Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1126: The blood phoenix black gold, the land of phoenix

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Judging from the memory fragments of Horns, more than a hundred years ago, Horns, who had not yet become a legendary powerhouse at the time, encountered an ancestral black dragon in the wild.

Originally, the ancestral black dragon wanted to make Horns its slave, but with Horns’ efforts, the ancestral black dragon gave up this idea, and Horns established a trading channel with this ancestral black dragon.

How did Horns convince the ancestral black dragon is nothing more than grasping the greedy personality of the ancestral black dragon, so I won't go into more details.

It is precisely by virtue of this trading channel with the ancestral black dragon that Horns has benefited a lot.

The black dragon of the ancestors is reluctant to bear the treasure, and what it pays is often the blood of the exercises and various beasts, including the dragon.

Among them, Horns obtained the "Dragon God Cultivation Method". Because his physical attribute is fire, he first used the low-level fire sub-dragon blood obtained from the ancestor black dragon to assist in his training, and then gradually used the red armor land. The blood of the walking dragon, the flame flying dragon, the red dragon and the red dragon of the secondary ancestor.

The blood comes from the family members of the ancestral black dragon, which is a no-brainer for the ancestral black dragon, so as to obtain a large number of treasures and treasures from Horns, including the Zhong Lingshi produced by the Zhong Lingshi resource point.

Horns did not suffer, but made a lot of money. He became a legendary powerhouse in just a few years. In the end, he drove the previous IELTS city-state to dominate the IELTS city-state.

Originally in the state of Horns, the "Dragon God Cultivation Method" could have been cultivated to the stage of the ancestral red dragon. Unfortunately, the ancestral black dragon could not get the blood of the ancestral red dragon, so it had to be nothing.

However, judging from Horns' memory fragments, Horns has obtained a secret method of forcibly converting physical attributes, but it has not been put into practice due to poor materials.

Originally in Horns's vision, he wanted to convert his physical attributes into water attributes, and wait for the opportunity to obtain the blood of the ancestral black dragon, so as to further his strength.

Poor Horns was killed by Li Changsheng before he started his plan.

What makes Li Changsheng wonder is that this ancestral black dragon has no fixed abode in the gloomy area. From Horns’s understanding of this ancestral black dragon, this ancestral black dragon comes from the surface world and uses the vast death swamp as its base camp. There are so many family members, it can be called the most powerful dragon on the surface of the world, and is nicknamed Deathwing.

Due to the complex terrain and harsh environment, the death swamp is full of miasma and silt, even if the human country has jointly encircled and suppressed it several times, all of them have come back in despair.

The black dragon is already known for its cunning, let alone the ancestral black dragon. Using the terrain of the death swamp, the ancestral black dragon can resolve the crisis again and again.

In addition, there is also a passage leading to the death swamp in the dark region. This passage is always guarded by the family members of the black dragon of the ancestors. The aborigines of the dark region must pay a large toll for traveling to the surface world.

As the master of the death swamp, coupled with the nature of the dragon, one person and one dragon meet every three years to trade in a miasma valley outside the capital of IELTS.

From a certain point of view, Horns is a chess piece of the ancestral black dragon, and there is probably more than just Horns in the dark region. According to Horns's idea, the ancestral black dragon seems to want to occupy the dark region.

In terms of area, the dark region is far inferior to the surface world, but far exceeds the death swamp, and the environment here is very suitable for the ancestral black dragon and its dependents.

After checking the news of the ancestral black dragon and Zhong Lingshi resource points, Li Changsheng began to check the harvest.

This time, Li Changsheng obtained a fire **** sword, a broken dragon scale body armor and a dimension bag.

The whole body armor of the dragon scales is composed of dragon skin, dragon scales and dragon tendons. Fortunately, dragon skin and dragon tendons are just ordinary dragons, but dragon scales are from the ancestral black dragon.

The dragon will drop some scales every other cycle, and the ancestral black dragon will naturally not waste it, so these dragon scales will be traded with Horns.

Li Changsheng is going to refinish this broken dragon scale body armor. He believes that it will be given a new look in the near future, and his power will surely be improved.

At this time, Li Changsheng picked up the Fire God Sword.

The Fire God Sword is four feet long and has a blood-red blade. The hilt is inlaid with a red bead the size of a baby's fist. Without any external force, it is slightly suspended in mid-air, and it sounds like a sword sound from time to time. Feeling sad about the fall of the master.

They are also legendary weapons, the Vulcan Sword is far more powerful than the Ripper's Great Axe. Judging from the feedback of mental power, the Vulcan Sword barely reaches the low-grade world wonder.

As a top crafting master, Li Changsheng quickly understood the material of the Vulcan Sword. From this look, he couldn't help but cry out for waste.

Fortunately, the hilt of the Fire God Sword and the inlaid orbs are all treasures of heaven and earth, but its blades are all refined from a kind of treasure called Blood Phoenix Ujin.

There is also the blood phoenix Wujin in the world of the elves. Its formation is similar to that of the sacred machine sulfur, except that the latter is eroded by the fire phoenix's breath all the year round. The former is more demanding, only where the fire phoenix fell and was covered by a lot of blood Only the soaked Ujin can turn into the Blood Phoenix Ujin.

Some people might say whether a phoenix that is dying can soak thousands of Ujin with blood, whether it will be possible to obtain a large amount of Ujin for the Blood Phoenix.

There is such a record in the memory of the first principal. It is said that the Emperor Yan in the ancient times really tried to kill an old fire phoenix, artificially forming a land of phoenixes, and soaked a large amount of black gold with the blood of the fire phoenix.

As a result, Emperor Yan only got a piece of Blood Phoenix Black Gold. Although the rest of the Black Gold soaked in Phoenix blood were considered extraordinary, they could reach the level of wonders of heaven and earth, which was essentially different from Blood Phoenix Black Gold.

The first principal had two ideas. He felt that it was possible that the power of the rules of the Fire Phoenix blood was automatically concentrated on a piece of Wujin. UU reading www. or Blood Phoenix Wujin absorbed the soul of the Fire Phoenix.

In short, according to the formula, a fire phoenix = a blood phoenix black gold!

Of course, the value of the former must far exceed the latter.

The formation of the blood phoenix Ujin is so harsh, naturally it can be said to be quite extraordinary. Judging from the feedback of mental power, its rank has reached the middle-grade world strange thing level, and it can be said to be one of the top fire-type treasures. .

"It's too wasteful, let's tear it down!"

Li Changsheng had a decision in his heart that the Fire God Sword was far from inspiring the power of the Blood Phoenix Ujin, otherwise its rank would probably be even higher.

"By the way, I have to look for the land of Phoenix!"

Li Changsheng thought of the formation of the Blood Phoenix Wujin, and he had an idea in his heart.

There must be the remains of the fire phoenix in the land of phoenix fall. Although there is a high probability that it will be taken away like the blood phoenix Wujin, but you still have to see it. Besides, if you get the remains of a fire phoenix, you can really wake up in dreams. .

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