Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1503: no way no money

"The thief dare you!"

Xuanhuang's scolding sounded, and the dragon and phoenix contending ruler in his hand turned into a stream of light, the sound of the dragon and the phoenix ringing echoed through the world, and the shadow of the dragon and the phoenix appeared on the ruler and flew straight towards Li Changsheng.

Although the dragon and phoenix contending ruler had already been promoted to the mid-range Langhuan Supreme Treasure by the Emperor Xuanhuang, it was the ultimate killing and cutting treasure, and had no extra functions, only pure lethality.


Before the dragon and the phoenix contend for the ruler to be close, the Biluohuangquan double swords were out of their sheaths. With the assistance of the Lingxiao sword box, the power of the combination of the two swords was still above the dragon and the phoenix contend for the ruler.


In an instant, the two strange treasures collided.

The two stalemate for a while, and then the dragon and phoenix contending ruler was knocked into the air, and a small crack appeared on it.

Xuanhuangxiu frowned and continued to control the Dragon and Phoenix Contending Ruler to intercept the Biluohuangquan Swords.

Jingle bell~

After the first sword was played, the power of the Biluohuangquan Swords returned to normal levels, and the power of the two was not much different, and they began to fight endlessly in the air.

As the dragon and phoenix contending ruler was damaged, the cracks on it began to spread gradually with each other.

At this time, the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda appeared in Li Changsheng's hands, condensing eight thick and one thin beams of light, sweeping towards the Emperor Xuan from all directions.

The Emperor Xuan hurriedly pointed at the twelfth-grade Wutu Huanglian, and an extremely thick earth-yellow air cover emerged, and the nine offensives fell on it, only strong ripples could appear, and finally it was barely supported.

Due to Zhou Tian Xing Dou's forbidden formation, Xuan Huang couldn't use the earth to fully exert the power of the 12th Grade Wutu Huanglian.


At this moment, the eight-clawed golden dragon suddenly appeared in the sky above the Emperor Xuan.

At the critical juncture, the water-printed mirror platform immortal clothing on Xuanhuang's body automatically protects and turns into ripples. Every time the dragon claws of the eight-clawed golden dragon breaks a ripple, the power is reduced by one point. When the Xuanhuang is about to be approached, Was completely resolved.


Until then, the demon emperor grade five-color sacred cow under the Xuanhuang's crotch screamed, and the five-color brilliance spread rapidly, directly forcibly pushing the eight-clawed golden dragon away for a certain distance, causing a certain amount of damage.


At this moment, Li Changsheng was incarnate as a three-legged golden crow. He opened his mouth and sprayed out a real sun fire, but his goal was not the Emperor Xuan, but one of the treasures of heaven.

The 108 treasure mirrors can be said to be a whole. Since they were created by the Ancient Profound Empress, they naturally have powerful protective measures.

It's just that due to the suppressive power of the Zhou Tianxing Dou Forbidden Array, the protection of these treasures has also been weakened.

Naturally, Emperor Xuan could not watch Li Changsheng attack Baojian. Although Baojian's built-in protection was very strong, it would also consume energy, and the breakout process would be negatively affected.

Zhou Tian Xing Dou Forbidden Array has the function of isolating external energy, but since the Emperor Xuanhuang activated Bao Jian, the entire Zhou Tian Xing Dou Forbidden Array became more and more unstable.

In addition, 108 treasure mirrors exude special ripples at all times, dissipating the star power in a large area.

In this area, the various effects of Zhou Tian Xing Dou's Forbidden Array have also been greatly weakened, such as the effect of weakening the enemy, the effect of protecting oneself, the effect of confusing, and so on.

At the same time, the energy consumed by the humans and puppets holding the star pan is also being forced to continue to increase.

This mainly depends on the shortest plank, that is, the batch of puppets. Unlike the strong humans, the energy stored in the puppets still has an upper limit, and unless it is filled, it cannot be recovered.

Before being hit by the real fire pillar of the sun, Baojian put a light mask outside, and the golden real fire of the sun scorched the light mask, causing layers of ripples.

Li Changsheng could feel that the intensity of the mask was declining, and as long as it continued, he could break the mask and hit this treasure.

Naturally, Emperor Xuan would not let Li Changsheng destroy Baojian. He immediately pointed to the radiant nest on his head, and a dazzling beam of light burst through the air, and immediately dispelled the real fire of the blazing sun.

Without waiting for Li Changsheng to continue his actions, Glory Nest once again released a beam of light, sweeping towards Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng ignored it, and the Hetu Luoshu, the 12th-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform and the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda appeared above his head, turning into a layered mask, defying the offensive of the Glory Nest with a relatively relaxed attitude.

The only flaw is that doing so greatly aggravated the loss of mental power.

Suddenly, the exquisite and delicate body of Emperor Xuanhuang shook, and his face became paler.

The corners of Li Changsheng's mouth raised, which was in his expectation.

When he pinned the Emperor Xuan, Ning Bizhen and Luo Yuanjun successively entered the battlefield. They were like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, directly causing heavy losses to the precarious Xuanhuang demon pet.

Ning Bizhen and Luo Yuanjun are not ordinary top double-character kings, and can even be called pseudo-emperors. The combined force of the two is almost equivalent to a veteran emperor. With the cooperation of Li Changsheng’s demon pet, just a few With the effort of breathing, he took away three or four demon emperor-level demon pets of the Emperor Xuanhuang.

The loss of these few demon pets directly caused the situation of the Emperor Xuan to become more and more precarious, because the few demon pets who were liberated naturally could not be idle, and instead joined the ranks of other demon pets besieging the Emperor Xuan.

The other demon pets of the Emperor Xuan were already at a disadvantage, let alone now, and couldn't last long.

Under this circumstance, the Emperor Xuan was ruthless in his heart and promptly released his blood to burn.

Even if it is only a temporary relief, it is better than being beheaded quickly.

The most important thing is that as long as the Xuanhuang saves his life, the bloodline concentration of these demon pets may not be unable to recover, even if it does not work, the demon pets can be replaced.

The Emperor Xuan was ruthless, even the Demon Emperor-level ancestor crystal dragon hadn't let go.

In the state of blood burning, the demon king ancestor crystal dragon that was completely at a disadvantage was obviously excited, and its body surface seemed to be covered with a layer of blood flames. Its combat power was soaring, and it finally recovered its disadvantage~www.mtlnovel. Com~ On the other side, the opponent of the Sihailong King is also in a state of blood burning, but the Sihailong clan has long anticipated the possibility of such a change, and it still appears to be comfortable.

Facing the desperate Emperor Xuan, Li Changsheng in a normal state said that it would be difficult to defeat the opponent before the bloodline burning state ended.

The key Zhou Tian Xing Dou forbidden formation became more and more unstable, fearing that it would not last long.

Once the Emperor Profound Emperor breaks away, it is no different from letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Under the great loss of the opponent's strength, it is very likely that he will lose the idea of ​​fighting for hegemony and join other forces.

Regardless of whether the Emperor Xuan chooses to join the Emperor of Humanity or the Emperor of Blood, it will definitely cause the strength of one of them to skyrocket, and it will be even more difficult to deal with at that time.

Li Changsheng was naturally unwilling to let the tiger go back to the mountain. Under this circumstance, a purple and golden starry sky crown appeared on his head.

In the choice between Ziji Jinjue Star Sky Crown and Future Xumidan, he is more inclined to the former, mainly because the latter is too random and will cause damage to combat power for a period of time.

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