Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1586: Chengdi

When the throne is full, if you want to become an emperor, you must kill one.

Li Changsheng sealed Emperor Yuan and Emperor Yu. Among them, Emperor Yuan was still the son of Emperor Human, which was more or less useful.

Therefore, Li Changsheng decided to execute Emperor Ruan.

Even if Emperor Ruan is the most desolate emperor, he is also the emperor standing at the top of the pyramid, and he must die decently.

Emperor Ruan knew he was going to die, he had already looked away, just as if he was a little crazy.

Since the defeat of the seal, Emperor Ruan has been in remorse, that is, hating the ruthlessness of Emperor Xuan, and hating his own eyes even more.

When the spirit emperor fell, Emperor Decadent had many choices, no matter where he took refuge, he would be reused. In the end, he chose the Emperor Xuan, and after signing a series of unequal treaties, he became a **** in the hands of the Emperor Xuan.

Emperor Ruan hated himself for why he didn't stay at that time. If Li Changsheng had taken refuge in the first place, he would probably be sitting on the position of Six Emperors in the Palace of the High Heavens, and he would very likely replace Luo Yuanjun.

No way, Luo Yuanjun had not yet taken refuge in Li Changsheng at the beginning. If Emperor Ruan had taken the initiative to take refuge at that time, Li Changsheng would have given favor.

Even if it can't replace Luo Yuanjun, he can always replace Yan Emperor. You must know that Yan Emperor was still a mediocre double-character king. In just one year, he became the Emperor under the cultivation of Li Changsheng, and he really should. A word that one person can ascend to heaven.

It's all right now, it's public execution.

At this time, Nantianmen gathered heroes and big men from all sides, because this was the place where the emperor was executed.

On this day, all forces responded and all sent representatives to visit this ‘grand event’.

From ancient times to the present, there has never been a public execution of an emperor. The main reason is that the emperor is too strong and the probability of being captured alive cannot be lower.

Of these forces, the Dragon Clan needless to say, the Feng Clan also sent representatives, including the Feng Clan elder who Li Changsheng had crossed over, who was one of the two representatives of the Feng Clan.

The other is a graceful and luxurious woman, dressed in colorful neon feathers and a red spruce, with her feet on the blue waves chasing the clouds, holding a three-treasure jade Ruyi in her hand, but she is the current patriarch of the Feng clan.

Due to the fact that the ancestral phoenix has not fallen, even if the patriarch of the Feng clan has less authority than the Qilin clan, the authority is still great. After all, the ancestral phoenix cannot be separated from the immortal volcano.

This time, in addition to watching the execution of Emperor Ruan, the patriarch of the Feng clan wanted to meet Li Changsheng in person.

More than two months ago, the Feng Clan invited Li Changsheng to the Undead Volcano as a guest, but Li Changsheng was not invited there immediately. At that time, the Feng Clan was not in a hurry.

As a result, in the past two months or so, the Heavenly Court fought south and north, and those who followed us prospered against us died. In a short period of time, they almost unified the world. Only the sea eyes of the Feng and Dragon clan have not yet surrendered.

The aspiring people of the Feng clan knew very well that they had to make a decision within a short period of time, otherwise, once they were targeted by the heavenly court, they would probably repeat the mistakes of the Qilin clan.

Therefore, the patriarch of the Feng clan came forward in person and wanted to meet Li Changsheng.

Not long after, Tian Ting Liu Yu, headed by Li Changsheng, came to watch the execution in person, and the Emperor Decadent who was groomed and groomed was with them.

After all, he is an emperor, even if he is a death row prisoner, but he still possesses prestige.

Before being executed, Emperor Ruan arched his hand to Li Changsheng, and without saying more, he resolutely set foot on the execution platform.

The execution platform is a rare treasure of the Purple Mansion. It was the special treasure used by the Heavenly Court to execute prisoners. After so many years, the original white execution platform was stunned by blood.

At the time of the hour, the execution officer finally shouted: "The good hour is here, execution!"


A huge scarlet sword crashed down. Although Emperor Yu had a very strong body, there was no phenomenon that the sword hadn't cut off Emperor Yu's neck.

Suddenly, the head of Emperor Yu flew up and fell onto the execution platform.

The blood infested the execution platform, slowly disappearing, and the execution platform seemed to become more agile in a vague manner.

With the fall of Emperor Decadent, there are signs of the Emperor's fall in Heaven and Earth.

Don't think that Emperor Ruan is the shame of heaven and earth, but no matter how bad he is, he is also a godson.

For example, the court initially stabilized today and the public execution of an emperor was mainly to deter Xiao Xiao and maintain the rule of the Heavenly Court. I did not see all the representatives of large and small forces coming to look on with awe.

After the fall of Emperor Ruan, Li Changsheng was buried in the honor of the emperor.

After the ceremony of the emperor was over, the patriarch of the Feng clan was about to go to see Li Changsheng, but he had a closed door and could only wait outside the palace of the heavens.

Naturally, Li Changsheng was breaking through the throne, and the place of his breakthrough was the Emperor's Palace.

At this moment, the Emperor's bedroom was under martial law, Ning Bizhen personally guarded the door, waiting silently.

Li Changsheng has a total of 13 Demon Emperor level demon pets, and all of them are of legendary quality, and the demon pets of the sacred beast race. If you add the gods, the probability of breakthrough is beyond imagination.

From ancient times to the present, there has never been a double-character king who will break through with such an exaggerated lineup.

Li Changsheng did not take the purple patterned flat peach, he had sufficient confidence in himself, not to mention that the purple patterned flat peach had the effect of increasing the probability of breaking through the emperor, but there was a small sequelae.

In the next moment, a loud bell rang in the Hall of Kings to celebrate, the loudness of which was far greater than that of an ordinary promoted emperor.

At the same time, the whole world of fairies began to fall into smallpox and golden lotus. These smallpox and golden lotus are not illusory, but are made of special energy, and ordinary people can reduce the root of disease and prolong life by taking one.

For a while, I don't know how many organisms benefited.

At this moment, countless figures appeared in the Hall of Kings, all staring at the throne representing Li Changsheng with uncertain or puzzled eyes.

Li Changsheng's throne began to become more luxurious, the golden light was shining, and it instantly appeared on the first throne, and rushed towards the middle throne.

That is the emperor's throne that symbolizes the emperor. At this moment, the consciousness of the emperor is just thrown into the hall of kings.


An imperceptible voice sounded As soon as the two imperial seats touched, the Emperor's seat obviously shifted and was directly knocked aside.

Under the eyes of everyone, the human emperor looked terrifying, and the three corpse gods were violent. What's the difference between this and hitting him in the face on the spot, he doesn't want face.

However, in the Hall of Kings, how can the emperor be angry, instead, he is watched by many eyes with colored eyes, and finally withdraws his consciousness directly.

The blood emperor and thunder emperor's consciousness also saw this scene. Although the human emperor was embarrassed, they also felt the same.

They did not expect that Li Changsheng was promoted to Emperor in such a short period of time, which was too far away from the two or three years they had expected, and they inevitably felt desperate.

Before Emperor Cheng, Li Changsheng was able to coerce the Three Realms, not to mention that after Emperor Cheng, he could at least double his combat power.

If Li Changsheng had a demon pet to break through the Demon Sovereign level, let alone, even if the Human Sovereign, Blood Sovereign, and Lei Di besiege Li Changsheng together, I am afraid it will lose more and win less, which is simply desperate.

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