Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1637: Emperor of Japan

That upper star core Li Changsheng didn't use it, the reason is very simple, if he obtains the twelfth-rank merit golden lotus or the twelfth-rank industry fire red lotus, he can use it to upgrade to another one.

In this way, the possibility of repetition is avoided.

As Ning Bizhen becomes the emperor of the moon, it also means that she is about to enter the underworld alone.

Li Changsheng didn't worry about her safety. In addition to the demon pet being strong enough, she also had several Langhuan treasures, which was enough for self-defense.

Ning Bizhen forcibly opened the gate of the underworld, and after bidding farewell to Li Changsheng Yiyi, he resolutely stepped into the gate and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Li Changsheng did not return to the Heavenly Court, but flew straight towards a coordinate.

Since Jiuding gathered, a map has been transformed, and there is a light spot on it.

Li Changsheng specifically asked his men to investigate, but they didn't find anything.

Judging from the current situation, either it has been swiftly ascended, or it is extremely concealed, and even requires Jiuding to activate.

Using the Qinglian Yunjie Flag, it didn't take much time for Li Changsheng to appear in a huge barren gorge. This is the coordinates on the map of Jiuding.

Of course, based on the size of the map, this so-called coordinate is relatively general, and it is difficult to determine a specific position.

In the next moment, nine streams of different colors gathered and fell in front of Li Changsheng, who was originally still suppressing Jiuding in Jiuzhou.

Jiuding gathered again, and the map resurfaced.

The difference from last time is that this time, a beam of energy was projected from Jiuding.

Nine pillars of light gathered together, hitting a certain void in the canyon with strange ripples.

Suddenly, the entire canyon shook violently, and for a while, the wild goblins nearby began to flee.

Li Changsheng held his hands and watched this scene quietly.

In the strong vibration, a huge energy portal gradually took shape, lying in the canyon.

According to Li Changsheng's analysis, the veins of this canyon are extremely vigorous, and there is an extremely deep connection with this gateway.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng stepped into the door.

After a while, Li Changsheng appeared in an unknown plane.

"This is probably the emperor's secret realm!"

Li Changsheng felt it carefully, and the breath of the secret realm and the plane was different, and he could analyze it all at once.

Since Jiuding is the product of the Emperor, this secret realm is most likely the secret realm of the Emperor.

In fact, it can be seen from the area of ​​the secret realm.

Although it must have shrunk a lot, this secret realm still barely possesses the scale of the cave.

Li Changsheng floated above the secret realm, overlooking the scene below.

While he was looking, suddenly, a stream of light rushed out of the secret realm and landed not far away.

This was actually a Xuan Ming with bone spurs all over his body, exuding the aura of the Great Dao, but it was a Demon Emperor-level Xuan Ming.

Judging from the imprints left on Xuan Ming's head, she was not a wild animal, and was probably the main demon pet of the Emperor during his lifetime.

Xuan Ming glanced at Li Changsheng, and with just one glance, she felt a strong heart palpitations.

Xuan Ming wouldn't think this was an illusion. Obviously, Li Changsheng's strength was far above her.

The most important thing is that the strong person who can gather Jiuding is likely to be the first person in the Three Realms now.

"The most powerful human being, I am the emperor's demon pet Xuan Ming. Since you have gathered the Jiuding, you should have the emperor's inheritance, please follow me."

After Xuan Ming said respectfully, he flew towards the center of the secret realm.

Li Changsheng fell behind, with no fear of Xuanming. With his strength, even if the emperor had left behind, it was impossible to pose a threat to him, let alone the emperor had fallen for tens of thousands of years.

In the center of the secret realm stands a bright and spacious palace, the gate is closed, the plaque on it says "Tianhuangdian", and there is a thick invisible shield outside.

Li Changsheng looked at it and found that the Emperor Palace was connected to all the earth veins in the secret realm. Once it was forcibly destroyed, it would surely cause the entire secret realm to be damaged.

"The strongest human beings can open the Emperor's Palace as long as they show Jiuding!"

Under Xuan Ming's reminder, Li Changsheng once again released Jiuding.

Jiuding once again shot a nine-color brilliance and landed on the gate of the Emperor's Palace.


The next moment, the door slowly opened.

Li Changsheng stepped into it, and under the guidance of Xuan Ming, he was familiar with the structure of the Emperor's Palace, and finally came to the deepest place.

This is the emperor's palace, and his remains are here.

The emperor's remains were fairly peaceful, but Li Changsheng could see that he died of five decays.

In addition to the emperor's remains, ten demon pet corpses were crawling in front of the emperor.

Most of the corpses of these monster pets have turned into white bones, but there are also two that are still lifelike and look like they are still alive.

But Li Changsheng can conclude that they have all fallen. The reason for this is that these two demon pets reached the Demon Sovereign level before they were alive, and they can naturally be preserved for a long time.

Of the two fallen Demon Emperor-level demon pets, one was the emperor's natural demon pet, and the other fell from an irrecoverable injury.

"The master's life totaled 10,800. After knowing that he could not survive this catastrophe, he let Jiuding suppress Kyushu, and did his last effort for this world."

Hearing Xuan Ming's explanation, Li Changsheng was also a little surprised. He didn't expect the Emperor to live longer than the Human Emperor.

But after thinking about it, it feels normal. No matter what, the Emperor was once the first person in the Three Realms, possessing three Demon Emperor-level demon pets, including Xuan Ming and other top demon-emperor-level beasts. If you ignore the three avatars of the emperor , The strength is stronger than that of the emperor.

Li Changsheng carefully looked at the emperor’s legacy. He wore a crown of dragons on his head and a Nine Dragons robe. He was wearing a seven-star sword on his back and a nine-section whip on his waist. He held a book in his left hand and a book in his right hand. Handle jade wishful.

Judging from the feedback of spiritual power, most of the treasures on the emperor's remains are Langhuan treasures.

Among them, there are two pieces of the best Langhuan Zhibao, namely Yuruyi and Books.

Li Changsheng was not directly took down all the other treasures except the Nine Dragon Robe.

No accidents happened during this period, and the emperor was clearly dead.

Jade Ruyi faintly lays three kinds of jewels, which represent sunlight, moonlight and starlight, but they are the three treasures of the emperor's enlightenment.

Three Treasure Jade Ruyi: The ultimate treasure of Langhuan, the emperor's enlightenment, has a certain offensive and defensive ability, can temporarily bless the power of a treasure, depending on the level of the blessing treasure, and can give birth to a three-light sacred stone every ten years.

The Three Lights Sacred Stone: The precious treasure of the Purple Mansion, bred from the essence of sunlight, moonlight and starlight, can be used for refining tools, and it can also be melted into a large amount of three-lights divine water.

After appraising the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi, Li Changsheng couldn't help smiling.

The Three Treasure Jade Ruyi has the same effect as the Blessing Necklace, which can bless the power of the different treasures, but the level of the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi is significantly higher, but I don’t know how much it can be improved.

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