Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1563: Succubus Queen

The demons that emerged from the beginning were basically junior and intermediate-level demons with limited strength.

Li Changsheng just released the eight-clawed golden dragon to release the dragon's power. Under the vast dragon's power, these demons came out in batches, and they were scared to death.

After a quarter of an hour, the demon's strength was significantly improved, and advanced demons began to appear.

Even so, they were still scared to death. Only a few demons survived, but they also fell into a cringe state and were easily killed by monsters.

For a time, the bodies of the demons piled up into mountains.

Li Changsheng threw a real fire from the sun casually, and fell lightly on the corpse mountain. The flame spread rapidly in an instant, and in just one or two breaths, a large number of demon corpses were burned to ashes.

Before long, the figure of the top demon began to appear.

The top-level demons are much stronger and more resistant to pressure. Although most top-level demons are still cowed by dragons, few top-level demons will be scared to death.

Eight-clawed golden dragons are not ancestor dragons, not to mention they are only at the Demon Emperor level, otherwise they can easily be scared to death.

However, this is just a little more effort. These top-level demons are not the enemy of the monster pets at all, and they only have the fate of being killed in seconds.

At this moment, an arm stretched out from the gate of the abyss, and then a demon leader rushed out.

This is a Balrog, also a general of the new ruler. After being summoned by the abyss, he flew over without stopping. However, he was more cautious. Leprechaun world.

Unfortunately, waiting left and right, only saw the subordinates go in, but even if they did not wait for the subordinates to return.

The demon leader immediately realized that he was not good, and he didn't want to take this muddy water. However, the situation was stronger than that of people, and the new ruler of this abyss finally arrived.

Not only that, there are leaders of several nearby abysses, among them there is even a demon lord, and the rest are all demon lord.

It's just that this abyss gate has a limited number of steps, and they can't get in at all, at most they can only send the demon leader.

Therefore, under the orders of several rulers, the demon-led Balrog stepped into the world of fairies reluctantly.

However, it hasn't waited for it to observe the situation, and it is greeted by the five-color dragon's breath of different colors.

The flame demon of the demon commander level subconsciously released the flame shield, and then under its horrified gaze, the flame shield was like a piece of paper, easily broken by the five dragon breaths, and it was about to be completely submerged.

When the brilliance dissipated, the flame demon became a pile of minced meat. From beginning to end, it didn't even have the opportunity to explode.

As the flame demon fell, the abyss ruler of this layer immediately felt it, with a gloomy face, motioning to continue to transmit the demon leader.

Due to the level restriction of this abyss gate, the demon leader can only teleport one by one.

Like the flame demon just now, the other demon leaders are also gone forever, and there is not even a report back.

After all, the gap is too big, the demon leader is not much better than the demon saint-level demon pet. Facing Li Changsheng's main demon pet, one-on-one only has the fate of being killed by a spike.

With the fall of several demon leaders one after another, the faces of the rulers of the abyss all looked ugly.

"No, it can't go on like this, we have to do something!"

"The only way to burn the gate of the abyss, so that the demon lord can barely pass through."

"Then who will go in first?"

On the issue of who is going first, several demon lords rejected each other, because judging from the signs that several demon leaders were killed in seconds, the strength of the other party was not generally strong. This is a risk for them to fall, and naturally they will not be willing. .

Due to the arguing, several demon lord could not help but focus on the only demon lord who did not speak, and asked him to make a decision.

This is a very **** succubus, every move is full of endless charm, is the famous succubus queen in the abyss.

The succubus queen swept a few demon lords, and finally set her gaze on a six-armed snake demon, and said: "Since Alpha is the ruler of the abyss at this level, let it be the first to enter!"

The demon lord-level six-armed snake demon Alpha's face changed suddenly, and the situation was stronger than that of human beings. Facing the succubus queen and other demon lords who looked forward to it, it could not find a reason to oppose it, and could not oppose it at all.

In this case, Alpha can only bite the bullet and prepare to teleport the fairy world.

The succubus queen also didn't know what kind of operation she had carried out, the entire gate of the abyss was blazing, the origin of the abyss was burning, and its power increased in a short period of time.

It was also at this time that the Queen of Succubus stretched out her hand, and a thick black protective cover appeared on Alpha's body.

"Why are you still stunned, let's go in!"

Seeing Alpha still hesitating, the succubus queen couldn't help but scolded.

Alpha could only grit his teeth and step into the gate of the abyss.

After a while, Alpha appeared in the fairy world.

Before it could gain a foothold, the nearest Ashe, Kailan and Dumb launched an offensive against it.

Alpha hurriedly wielded six steel knives to cast a death storm. As a result, under its horrified eyes, Ashe and Kailan easily tore the shield made by the succubus queen and immediately fell on the death storm.

Click~ Click~ Wow~

At this moment, the six steel knives broke or flew out, Alpha screamed, several arms were crushed into slag, and they were directly knocked to the ground.

Before Alpha stood up, a huge shadow enveloped it, Dui raised his hideous giant claw, and one claw fell.


The dignified demon lord even with the shield blessed by the succubus queen, he still hasn't survived a round.

At the moment Alpha fell, the faces of the succubus queen and several demon lords became ugly.

Without hesitation, several demon lords said that they would not go in, and they also secretly reached a unity.

In this case, the succubus queen had no choice but to give up and decided to abandon the gate of the abyss, even if doing so would make them bear huge losses, but compared with their lives, this was not a problem.

But when the succubus queen decided to evacuate, the burning abyss gate suddenly radiated light, but Li Changsheng had not seen the demon lord who continued to die, so he had to choose to come in person.

When Li Changsheng appeared, the succubus queen and several demon lords were slightly taken aback, and immediately launched a powerful offensive, only to be carried by several pieces of Langhuan's treasure, unscathed.

The next moment, Xuankun's good fortune monument flew out, forcibly venting the abyss consciousness and demonic energy within the range, causing the demons to lose their home court advantage.

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