Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1487: Include food and housing, preferential treatment, come quickly

As a result, after Kunpeng and the Eight-Clawed Golden Dragon, Li Changsheng suddenly had two more top sacred beasts, and his strength was further improved.

After playing with two cats for a while, Li Changsheng looked at the nine gray cats whose bodies were hollowed out.

With so much blood drawn, even if you are still in a healthy state, it is normal to be exhausted.

"You should stay here in the future, I can guarantee your safety."

Guangming Cangmao discussed with the other eight Cangmao, and then asked: "You will not draw our blood in the future, will you?"

"My goal has been achieved, there is no need to draw blood anymore, you can relax."

Seeing the nine grey cats Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief, Li Changsheng paused and continued: "Not only can your safety be guaranteed here, but you can also enjoy the same treatment as them. You can experience it here for three days first. It’s not too late to give me an answer.”

Guangming Cangmao was a little moved, but still asked: "What if we refuse? Will you kill us?"

"Will not!"

This is indeed Li Changsheng’s answer. Although there are definitely more than ten gray cats in the fairy world, the sacred beast, the gray cat, possesses the special ability to comb the energy of the heavens and the earth. The merits of the mysterious and yellow energy, this is the merit they have accumulated for so many years of combing the energy of the heaven and the earth, and they will definitely have a backlash when killed.

In addition, killing them will also arouse the disgust of day, night and Sundanese cats.

Therefore, Li Changsheng's performance is not strong, and only intends to win over the gray cat as best he can.

As a large cat breeder, Li Changsheng has raised a lot of fairies with the blood of cats, and he has a good understanding of the behavior of cats. For this reason, he also built a cat activity center, which has many foods, toys and toys that match their tastes. facility.

Under Li Changsheng's signal, day, night and Xunfeng gray cats brought nine gray cats to the cat activity center.

The nine grey cats live in the same place most of the time. They are basically in the wild. They have almost never entered a human city. Although they are old, they have very limited vision. They usually play with their friends. Home-made balls, where have you seen so many toys?

Most of these toys are spherical, which suits the preferences of cat-like fairies, and the cat is no exception.

Under the guidance of day and night, dozens of cat fairies who were playing stopped one after another, looking at the nine gray cats curiously, and then they were divided into nine batches. While separating the nine gray cats, they played with them by the way.

Soon, the nine grey cats put down their guard, lost in the cat activity center, and happily played with other cats.

Li Changsheng's intention is simple. In addition to using toys and delicacies to attract the cats, he also cultivated the friendship between the nine cats and other cats, and tried his best to keep the nine cats here.

I have to say that Li Changsheng's strategy is very effective. Before three days have passed, Guangming Cangmao brought a reply and expressed his willingness to stay here.

However, the bright gray cat also has one condition, hoping to call in the sundae gray cat, who is away from home.

Regarding this condition, Li Changsheng was naturally happy to see the result, so he released the bright gray cat out of the secret realm and let it take the initiative to contact the Sunda wind gray cat.

Guangming Cangmao left with reluctance, obviously very reluctant to give up to the cat activity center. This is like the feeling of a young internet addict who is new to the Internet, and the power is cut off for a while after getting on the machine.

Compared with Li Changsheng, Guangming Cat's speed is a lot slower, especially it can't use the teleportation array, it seems that it can only fly to the wild forest.

However, Cangmao and Cangmao have a special contact method, similar to his Xintong or Sending Yupian, which can quickly transmit information to the other party to receive.

After sending the message, the Guangming Cangmao could only stand in the same place boredly, waiting for the arrival of the Xunfeng Cangmao.

It doesn't worry about whether the Sundanese cat is in danger. After all, it is almost impossible to encounter danger because of the advantages and avoidance characteristics of the cat.

As for the message that Guangming Cangmao sent to Xunfeng Cangmao, there were only ten words.

Include food and housing, preferential treatment, come here soon!

In the process of waiting, Guangming Cangmao was a bit irritable, full of desire to return to the cat activity center immediately, and envied other companions. He felt that being the boss was a chore, and there was the idea of ​​not wanting to be the boss in his heart.

As the fastest existence among the ten gray cats, the speed of the Xunfeng gray cats is not unpleasant. In less than an hour, they cross-regionally merged with the bright gray cats.

"Boss, you seem to have lost a lot of weight. Have you been abused by that guy in the past two days?"

The Xunfeng Cangmao looked at the Guangming Cangmao, and it was not seen in just two days. The originally chubby Guangming Cangmao was obviously thinner.

"Really? Why didn't I feel it. Okay, let's not talk about this, I will take you to see that guy now."

The Xunfeng Cangmao showed an uneasy expression and hesitated and said, "That...Is the treatment really good? Are there other brothers? Why are you the only one?"

"Don't worry, what I lied to you for, the treatment is very good, the place is safe, the food is appetizing, there are a lot of toys, and there are a bunch of good-tempered partners. Don't mention how comfortable it is. Other brothers don't want to see you, just They’re crazy about playing so I’m the only one waiting for you. If I weren’t the boss, I wouldn’t want to take this errand."

Guangming Cangmao has a tendency to talk about tuberculosis, and his heart has already flown to the cat activity center.

Xunfeng Cangmao was full of curiosity, and followed the Guangming Cangmao to find Li Changsheng.

It didn't take long for the Xunfeng Cangmao to be persuaded to join the big family.

In the following time, Li Changsheng began to digest the results obtained during this period, and was also closely watching the movement of the Emperor Xuan's Mausoleum.

For some unknown reason, the opening time of Emperor Xuan's Mausoleum was obviously later than expected, and it has not rained until now.

During this period, there were a total of eight shocks near the Emperor Xuan's Mausoleum, each of which was stronger than one. From the period of the shock, the interval was significantly shortened, and the interval between the seventh and the eighth was even less than ten days.

Li Changsheng estimated that the Emperor Xuan's mausoleum is very likely to be opened within a month. As for when, it is hard to say, but it is certain that the movement must be very large.

Not only Li Changsheng, but almost all the beings standing on the upper level of the Pyramid in the Fairy World are also paying close attention to the Emperor Xuan's Mausoleum, not wanting to let this opportunity go.

Three days later, the wild forest!

"Why hasn't the cat come back yet?"

The demon king-level mountain giant ape was very impatient, chopped his foot, and the nearby mountain suddenly shook.

It has been waiting here for three days, but the Sunda Wind Cat has never come back.

In order to let the mountain great ape and the heavy bird leave, the Xunfeng Grey Cat said that if there is no chance to save its brother, it will return immediately.

"It is very likely that he was also caught by the King of Halloween."

Chongming Bird's tone was low, and he felt that the Sunda Wind Cat was more auspicious.

However, the fact is that the Xunfeng Grey Cat was very happy playing in the cat activity center. For a while, he forgot about it and unknowingly released the two dominant pigeons in the wild forest.

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