Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1159: Li Haoqiong

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After returning to the kingdom of Langya, Li Changsheng began to purify the remaining blood collected in the past few days and purify all of them into the blood of various sacred beasts.

Although most of these **** demon pets are pure pure bloodlines, the key base is large, and they are inevitably mixed with some rich and even powerful demon pets.

Of course, the higher the blood vein concentration, the better the compensation for blood.

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For a time, the national treasury of Langya State shrank a lot.

But the results are absolutely gratifying. In just a few days, thousands of blood samples that meet the standards have been collected.

After the past few days, the number of demon masters who came here became less and less, and there was no longer the sight of queuing blood like before.

Li Changsheng decided to keep it for one month and wait until one month has passed before removing it. As for when it will be opened next time, I'm afraid it will take two or three years.

The natural recovery speed of the bloodline mark is related to the type of demon pet, but no matter how fast it is, it will not be less than a year, and some may even exceed five years, mainly due to the source of the bloodline.

The stronger the bloodline, the slower the bloodline imprint will recover.

In order to purify thousands of blood, Li Changsheng had to get into a busy state, his hands seemed to be turned into a thousand-handed Guanyin, and he purified ten blood at once.

Two days later, Li Changsheng finally breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the remaining hundreds of blood, and did not continue to refine.

No way, the Intermediate Demon Heart and the High Demon Heart ran out.

"Kalan, how is it?"

Up to this moment, Li Changsheng found Kailan who was supervising the training of the monster pets. Naturally, he asked about the barrier-breaking pill.

Obviously, Kailan completed the alchemy first.

"A total of five barrier-breaking pills!"

Kailan handed a jade bottle to Li Changsheng. Originally, Li Changsheng thought it would be good to be able to produce three, but he did not expect to have five at a time. Obviously Kailan's luck was not bad.

One barrier-breaking pill material can refine five barrier-breaking pills, two of which are ten. Since the difficulty of refining barrier-breaking pills is comparable to top-level pills, Kailan's success rate is probably in the early 30s.

"Great job!"

Li Changsheng exaggerated timely and put the jade bottle away.

Kailan showed a bright and bright smile, and her tired mind became full of fighting spirit again, and she began to spur the chubby who wanted to be lazy.

Li Changsheng shook his head and left the secret realm.

Yecheng, Chongming Palace!

At this moment, several people are waiting patiently.

In addition to Zuo Qiulin, there are Zhang Kaishuo, Ning Wei, Qian Yuanfei and Zhao Rui.

This time, Li Changsheng did not summon Mu Chuhe, mainly because of the close relationship.

"I am calling you today, mainly to tell you one thing."

Li Changsheng paused and continued: "I heard an accurate piece of news. Three days later, the Silent Forest will invade Langya."

As Li Changsheng just finished speaking, the four people except Zuo Qiulin couldn't help showing surprise, but they were not afraid.

According to their understanding of the Silent Forest, the leader of the Silent Forest, Teng Snake Aberisk's combat power is similar to that of an ordinary demon emperor-level demon pet, and Langya country can completely contend.

Unfortunately, their understanding of Silent Forest is still the old calendar.

Li Changsheng added: "I suspect that Tengshe Aberisk has broken through the Demon Emperor level!"

One stone stirred up waves, and this time, the faces of the four of them were obviously ugly.

If Teng Snake Aberisk breaks through the Demon Emperor rank, the combat power can be more than doubled, I am afraid it will be more than several times.

Li Changsheng carefully looked at the manners of the four people, and when he found that he was not afraid or cowardly, he was quite satisfied.

For the strong, xinxing is still very important.

"Regardless of whether Aberisk has broken through the Demon Emperor rank or not, I can deal with it. However, in addition to Aberisk, there are five high lords and 27 lords in the Silent Forest. They all need to be dealt with. They are the ones who deal with."

"Lord, we must do our best to protect our family and our country even if we are crushed!"

Zhao Rui reacted fastest, and under the dumbfounded gaze of Zhang Kaishuo and others, he was the first to show his loyalty.

It’s just that Zhao Rui’s family is acting for the country, what happened to Guan Langya country...

The other three reacted and also expressed their determination to fight to the death.

"Very well, I am very happy that you have this heart. As the saying goes, you must first sharpen your tools if you want to do well, and your strength must also be improved."

Hearing what Li Changsheng said, the four people present were obviously excited.

Li Changsheng waved his sleeves, and in front of the four, there was a dragon scale armor and several jade pots filled with essence and blood.

Unlike the four, Zuo Qiulin also had a dragon scale armor and several jade pots in front of him. The difference was that there was also a second-level water crystal in front of him.

During this period of time, Zuo Qiulin presided over the overall situation of Langya Nation for Li Changsheng like a housekeeper. Li Changsheng naturally saw it, and at the same time continued to rely on Zuo Qiulin. Moreover, Zuo Qiulin was still the main force in resisting the Silent Forest this time.

As for Li Changsheng in order not to distribute the barrier-breaking pills and special bloodline medicines, it was mainly because he decided to give them all to Li Haoqiong.

Ning Bizhen and Li Haoqiong have always been the people he trusts most, and the least likely to betray him, not to mention that it is always more advantageous to concentrate resources.

"The old man kowtows to thank you for the gift!"

Seeing the crystallization of the source of the profound meaning of the secondary water, Zuo Qiulin was so excited that he couldn't himself, so Li Changsheng stared dumbfounded, and directly bowed Li Changsheng.

Zhang Kaishuo and others hurriedly followed to salute, filled with gratitude for Li Changsheng and hope for the future.

"Well, you don't have to be like that."

Li Changsheng waved his sleeves and a wave of great power appeared, and Zuo Qiulin and others stood up.

"Elder Zuo, UU reading, take them down and break through."

After Zuo Qiulin left with everyone, Li Changsheng came to the backyard of Chongming Palace.

The forbidden formation in the backyard has been activated, and Li Haoqiong is standing there excitedly, watching the six demon pets who are trying to break through nervously.

Two months ago, Li Haoqiong had several demon pets try to break through the Demon King level, and finally the dragon python successfully broke through.

If you add the Dark Demon Wolf King, Li Haoqiong has two demon king-level demon pets.

Most of Li Haoqiong's demon pets are of top grade and top quality, and the cooldown time for the demon pet's failure to break through is very short, so that he can try to break through again after two months.

This time, Li Changsheng not only handed over five barrier-breaking pills and two blood essences to Li Haoqiong, but also several jars of matching essence and blood.

With the quality of demon pets owned by Li Haoqiong, the average breakthrough probability of these six demon pets is about 40%. Normally, two or three demon king-level demon pets can be born. If he is lucky, Li Haoqiong can even be satisfied. The most important condition for being a king.

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