King-level demon pets, and half of his bones had been transformed into jade.

   Except for the head, the skeleton of this skeleton is half jade. It is obviously a pseudo-king with four or five demon king-level demon pets.

   In the closed room, there is nothing else except this skeleton and the sitting futon.

   Luo Jingfei stepped into the retreat room, her goal was naturally the belongings of the skeleton.

   This skeleton is wearing a golden inner armor on his right hand, a space ring on his index finger, a jade pendant on his neck, and a demon pet bag on his waist.

   "For the sake of fairness, Bi Zhen pour out all the items inside!"

   For the sake of safety, Luo Jingfei threw the space ring to Ning Bizhen. If the two of them suddenly took action while she was checking it, she would have no chance of surviving.

   Ning Bizhen did not object, immersing his spiritual power in the space ring.

   The space ring has no soul mark, so Ning Bizhen naturally opened it easily and took out all the items inside.

  Although there is no air in the space ring, it is impossible to store items permanently, at most it can only be extended.

  The owner of the cave mansion also doesn't know how many years it has fallen, and because of this, many of these items have rotted due to too long time. They are mainly based on spiritual plants and materials. Luo Jingfei is quite distressed.

   Among them, there are more than one hundred thousand soul crystals including seven top-grade soul crystals.

   hundreds of demon cores, including three demon king-level demon cores.

   There are several materials, almost all of them are rare and precious materials, most of which are minerals or materials from fairies.

   In addition to these, the most valuable are the two inherited jade pieces, jade pendant, cyan big seal and two jade boxes.

  With the guardianship of Li Changsheng, Ning Bizhen has no hesitation in putting his mental power into two inheritance jade pieces.

   "These are two high-level demon demon battles, namely "Hundred Alchemy Body Demon Battle" and "Slaying Wolf Demon Battle"."

   Just from the name, it can be seen that "Hundred Alchemy Body Yuyao Jue" mainly focuses on strengthening the body of the Yuyao master, just like forging a hundred steel, repeatedly forging the flesh, and finally reaching the point of perfection of the gold body.

   However, it is said that this high-level Yuyao Jue is very self-abusing. The process of cultivation is extremely painful and cannot be completed without great perseverance.

   "Slaying the Wolf Royal Demon Jue" is a star-type Yu Yao Jue, and the same as the "Four Elephants Star Yu Yao Jue" and "Big Dipper Seven Star Yu Yao Jue", it is also a part of "Zhou Tian Xing Yu Yao Jue".

   But compared with "Four Elephant Stars Royal Demon Jue" and "Big Dipper Seven Stars Royal Demon Jue", it is a bit inferior.

   "This kind of knowledge harvest, when the final distribution is finished, we will each engrave one copy!" Luo Jingfei was rare and generous, and then his eyes fell on the other treasures.

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