Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 545: Refining a semi-artifact

   The materials of different parts of the monster pet are also different, and the ancestral black dragon is naturally no exception.

Among them, the best quality dragon scales, dragon skins, and dragon tendons were used to make two sets of ancestral dragon scale armors. The rest are basically inferior and inferior materials. Whether they can be made into top treasures is mainly It depends on luck.

   However, Li Changsheng did not use the horns of the ancestral black dragon. This can be said to be the best material in the ancestral black dragon, and it can definitely be used to make top treasures.

   I don’t know how long it took, Li Changsheng consumed the remaining dragon scales, dragon skins and dragon tendons, and obtained a bunch of similar styles and dragon scale armors.

   Among them, there are two top treasures, and they can only increase the power of water skills by 50%, and the rest are high-level treasures.

   Black Dragon Banner: The top treasure of the water system, increases the power of water system skills by 50%, and is immune to the effects of threats.

   Three sets of substandard dragon scale armor, but unfortunately did not reach the level of the other treasures, not only the defense power is not as good as the previous two sets, but also it can not be brought into the sea of ​​consciousness.

   Even so, it is commendable and contains a lot of value.

   In addition, Li Changsheng also re-refined the Black Gold Dragon Spear.

  During the refining process, the dazzling star sand and the Misha Yuangang stone were added to give the black golden dragon spear a certain defensive effect, and as long as it hurts the enemy, there will be a star force that will erode the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness.

   Like the dragon scale armor of the ancestors, this black golden dragon spear has also become an exotic treasure. This can be said to be an unexpected joy, and it was raised by Li Changsheng's income consciousness.

   At this time, in the Yulong Yuwu Cauldron, there is a cloud of azure blue liquid, the size of a bucket, suspended. This is a liquid made by smelting two black dragon horns.

   At this moment, the refining device has reached a critical juncture.

  According to the seal tactics and mental techniques in the "Nine Heavens Golden Fault Refining Treasure Secret Art", Li Changsheng's ten fingers fluttered, and the silver twisted silver seal script was born one by one, and quickly dropped into the azure blue liquid.

   Within the specified time, Li Changsheng successfully scored dozens of stamps.

   The azure blue liquid swirled in the jade dragon mist cauldron, exuding dazzling brilliance.


   Li Changsheng's hand seal changed, and his mental power was quickly consumed, forming a tangible and innocent brilliance, which shot straight into the liquid.

In the    Yulong Jiwu Ding, the azure blue liquid changes into a specific shape, and begins to transform from liquid to solid.

   This process lasted for nearly half an hour, and the azure blue liquid was completely formed and condensed into a black-blue disc.

   At the moment it was formed, the rich azure blue brilliance burst out suddenly, but because of the enhanced version of the restraint of interest, outsiders could not detect it at all.

The brilliance of    obviously surpasses the two top treasures previously refined, and it is obviously the finest among the top treasures.

   The black-blue disc is half a meter in diameter, and there are a lot of moiré on it, which is covered by a light water blue mist.

   Li Changsheng couldn't wait to take out the black and blue disk and began to study its function.

   Soon, Li Changsheng showed a smile.

   "Increase the power of water system skills by 60%, and reduce the opponent's speed and flexibility to a certain extent when fighting in an underwater environment!"

   This is the effect of the black and blue disc. Li Changsheng is going to give it to Ning Bizhen, because this thing is of little use to him.

  The giant whale has the characteristics of turning rivers and seas, and the effect is stronger than the additional effect of this black and blue disc. The key is that the two cannot be superimposed.

   As for the black dragon, forget it, there are giant whales in the group fight, and the additional effect of the black and blue disc is also used, which can be useful when singled out.

Among the three top treasures of the water system, Li Changsheng only took a black dragon banner and three sets of inferior dragon scale armor. The black dragon banner was given to the giant whale kun to wear, and the three sets of inferior dragon scale armor could be exchanged or given away. .

   The other two top water-based treasures are given to Ning Bizhen. I believe that with these two top water-based treasures, Ning Bizhen’s blue-eyed golden-eyed beast and six-armed naga will definitely become stronger.

  Of course, these are not the most important ones. After refining three top-level treasures and a bunch of high-level treasures one after another, Li Changsheng is ready to take advantage of his heat and refine semi-sacred tools in one fell swoop.

   Before that, Li Changsheng held a high-grade soul crystal in his hand, preparing to adjust to the best condition.

   Not only that, he also asked the Three-legged Fire Crow to call Ning Bizhen over. Refining top treasures would require a lot of mental power, let alone semi-sacred tools.

   In order to save mental energy and rest time, Li Changsheng prepared to hand some simple tasks to Ning Bizhen.

   After half an hour, Li Changsheng finished his concentration, and his spirits and spirits had been restored to the best condition.

   Ning Bizhen had come to the backyard and stood quietly in front of him.

   After speaking out his thoughts, Ning Bizhen obediently agreed.

   After everything was ready, Li Changsheng waved his right hand and a pile of materials appeared in front of him.

   Nine Orifice Moon Crane Stone, Shoushan Red Copper, Blood Veined Black Crystal, Misha Yuan Gang Stone, Feilian Broken Angle, Thousand-year Profound Iron.

   These are at least the essence of heaven and earth materials, among them, the nine-aperture moon crane stone is even more precious, and the angle of Fei Lian is no less inferior.

   Li Changsheng had a draft in his heart. He planned to use the Jiuqiao Moon Crane Stone and Feilian Broken Angle as the main material, supplemented by the rest of the materials, to refine a semi-artifact with the main attribute speed and the ability to break defenses and bloodsuck.

   Whether it breaks the defense or the blood sucking function, it is a very practical additional effect.

   With this semi-artifact, Ashe's strength can be raised to the next level.

   However, this is the most ideal effect. In fact, during the refining process, Li Changsheng can't completely control it. It takes some luck to have these effects.

   "Mistress, breathe fire!"

   Following Ning Bizhen’s order, the three-legged fire crow spewed a red and gold flame from its mouth and fell into the Yulong haze.

The    Yulong Jiwu Ding began to operate again, and a jade-like cloud appeared, like a dragon, like a jade dragon surrounding the cauldron.

   This is naturally not for decoration, but the special effect of the Yulong Haowu Ding, which can speed up the tempering of magazines in the material and save time.

   In the Yulong Miwu Ding, only Jiuqiao Yueheshi was lying quietly on the bottom. The other materials were temporarily not put in due to the lower melting point.

   After a quarter of an hour, the Jiuqiao Moon Crane Stone showed no sign of melting.

   Ning Bizhen frowned slightly, and hurriedly performed a secret method to increase the flame temperature of the three-legged fire crow.

   But this is not a long-term solution after all. After all, the realm of the three-legged fire crow is higher than that of Ning Bizhen, and Ning Bizhen wants to bless the three-legged fire crow, which requires a lot of mental power.

   With Ning Bizhen's current mental power, he can only use it two or three times, and his mental power will be exhausted.


   At this time, Li Changsheng threw a jade bottle to Ning Bizhen.

   This is a high-level medicinal pill-Bishui Qingming Pill, which can quickly restore mental power. It is a trophy that Li Changsheng got from Xiao Mu.

   Ning Bizhen was not polite, and immediately poured out a turquoise pill, swallowed it into his stomach, while holding a top-grade soul crystal in his hand, regaining his mental strength as quickly as possible.

   The three-legged fire crow spews red and gold flames from time to time, and its consumption is not very large, at least it can last for several hours.

   In the jade dragon mist cauldron, the red and gold flames continue to burn the Jiuqiao Moon Crane Stone.

   After another five minutes, the Jiuqiao Moon Crane Stone finally showed signs of melting, turning into strands of silver liquid.

   It was also at this time that Li Changsheng threw the broken corner of Feilian into the Jade Dragon Haze Ding.

  Feilian's broken horn is after all the most quintessential part of the beast Feilian, and its melting point is slightly worse than that of Jiuqiao Yueheshi.

  According to the different melting points, in the later time, Li Changsheng successively put in the thousand-year-old mysterious iron, the first mountain red copper, the bloodline black crystal and the Misha Yuangang stone.

   In the process of melting of the six materials, colorful fireworks are accompanied with it. As a large number of magazines are eliminated, the volume of the materials is gradually decreasing.

   This process took nearly two hours.

   Up to this moment, the six materials have completely melted and turned into a mixture of silver and blue liquid.

   At this time, the three-legged fire crow panted heavily, and used it continuously for nearly two hours, even if it was a demon king-level demon pet, it was overwhelming.

   is not only the three-legged fire crow, but Ning Bizhen's face is also a little more pale. Even with the help of the blue water and the dark pill and the top quality soul crystal to help restore her mental power, she is still in a state of bottoming out her mental power.

   The most speechless thing is that the Bishui Qingming Pill has all been used up and can only be replaced with a medium-grade pill, but the recovery speed is completely different.

   "Mistress, come on!"

   Under the encouragement of Li Changsheng, the three-legged fire crow forcibly invigorated the spirit, and the flame spewed out uninterruptedly. With its efforts, the volume of the silver-cyan liquid continued to shrink.

   When the silver-cyan liquid stopped shrinking, half an hour had passed, and the silver-cyan liquid was only the size of a basketball.

   also at this time Li Changsheng's ten fingers fluttered, his mental power continued to be consumed, and a large number of twisted and complicated silver seal scripts were condensed, and the bee pupae poured into the silver-cyan liquid.

   In a short period of time, Li Changsheng had produced hundreds of seals, which also consumed most of his mental power.

  Different from refining top treasures, the techniques required for semi-artifacts are more complicated.

   Taking advantage of this gap, Li Changsheng immediately took a pill, held the high-grade soul crystal in his hand, and ran the "Four Elephants and Stars Royal Demon Jue" to restore his mental power as quickly as possible.

   On the other side, Ning Bizhen once again used the secret method to try to maintain the flame temperature of the three-legged fire crow, but this also made her pretty face white again.

   The three-legged fire crow's panting sound became stronger, even if it had taken some pills, it was still a drop in the bucket.

   Just when the three-legged fire crow was about to be unable to support it, Li Changsheng hurriedly stopped sitting still and took out a square box from the space ring.

   The box contained some spirits of Lihuo. After Li Changsheng killed Liu Xudong in the Secret Realm of Fire Flame, he collected a little fragment of the Lihuo phoenix tree, and finally extracted such a small amount of Lihuo essence.

   After swallowing this little spirit of leaving the fire, the three-legged fire crow's spirit was shocked, and he obviously recovered a bit of vitality, and once again mobilized his spare energy to breathe flames.

   Soon, Li Changsheng, who had recovered part of his mental power, once again played hundreds of seals. Whether he could refine a semi-sacred weapon this time, it was a matter of success or failure.

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