Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1466: 8-claw golden dragon?

Before the ancestral dragon's essence and blood were purified, suddenly, there was a sudden surge of momentum. Li Changsheng took a look and found that it was the Vientiane Spirit Eater that had successfully completed the breakthrough.

From the time point of view, the Vientiane Spirit Devouring Rat is likely to reach the Demon Emperor Level directly, rather than the Pseudo Demon Emperor Level.

On the other side, Hong Luan had opened his eyes, and its aura and size had not changed.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, the light representing Hongluan has been lit up a lot. Judging from the rich experience of Li Changsheng, it is already close to the limit.

In addition to the origin of lava, Li Changsheng naturally has a few valuable resources to improve quality. The only ones that are suitable for Red Luan are the two Fire Spirit Grass and the Moon Star Resurrection Pill.

Since occupying the Heavenly Spirit Empire, Li Changsheng has the resource point for the birth of the Mingyue Lotus. Naturally, he is no longer lacking the Mingyue Lotus as before. On the contrary, the other two main materials are relatively lacking and require a certain amount of time to cultivate.

During this period of time, Kailan refined another fifteen Moon Soul Stunning Pills.

Li Changsheng directly threw a fire spirit grass into Hongluan's mouth, waiting for its response.

Soon, Hong Luan was digested, and Fire Spirit Grass was the lowest level of heaven and earth treasure to improve the quality of fire demon pets. The effect on Hong Luan was not strong. It just made the light spot representing Hong Luan slightly uncheckable. Is a little brighter.

"One by one!"

Yuepao Star Removal Pill is a precious resource. In order to avoid waste, Li Changsheng feeds them one by one to Red Luan.

When the ninth one was fed, Hong Luan finally changed, his aura suddenly skyrocketed, indicating that its light spots were several times brighter than before, making Li Changsheng feel that his consciousness was'brightly blind'. a feeling of.

"Break through!"

After Hong Luan successfully reached the legendary quality, Li Changsheng left a word, and he didn't bother to care about Hong Luan anymore, because Hong Luan would definitely be promoted to the Demon Emperor level and save a precious crystal of fire rules.

Li Changsheng continued to be busy, and finally obtained seven pots of Zulong blood.

The East China Sea Dragon Empress was severely injured by the four-clawed silver dragon not long ago, and lost a large amount of dragon blood, resulting in the purified blood of the ancestral dragon falling short of expectations.

If you add the remaining eight cans of Ancestral Dragon Essence Blood, Li Changsheng will have fifteen cans in his hands. He doesn't know if it is enough, or if there are other standards, but in any case, he has to give it a try.

At this time, Hongluan and Vientiane Spirit Devourer all broke through the Demon Emperor level, and the Vientiane Spirit Devourer became the first temporary Demon Emperor Demon pet in Li Changsheng's hands.

As a price, the connection between Li Changsheng and Vientiane Spirit Devourer became very fragile like being strongly oppressed, which meant that Vientiane Spirit Devourer could break the temporary contract at any time.

The Vientiane Spirit Eater would naturally not do that, after all, without Li Changsheng, it would not have reached the current level.

Unlike Hongluan and Vientiane Spirit Eater, the eight-eyed Mink's expression is depressed, obviously failing to break through, and Ning Bizhen comforts himself.

Li Changsheng began to check Hongluan's information.

[Fairy name]: Hongluan (growth period. Comprehend the inextinguishable fire, double the probability of burns by the fire skill of the demon pet, greatly increase the burning time of the flame, and cause secondary damage to the enemy. Comprehend that the inexhaustible wood is not extinguished by the rainstorm, The true meaning of Burning Immortality, which greatly improves the resistance of its own flame to water and increases the flame burning time. Absorbs the elite of the fire class, enhances the power of the fire skills, increases the probability of burning, and automatically understands the fire **** thunder. The rules of cohesion Power, the power of the skill doubles, and causes continuous damage to the enemy; rule guard: exempt part of the damage, depending on the opponent's realm)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon Emperor Tier 1

[Fairy Race]: the middle-ranked beast

[Fairy Quality]: Legend

[Fairy Bloodline]: Phoenix (Dacheng), Suzaku (majestic)

[Fairy Attributes]: Fire

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Fairy Weakness]: No "Xuanyu Ginseng Eliminates Attribute Weakness"

As Hong Luan was promoted to the rank of Demon Emperor, it also meant that Li Changsheng's main demon pet was no longer holding back, and the only thing to say is that the four-clawed Huanglong is still at the pseudo-demon emperor rank.

However, Li Changsheng believed that within a short time, the four-clawed yellow dragon would become a true demon emperor-level demon pet. For this reason, Li Changsheng specially handed the dragon ball of the East Sea Dragon Queen to the four-clawed yellow dragon to absorb the essence of the dragon ball and shorten the time to become the demon emperor.

Soon, the five-clawed golden dragon that had just absorbed the ancestral dragon profound jade began to swallow the ancestral dragon's essence and blood, and the ancestral blood imprints in its body were rapidly increasing.

Li Changsheng paid close attention to this process. He always wondered why the Dragon King of East China Sea possessed the Ancestral Dragon Crown, a treasure of the dragon family heritage. Why didn't he become an Ancestral Dragon?

Li Changsheng has seen the few memories of the East Sea Dragon King and the East Sea Dragon Queen absorbed by the Primordial Light, and there are not many memories related to Zulong.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, it is possible that the ancestral dragon essence and blood needed are beyond imagination, or the ancestral dragon crown cannot extract the ancestral dragon essence and blood, or there are other restrictions on wanting to become an ancestral dragon.

Whether the ancestral dragon crown can purify the essence of the ancestral dragon, it is reasonable to say that it is easy to draw conclusions, but unfortunately, the ancestral dragon crown must be a demon king-level pure blood dragon.

If you want to draw a conclusion, I am afraid I can only find other Three Sea Dragon Kings, and they are not necessarily willing yet.

It didn't take long for the five-clawed golden dragon to finally change, mainly on the toes of the claws. The claws that originally had only the five toes began to grow and split, and each claw began to grow a delicate claw toe.

When this claw toe grows to the point where it is similar to the other claws, the dragon claw splits again, and another delicate claw toe grows out.

Before long, an eighth claw toe grew.

However, just when Li Changsheng was expecting the ninth claw to grow, the change stopped abruptly. It is not known whether the ancestral dragon's blood was not enough, or there were other reasons.

However, there is no such thing as an eight-clawed golden dragon in the dragon clan.

After a while, the eight-clawed golden dragon opened the longan, and Li Changsheng immediately had a spiritual exchange with it.

When the exchange was over, Li Changsheng got the answer. It was not that the ancestor dragon's blood was not enough, but after the eighth claw toe grew, the eight-clawed golden dragon felt the obstacle, and couldn't break through it. It was even as solid as a rock. After the blood was digested, he still didn't move.

Under Li Changsheng's order, the eight-clawed golden dragon tore open a small wound, leaving the dragon blood for Li Changsheng to collect and inspect.

Soon, this point of dragon blood became viscous, and Li Changsheng began to check the composition of dragon blood with the sight medicine.

"There is also an extra blood mark, how could it not be expelled?"

Li Changsheng was puzzled. Perhaps this is why the eight-clawed golden dragon did not really transform into an ancestor dragon.

The next moment, Li Changsheng began to operate, using medicine to try to eliminate this last type of blood.


Li Changsheng felt that he had more problems. Originally, he thought that the medicine might not be able to eliminate the last blood mark, but he easily eliminated it.

What is going on?

Judging from the feeling of the eight-clawed golden dragon the blood of the ancestor dragon should be enough, but it is impossible to rule out the last bloodline mark, unable to split the ninth claw toe.

However, the potion can strip the last blood imprint.

The problem is that unless the eight-clawed golden dragon is killed, even if the eight-clawed golden dragon leaves more dragon blood, it will not eliminate the last extra blood mark at all.

Li Changsheng had too many questions in his mind, but he was not disappointed either. After all, if the only divine beast was so easy to obtain, then the East China Sea Dragon King who controlled the ancestral dragon crown should be easy to do.

There is also the Phoenix clan who possesses secret treasures, why hasn't a new Fengzu appeared?

In addition, including the heavenly emperor, star emperor, mysterious emperor, xuan empress, human emperor, etc., there is no unique kind of beast. Li Changsheng has never heard of any demon master possessing it. He thinks there must be a problem with it. .

To get the answer, in addition to asking Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu, Li Changsheng was also going to ask the Three Seas Dragon King.

In addition, there may also be answers in the inheritance of the star emperor.

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