Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1583: Integrate into the heavenly status

These three great supernatural powers are very practical. Of course, the key depends on the realm of the user. At the very least, even if the emperor uses the movement of stars and battles, he can only control the stars, rotate the sun and the moon, and reverse the day and night. Don't think about timing, that is not the power that the emperor can control.

Before long, Li Changsheng successfully mastered the three great supernatural powers.

For the first time, he used Geyuan Insight, the so-called Tianyantong, and took out a mirror to look at himself.

Li Changsheng's eyes were bright, and when he observed the top of his head in the mirror, he saw a dazzling purple cloud surrounding a deep purple coiling dragon pillar.

This is the so-called luck, and purple symbolizes preciousness.

In addition, one by one silk threads are connected to the purple pillars, flowing into the strands of air luck, blending into the purple cloud group, and constantly expanding the scale of the purple cloud group.

Now Li Changsheng is the emperor of heaven, and he rules the heaven and earth. He is undoubtedly the most noble existence in this world.

When Li Changsheng's influence becomes stronger, his luck will continue to rise.

These silk threads linked to the purple pillars represent Li Changsheng's subordinate forces, and as long as they grow stronger, they will give back to Li Changsheng.

The mental power that Tianyantong continues to consume is not much, and it can be maintained for a long time.


At this time, the ancestral red dragon and the ancestral black dragon'negotiation' were completed, and the ancestral black dragon flew over tremblingly, looking very weak, the ancestral red dragon was lying on the ground, and his body trembled. I can't get up anyhow.

The outcome is determined!

Li Changsheng retracted his gaze and asked the ancestral black dragon: "Are you ready? Although the integration of the blood of a hundred dragons will greatly increase your strength, your image will not look good."

Although the ancestral black dragon is not good-looking, it looks like a skeletal dragon in black dragon skin, but the image is stronger than a hundred-headed dragon with a hundred heads.

The one hundred heads full of bodies are really not ordinary hideous, and they can compete for the bottom-to-last seat in the image.

Without any hesitation, the ancestral black dragon nodded vigorously. Compared with the strength, the image is a fart. Besides, as long as you master the transformation technique, it can usually be transformed into the original appearance, even if it is self-deception.

After confirming, Li Changsheng injected a wisp of blood from a hundred dragons into the body of the ancestral black dragon.

After the ancestral black dragon had a hundred dragon bloodlines, Li Changsheng began to use the bloodline metamorphosis kind of heaven and earth treasure to continuously increase the concentration of the hundred dragon bloodlines of the ancestral black dragon.


Suddenly, the ancestral black dragon felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, and then the dragon skin broke open and a small dragon head was drilled out.

Compared with the black dragon's main dragon head, this dragon head is much smaller, about 1/5.

In the subsequent process, as the blood concentration of the hundred dragons increased, many pocket dragon heads were continuously drilled from the body surface of the ancestral black dragon.

After a short period of time, the ancestral black dragon took the essence of the true spirit, and the blood concentration of the hundred dragons successfully reached the stage of success, including the main head, a total of 50 dragons.

Hundred-headed dragons do not have a main head, which means that the ancestral black dragon still has weaknesses. Once the main head is blown, it will lead to fall.

Only by evolving into a hundred dragons, the main head will disappear, and unless all a hundred heads are blown up, there will be no life-threatening danger.

At this time, the ancestral black dragon began to try to break through the demon emperor level, and Li Changsheng gave it a crystal of water rule by the way, which was obtained from the ring of the emperor.

No accident, the ancestral black dragon successfully broke through the Demon Emperor level.

Li Changsheng did not immediately integrate the ancestral black dragon into a heavenly figure that was less than half the size, and began to process a hundred giant dragon corpses.

The corpses of a hundred giant dragons were extremely tough, even if Ah Dai went all out, it took a long time to turn them into pieces of flesh and bones, and then they were put into the demon refining pot.

When the refining was completed, Li Changsheng received a total of more than 20 cans of a hundred dragon essence blood.

From the perspective of the ratio of essence and blood extraction, among the unique beasts, the grade of the hundred dragons is relatively low.

These blood essences were naturally handed over to the ancestral black dragon to absorb, causing the ancestral black dragon's body surface to split heads again, until 99.

Just as the eight-clawed golden dragon couldn't distinguish the ninth claw, the ancestral black dragon also did not have a hundred heads, and the main head still exists.

At this time, the quality of the ancestral black dragon has entered the half-step legend, and it is not far from the legendary quality.

Using the newly obtained quality-enhancing treasures and medicines, the quality of the ancestral black dragon has been smoothly upgraded to the legendary stage.

After the ancestral black dragon adapted to the new body, Li Changsheng then integrated the heavenly status into the ancestral black dragon.

The higher the blood vein concentration, the stronger the tolerance to the heavenly status.

In the beginning, the ancestral black dragon didn't even feel at all.

Not long after that, the ancestral black dragon finally showed a slightly painful look, but it was still within its tolerance range.

Judging from the feelings of the ancestral black dragon, it felt that there were bursts of tearing pain in its body, but its powerful recovery ability was quickly repaired by it.

However, the speed of tearing flesh and blood is getting faster and faster, and the healing speed of the ancestral black dragon's body is gradually unable to keep up.

The ancestral black dragon did not say a word, and tried his best to endure the pain that resembled a thousand swords.

Seeing that the ancestral black dragon was about to be unbearable, Li Changsheng shook his head. With a thought, he and the ancestral black dragon disappeared.

When he reappeared, he had fallen into the Sanguang Shenshui Lake.

The ancestral black dragon lay in the Sanguang Shenshui Lake, but because its size was too large, it was unable to reduce its size during this process. The Sanguang Shenshui only submerged its toes.

Even so, the ancestral black dragon suddenly felt a lot more comfortable, a special force poured into the body, and the wounds in the body were healing rapidly.

Sanguang Shenshui is a holy medicine for healing. It can relieve all poisons, and can also treat all wounds and diseases. It can even be flesh and bones, living dead ~ Of course, if you want to be living dead, flesh and bones, you must There must be enough Sanguang Shenshui.

The pain in the ancestral black dragon's body is still increasing, but it is maintained by the three-light divine water, and it can be maintained temporarily.

What made Li Changsheng quite painful was that the water level of the Sanguang Shenshui Lake began to slowly drop. With the volume of the Sanguang Shenshui Lake, I don't know how much Sanguang Shenshui was consumed.

The ancestral black dragon feels like stepping into the two heavens of ice and fire. It will be painful and comfortable again. Such a continuous cycle makes its spirit tortured and it becomes more and more wilting.

The pain still affects the spirit, and the Sanguang Shenshui has no effect on restoring the spirit. Once the spirit of the ancestral black dragon can't sustain, it will still fall short in the end.

Li Changsheng stared at the ancestral black dragon closely. Once the ancestral black dragon could not bear it, he would forcibly take out the heavenly status.

As a price, the heavenly status will dissipate directly, and there will be no next chance. This is why the evil dragon Li Changsheng used in the previous experiment just watched them explode and die.

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