Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1657: God of the Sun

After more than three months of retreat, Li Changsheng chose to leave.

This time, it was mainly aimed at the light **** system headed by Ransendre.

Not unexpectedly, the goddess of dawn joined the light **** system smoothly after the **** crystal cleared the way.

After understanding the composition of the Guangming Divine System, Goddess Liming gave Li Changsheng a piece of information, especially the members of the Guangming Divine System.

This information contains the priesthood, ranks, artifacts, specialties and even the coordinates of the gods of the Guangming system, and it has an important guiding role in Li Changsheng's crusade against the Guangming God system.

Not only the light gods, the goddess of dawn also obtained some information about the natural gods, but most of them were basic information.

If Li Changsheng wanted to kill the Elf King, he had to bypass the natural **** system.

Compared with the natural gods, the scale of the light gods is not inferior. There are more than 20 gods in total, including one strong god, three medium gods, six weak gods and twelve. Weak divine power divine spirit.

If they count their avatars of the gods, this is undoubtedly a very powerful force. At least Li Changsheng dare not confront it head-on, and can only calculate and weaken the power of the light **** system.

Since the dawn goddess joined the light **** system, occasionally some messages have been sent.

Not long ago, the goddess of dawn sent a message that there were some conflicts between the light gods and the dark gods. Although no gods have fallen, many gods have lost their clones.

In order to compete for faith, the relationship between gods and spirits is inherently tense, let alone opposing gods.

Among them, the light **** system and the dark **** system often clash, but for a long time, the light **** system has the upper hand by virtue of its quantitative advantage.

This time, Li Changsheng's goal is to lose most of the avatars of the gods, and his focus is on the medium-power gods and the weak gods.

As for the weak divine power, although it has the characteristics of ‘feeling and easy to push down’, there is too little meat, and it is completely possible to wait until the next time.

This time, Li Changsheng was going to make the Gate of Light and Darkness go further, and the higher the level of the gods, the more he would make up for the Gate of Light and Darkness.

As for the **** of dawn, Ransendel, don’t think about it for the time being. He has many clones, even if he loses two, his strength has not been lost much. Moreover, the rules of the kingdom of the gods of powerful gods are too strong, and Li Changsheng has no confidence to kill him in the kingdom of gods. .

Li Changsheng waved the green lotus cloud boundary flag, broke through the void and began to shuttle through different dimensions.

After leaving the world of fairies, Li Changsheng rushed straight to the kingdom of God called the God of the Scorching Sun.

The God of the Scorching Sun is one of the three medium-powered gods of the Light God System. In this conflict with the Dark God System, the clone of the God of Scorching Sun lost the most severely, leaving only one clone.

The key lies in the three medium divine power gods, the scorching sun **** has the most shallow background, and the promotion to medium divine power is only a few decades. Whether it is the strength of the kingdom, the power reserve, the artifact, etc., I am afraid that it is not as good as the other two medium power gods.

Therefore, the **** of the scorching sun became Li Changsheng's first goal.

After more than half an hour, Li Changsheng finally came to the vicinity of the **** of scorching sun.

He did not immediately invade the kingdom of the **** of the scorching sun, but closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, restoring his state to the best.

This time on the way, some mental energy was consumed.

It didn't take long for Li Changsheng to recover, his eyes fell into the distance, looking at the kingdom of God in the distance.

It's a pity that you can only see a golden light as if facing the scorching sun, and you can't see through the reality of the kingdom of God.

Li Changsheng waved the green lotus cloud boundary flag and instantly appeared in front of the kingdom of God.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng waved his sharp spear, easily pierced through the protective shield of divine power located on the periphery of the kingdom of God, and appeared in the kingdom of God.


At the moment Li Changsheng broke into the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God began to reverberate with bells.

The **** of the scorching sun is a mid-level **** of divine power, even if the background is not comparable to the gods of the same level, but in the end it has lived for tens of thousands of years. The number of petitioners is naturally large, and even can be described by billions. This is still a lot of petitioners. The relationship assimilated by the kingdom of God.

In addition to being consumed, petitioners are also the backbone of faith. Although the belief of a single petitioner is far less than that of believers of the same rank, under the advantage of absolute numbers, the condensed beliefs are often more than believers in the lower realms.

Nearby petitioners discovered Li Changsheng suspended in the void, and the special divine power mark brought by the invasion of the kingdom of God on the top of Li Changsheng's head.

At this moment, these petitioners brazenly launched an attack on Li Changsheng.

Most of them were farmers during their lives, and they had no means of attack after death. They were nothing but cannon fodder.

The key thing that Li Changsheng is least afraid of is group fights, so these petitioners pose little threat to Li Changsheng.

Ho **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho

In an instant, countless dragons roared through the world.

The door of the secret realm was forcibly opened, and countless dragon wasp pupae rushed out, spraying the dragon's breath symbolizing destruction to the petitioners.

In terms of quantity, there are tens of thousands of these giant dragons ~ and occasionally you can see the ancestral dragons.

Collected too much essence and blood, Li Changsheng provided these redundant ancestral dragons essence and blood to the dragons who made credit for their evolution, thus nurturing many sub-ancestral dragons and ancestral dragons, and even There are also the figures of the Li Neng Dragon and the Rainbow Dragon.

What I have to say here is that due to the relationship of the kingdom of God, the dragons have obviously been suppressed, but it is still not a problem to deal with these ordinary petitioners.

So under the endless dragon's breath madly pouring, for a time, the nearby petitioners were swept away.

In addition to giant dragons, there are naturally a large number of other quasi-god races. Although the number is far less than that of giant dragons, the total number is not inferior to that of giant dragons.

In addition, there are powerful wild goblins such as dragon elephants and ten gray cats. These are mainly used to deal with powerful petitioners, holy spirits or demigods.

After the secret was closed again, Li Changsheng transformed into a golden rainbow, rushing to the distant mountains at a very fast speed, and he could feel the body of the **** of scorching sun there.

The rules of the kingdom of gods of medium power are far superior to those of other power gods, and the space will become more solidified. Even with the help of the Qinglian Yunjie Flag, Li Changsheng will not easily break the space.

Before Li Changsheng approached the mountain, the temple above immediately rushed out a few streams of light. Except for the headed nerve clone, all of them were demigods and holy spirits.

"Here, why invaded..."

Before the **** clone had finished scolding, Li Changsheng launched an attack, and the two cats in his arms turned into two streams of light, one black and one white, and they rushed towards the **** clone.


At the same time, Biluohuangquan's double swords were unsheathed, slashing toward the nerve clone frontally.

The avatar of the gods hurriedly released a divine power shield, and under the rules of the kingdom of gods, the strength of the divine power shield was significantly higher.

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