Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1156: The third half-step legendary monster pet

Li Changsheng has a kind of faint sadness, it is not so simple, if it is so easy, those 9th-order demon masters would not be afraid of a bunch of legendary quality demon pets.

Although the treasures that improve the quality are extremely rare, they can always be collected for the ninth-order demon master who has power in a region.

The key Ninth-Order Demon Master is an old monster that has lived for thousands of years. Even if it takes a few years to collect a copy, it will be a rather exaggerated number after so many years.

If you have a treasure similar to the Gate of Light and Darkness, it is undoubtedly even more exaggerated.

According to Li Changsheng's analysis, the more the quality is improved, the worse the quality of the treasure will be.

Even if you hand over the remaining five Moon Soul Star Reaching Pills to two cats to absorb, they will not be able to improve their quality.

In this case, Li Changsheng can only implement the original plan to improve Chilong's quality.

After calling Chilong over, Li Changsheng didn't take out the true origin crystal of water. If Chilong was lucky enough to reach half-step legendary quality, there was no need to waste the true origin crystal of water.

Half-step legendary demon pets can definitely break through the demon saint level, and can slightly increase the probability of breaking through the demon emperor level.

"First use the essence of mysticism, and then use the moon soul to win the stars!"

Li Changsheng thought for a while and decided on the order. If there is still a surplus of the last Moon Soul Stunning Pill, he will use it to upgrade Ning Bizhen's main demon pet.

Chilong lay on the ground, a pair of huge longan eyes staring at the box and gourd suspended in front of him, its throat pulsating, showing a greedy human expression.

Li Changsheng did not hesitate to open the box, revealing two diamond-like mysterious essences.

For dragons who like treasures, the essence of mystery is full of charm, Chilong is no exception, and there is an idea to collect them in his heart.

Chilong shook his head vigorously, immediately dispelled the thought, swallowed the two mysterious essences directly, and lay on the ground to refine the mysterious essence.

Li Changsheng stared at Chilong closely, his expression was calm on the surface, and his heart was more or less tense. If two mysterious essences and five Yuepao Star Captain Pills could not make Chilong's quality reach half a legend. , Inevitably will be hit, especially when the enemy is present, every time you increase your strength, you will be safer.

In the blink of an eye, an aqua-blue brilliance appeared on the surface of Chilong's body, and it quickly spread out, covering all the two to three hundred meters in a radius.

When the water system energy no longer diffuses, the concentration of water system energy rises rapidly and turns to dark blue quickly. Makes Chilong's figure blurred.

Li Changsheng's mental power is always being released, always paying attention to the quality changes of Chilong.

Under the effect of the two mysterious essences, the light spot representing Chilong quickly brightened.

Unfortunately, this process did not last long, and the light spot representing Chilong remained constant.

According to the speculation of the brightness of the two cats, even if Chilong does not reach the peak of epic quality, the gap is not very large.

Chilong opened his eyes again, disappointed in the huge long eyes, and soon his gaze fell on the gourd.

Under the control of spiritual power, a moon soul star-receiving pill flew out of the gourd and fell into Chilong's mouth.

In the next moment, Chilong was once again covered by rich water energy, which means that its light spots became brighter again.

In less than three minutes, the light spot that represented Chilong stopped again, and Li Changsheng had to give it the second Moon Soul Star Removal Pill.

The third one!

The fourth one!

After ten minutes had passed, when Chilong swallowed the fourth Moon-Pot Star-Retaining Pill, only the last Moon-Pore Star-Retaining Pill was left in the gourd.

Each time it swallows a moon-powered star-receiving pill, the light spot representing Chilong will be brighter by one or two points. When it swallows the fourth moon-power star-receiving pill, the light point finally reaches the critical point and begins to become violent. It flickered.


Suddenly, Chi Long let out a slightly painful dragon roar, and his whole body crackled like firecrackers.

Li Changsheng was not surprised and rejoiced, because the light spot representing Chilong's quality suddenly skyrocketed and reached another level.

In the process of waiting, a large amount of dirt continuously emerged from the gaps between the dragon scales on the surface of the Chilong body, which was washed away by the water system energy in a blink of an eye.

After the quality rose smoothly to the next stage, Chilong didn't open the longan and began to enter a breakthrough state.

In the process of reaching the half-step quality, Chilong's realm smoothly reached the 9th Demon King.

Li Changsheng's heart has been let go, and there is no anxiety anymore. There is no worry about whether Chilong can break through the demon saint level. This is the confidence given by the half-step epic quality.

Soon, an invisible dragon's might spread.

With a thought, Li Changsheng instantly restricted Longwei within a certain range to avoid frightening the wild goblins in the secret realm.

With Chilong’s current dragon power, if you have no scruples to vent in the secret, it will be a disaster for the wild goblins in the The Chilong’s body is filled with amazing blue brilliance, these Guanghua converges into the phantom of the Ancestral Dragon, and then merges with Chilong.

In Chilong’s sea of ​​consciousness, the aqua-blue ocean is turbulent, causing waves of waves.

A huge whirlpool took shape instantly, swallowing a large amount of water system secret energy in an instant, turning into the water system secret essence.

When the amount of the water system's secret essence reached a certain level, they spontaneously condensed and finally formed a water-blue rock.

The next moment, the remaining water system's secret energy essence turned into a blue flame, and began to burn the water blue rock.

Before long, the aqua blue rock crystallized smoothly and turned into a diamond-shaped aqua blue crystal.

After condensing the original crystallization of water, Chilong's consciousness immediately appeared in the ocean of space.

Without any hindrance, Chilong successfully condensed the spatial origin crystallization.

At the moment when the two original crystals were successfully condensed, the essence of the essence poured into Chilong's body, causing Chilong's body to skyrocket. The guardian of the body surface is quickly transformed into guardian of the origin.

When all the changes were over, Chilong's body length reached more than one hundred and fifty meters long.

With Chilong's promotion to the Demon Saint level, if the Temporary Demon Pet Vientiane Spirit Eater is also included, Li Changsheng has five half demon Saint level demon pets.

With Li Changsheng's current strength, even in the face of Dou Cangqiong in his heyday, he has the confidence to defeat him head-on.

The frontal defeat mentioned here is not knowing how to use unconventional means, such as future Xumidan and large forbidden formations.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, his current level is probably close to or has reached the level of a senior double-character king, and he will have to try again.

However, it is still very difficult to deal with the snake Aberisk who is suspected of breaking through the Demon Emperor rank.

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