Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1362: Congenital Jiamu Qi

Soon, the two sides reached an agreement.

The Fire King collects the prisoner's corpse, as long as Li Changsheng helps him kill the pseudo-monster emperor-level snake, and then pays the prisoner's corpse.

As for the income from beheading the snake, all belong to the King of Fire Fury.

It seems that Li Changsheng has suffered a little loss, but the corpse of the prisoner cow is very important to him. After he passes the village, there is no such shop. There may not necessarily be many collections.

After reaching an agreement, Li Changsheng continued to observe other items on the jade platform.

Soon, Li Changsheng made another discovery, his eyes shrank slightly, his excitement was reduced, and his expression remained calm on the surface.

What Li Changsheng discovered was nothing else, but the congenital Jiamu Qi.

As long as this innate aura of wood, coupled with a certain amount of wood element crystals, Kailan's elemental power can go further.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, Kailan should be able to reach the level of a superior animal.

The master of the congenital Jiamu Qi is not the King of Double Characters, but a King, called the King of Cang.

The Cang King became a king a few years ago, he was in his early thirties and still belongs to the ranks of newly promoted kings. What is rare is that this is a scattered king who can reach this point without the support of forces. There is no secret, it must be impossible.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, Cangwang has a high probability of gaining the inheritance of a certain strong man.

Of course, these are not the key points. Li Changsheng is not interested in the secrets of the Cangwang. The most important thing now is to obtain the innate Qi of Jiamu.

Li Changsheng looked at the transaction request made by the Cangwang, and when he saw this, he couldn't help frowning.

Cangwang's trading requirements are very simple, that is, to assist in breaking through the resources of the demon saint-level demon pet, without limiting the attributes.

Li Changsheng had already used up this kind of resource, and the extra was handed over to the bitter king Zhao Yuanqing. Perhaps the natural disaster king, the dark night king, and others had their rings, but the ring could not be opened for the time being.

However, this does not mean that Li Changsheng has no choice but to pay.

First of all, Li Changsheng wants to get in touch with Cangwang to see if he can get it at other prices.

If it doesn't work, let Cangwang keep it for him temporarily and give him some preparation time.

Li Changsheng found the Cang King, and the two began to discuss about the innate Jiamu Qi. However, facing the various benefits that Li Changsheng had promised, the Cang King did not let go, and gave no room for discussion at all.

This made Li Changsheng a little helpless, so he could only ask Cangwang to keep it for him temporarily.

"Yes, but you also know that the exchange meeting time is limited, I can give you up to three hours!"

The Cangwang hesitated for a while, and chose to agree. In addition to not wanting to engage in evil with Li Changsheng, there are also reasons why the innate Jiamu Qi is not very popular.

After speaking, Cangwang temporarily retracted the innate Jiamu Qi placed on the jade platform.

Li Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief. Although he only had three hours, he still had a way.

At the next moment, Li Changsheng adopted two strategies.

One, exchange your own treasures for treasures that assist in breaking through the Demon Saint Grade, and increase the price a little.

Second, look for King Aomu, even if King Aomu doesn't have them, but with King Aomu's contacts, they can always be found.

What made Li Changsheng a little embarrassed was that King Qingmu was still with the Emperor. If he was called, he might be dissatisfied. After all, being able to communicate with the Emperor and the Three Emperors was a rare opportunity for him to brush his face.

As a friend, Li Changsheng did not want King Qingmu to give up this opportunity.

Just looking around, he suddenly found that his personal connections were too thin. Except for the few people present, most of the other kings and double-character kings were just nodding acquaintances.

Li Changsheng was still willing to let go of his face for the sake of his congenital Jiamu Qi.

Before that, Li Changsheng found Xiang Yutian, the second prince of the Kai Ling Empire, who had come with the Ling Emperor.

With Xiang Yutian's position in the Kai Ling Empire, he must know many powerful people, and perhaps they have treasures in their hands that can assist in breaking through the demon saint level.

At this moment, Xiang Yutian was chatting with two young talents in the corner.

Li Changsheng took the initiative to say hello: "Brother Xiang, don't come here without problems!"

Xiang Yutian's face was immediately covered with a smile, as if Li Changsheng took the initiative to greet him and gave him great face.

This is the fact. Three days ago, Li Changsheng showed a fighting power comparable to the top double-character king, which opened a clear gap between the two identities.

In this world, strength is a symbol of status. Although Li Changsheng and him are both kings on the surface, no one will regard him as a king anymore.

"Brother Li, you have been a blockbuster if you are really silent recently. By the way, let me introduce you to it first."

Begin to introduce to Yutian two young talents around him. They and Xiang Yutian are both kings, and the key is the direct line of the emperor.

The two are King Gen and King Kan, both have the title of Eight Kings.

Among them, King Gen is a descendant of Emperor Feng, and King Kan is a descendant of Emperor Wu. They also came with their respective emperors to open their eyes and make contacts by the way.

As for the descendants of the human queen, no one was seen at the scene.

It is rumored that the human queen is cursed by an unknown existence, and always inexplicably die prematurely or violently die, making the human queen extremely scarce and basically unable to survive to become a king.

Regarding this rumor, Li Changsheng did not fully believe it. After all, the human emperor is one of the best in the fairy world, even if it is a powerful **** in another world, it is equally difficult to curse the human emperor's descendant.

After getting acquainted with each other, due to time constraints, Li Changsheng didn't conceal it, and revealed the things he needed to assist in breaking through the demon saint-level treasures.

The three of them looked at each other, and they could all see the embarrassment in each other's eyes.

Xiang Yutian smiled bitterly, and said: "Sorry, Brother Li, it's not that we don't want to help you, it's really there is such a resource, we would have used it a long time ago."

King Gen and King Kan nodded in agreement, and stepped back and said that even if they had, they would not trade them out, and would only keep them for their own use.

"It's okay! But, you have a wide range of exchanges, it is better to help me ask, if it succeeds, this is a reward!"

When Li Changsheng was speaking, he took out a piece of Zixiao Qilin Armor.

Of course, this is not the Zixiao Qilin Armor of the Zifu's Rare Grade. The materials used are all substandard, but it has also reached the low-grade world's wonders.

Li Changsheng was also helpless, and could only use compensation to make them do their best.

Although the three of them are descendants of emperors, they have too short a time to become a king, and their background is too shallow, and the world's wonder-class treasures they possess are very small.

So after seeing the Zixiao Qilin Jia, the three of them could not wait to agree, one by one showing a certain look, and began to use their contacts.

Li Changsheng waited by the edge of Yutai. According to the three people's contacts, he would definitely be able to find it.

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