Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1525: World projection

Emperor Wu asked angrily: "Then shall we enter the formation now, or wait for him to break the formation before we take the action?"

"what do y'all think?"

Li Changsheng does not mean dictatorship. Everyone present is the top boss of the pyramid, even if they get along well, but if they are dictator every time and don't give them any chance, it will always be uncomfortable, and at that time they may be alienated.

"I think both are good! If the human emperor breaks through the formation, the human emperor's strength will eventually suffer a certain decline, and it should be easier to make a move at that time, but the human emperor has the green lotus cloud boundary flag, to be honest, we It's hard to keep him."

The first to speak was Emperor Wen. He paused and continued to analyze: "If we enter the battle now, although we will also be affected by the Blood River Forbidden Array, but affected by the Blood River Forbidden Array, the effect of the Human Emperor’s Qinglian Cloud Boundary Banner is exerted. It must be restricted. As long as the blood river forbidden formation is not broken, we have greater hopes of staying with the emperor."

"I agree with His Majesty Wen's analysis, but here I want to add that once the blood river forbidden formation is broken, then the Emperor's palace will be opened, and the inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven may be taken away by the Emperor."

At this time, the Demon Emperor-class Shang Yang added, and she felt a sense of existence at the right time. She knew very well that as long as she still had the value of use, her life could be temporarily saved.

"I think we should enter the blood river forbidden formation!"

Qingdi Luo Yuanjun directly chose the second option.

"I agree!"

"Okay, then enter the blood river forbidden formation now!"

The Demon Emperor-class Shang Yang weakly said: "Can I not go in? If the Human Emperor sees me, I am afraid that he will use the Ten Thousand Demon Banner to kill me as soon as possible."

"Do you think it's possible, let's go in together, but you can hide it."

Naturally, Li Changsheng would not allow the Demon Emperor-class Shang Yang to stay outside, not to mention whether she would run away, but that she was so familiar with the Palace of the High Heavens, and was once the person next to the Emperor of Heaven. He must know a lot of secrets related to the Emperor. How can she let her leave.

In short, it is impossible for Li Changsheng to let her go before she squeezes the sheep dry.

"Well, I hope I don't bump into the emperor as soon as I enter."

The demon emperor-class Shang Yang's expression had not changed, she knew it would be such a result.

However, just when Li Changsheng and others were about to enter the blood river forbidden formation, Li Changsheng's heart moved, and a treasure map suddenly appeared and fell on his right hand.

This is the sun, moon and stars map that suppressed the Zhou Tian Xing Dou forbidden formation. Now that the sun, moon and stars map appears here, it means that the Blood Emperor and others have broken the Zhou Tian Xing Dou forbidden formation, which is faster than Li Changsheng expected.

Because of the device spirit, the sun, moon and stars map rushed out before the forbidden formation was broken, and by the way, the crape myrtle, the sun and the lunar star pan were drawn into the inner space.

Although other star pans are also very precious, it is not difficult for Li Changsheng to refine.

In the blink of an eye, Li Changsheng and the Qi Ling of the Sun Moon Star Chart completed the communication and understood the main reason why the Zhou Tian Xing Dou ban was broken so quickly.

Just like Li Changsheng thought, there were rebellions in "Star King", and there were not one or two, but there were as many as twenty or thirty.

Well, all are kings borrowed from middle-class countries.

Although the total number is less than ten, it has a significant impact on the operation of the forbidden formation, and the Blood Emperor and others can break the formation in less than ten minutes.

Seeing that Li Changsheng's face was a little gloomy, Ning Bizhen asked concerned: "What's the matter?"

"The blood emperor broke the formation!"

Li Changsheng didn't explain much, he just kept these ‘rebellious’ in his heart, and settled the accounts after Autumn.

As for why these people changed their flags, it was nothing more than the fact that the blood emperor gave too much, and they couldn't bear the temptation.

However, not all the people borrowed from middle-level countries have betrayed. On the contrary, betrayal can only be regarded as the small group of people who are paralyzed by greed, and more reason is the upper hand.

Although the conditions given by the blood emperor were good, doing so was bound to offend Li Changsheng and others, who were in the midst of the sky.

"Well, don't worry about the blood emperor. When they come, even if it goes smoothly, it will take at least ten minutes."

When Li Changsheng was speaking, he communicated to the Dragon King of Four Seas as long as they took care of the prisoners. After all, with the complexity of the High Heaven Palace, unless the Blood Emperor also had a leading party, it would inevitably consume a lot of time, unless they were willing to divide their troops into three groups, but This is too risky.

After speaking, Li Changsheng took the lead to step into the blood river forbidden formation.

There was a piece of blood in the eye, and there was a huge blood pool on the ground, full of viscous blood, from time to time one could see huge blood river carts flying out of it.

As soon as he entered the blood river forbidden formation, a blood river cart ran into him.

Li Changsheng held the Falling Sky Pillar, smashed it with a stick, and forcefully smashed the Blood River Chariot in half.

The Blood River Cart turned into blood again and merged into the blood pool below.

As long as the blood pool is endless, the blood river cart will be born continuously.

In addition to the Blood River Chariot, there are also blood-colored giants. This is the legendary Blood God Child, and it is also a special product of the Blood River Forbidden Array.

As the second top ban, the blood river ban is known for its endless offensives, and is most suitable for dealing with a large number of but not very strong enemies.

Naturally, Li Changsheng and others are not included. The Blood River Forbidden Array is a threat to them, but as long as protection is done, the threat is actually not that big.

When other people also entered the Blood River Forbidden Array, Hetu Luoshu appeared above Li Changsheng's head, sensing the position of the emperor.

But the Demon Emperor Shang Yang went directly into the blood pool and hid. As for her coping method, Li Changsheng expressed no interest.

In the blink of an eye, Hetu Luoshu shot a ray of light toward the northwest.

Li Changsheng took the lead to follow, and the others fell behind, dissolving the offensive of the blood river forbidden formation along the In just a few breaths, Li Changsheng's ears moved slightly, and he could hear the sound of fighting.

On the other side, Human Sovereign seemed to have sensed something, his face instantly became extremely hideous, and he gritted his teeth with hatred for Li Changsheng.

Every time the plan was destroyed by Li Changsheng, how could the emperor not hate it.

If it weren't for Li Changsheng's stigma, the emperor thought he had at least ruled half of the world of fairies now.

"Just give me another minute or two, you can break the blood river forbidden formation, **** Halloween King, this is all you forced me!"

Human Sovereign eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, and he naturally has a killer's key in his hand, but it was originally used to execute the final plan, and now he can only use it in advance.

When Li Changsheng and others appeared in the eyes of the emperor, the emperor held the balance of order, and three huge vortexes suddenly appeared, revealing three projections of the world.

Suddenly, a pair of huge golden eyes appeared in each vortex, projecting their gazes.

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