Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1118: Plane of Dawn, Bloodline Warrior

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This world is called the Plane of Dawn, and the drow history of this plane can be traced back thousands of years.

Originally, the plane of dawn was attached to a small world called Saoya. It was not until more than 800 years ago that the plane of dawn was successfully promoted to the world of small thousand, and this did not leave the world of Saoya.

For the world, more than eight hundred years can be said to be short, and it is still in the category of the new small world, and there is a big gap between it and the fairy world.

Li Changsheng also knew where he was. It was in the underground world on the plane of dawn, with an extremely empty space, and it was named the Dark Region.

There is no sunlight here, and there are a large number of deformed and evil creatures. The most representative ones are the mind-severs, beholders, and spirit suckers.

In addition to monsters, there are also some humanoid races, such as drow, gray dwarf, caveman and so on.

The dark area is quite chaotic. The city-state system is implemented here. Each city-state has different forms of government symbols, such as dictatorship, mother power, monarch, and theocracy. The camp is mainly lawful evil and chaotic evil, mixed with some Neutral camp.

There are many religions here, but the main believer is Rose Queen, a **** with medium power, and her kingdom is located in the abyss world.

Due to the lack of survival resources and the spread of races, each city will produce some special products and trade with neighboring cities during peacetime, but peacetime is often short, and most of the time is flooded by war.

Wars, conquests, decline, and collapse have become an endless loop of many city-states in the dark region, fighting each other for wealth, resources, slaves, and hatred.

Therefore, survival and destruction of the enemy have become the two overriding criteria in the Dark Region.

Because it is an underground world, most of the dark regions can be said to be eternal darkness, with gyros, luminous crystals, phosphorescent moss, lichens, and fungi becoming the main light sources here.

Such an environment makes this place full of creatures that do not adapt to real light, and also allows them to evolve dark vision or enhanced senses.

Since there is no rain in the gloomy area, fresh water has become the most precious resource here. Residents must rely on any filtering material that comes down from the surface. The discoverer of water will store the water and use his life to protect it.

This drow city is called Helland, located on the edge of the dark area, and is a city in the IELTS city-state.

And this drow spirit searched by Li Changsheng is not only the strongest in the city, but also a city lord.

After roughly reading the information on the dark region, Li Changsheng began to search for the power system of this world.

Since the promotion to the Little Thousand World only has a history of more than 800 years, although the magic net was born, it is very simple. It can only rely on the magic net to cast low-level spells, and at most it can only become a middle-level mage.

Therefore, magic is not the mainstream of the dawn world.

The mainstream of this world is a warrior who excavates itself, and has formed its own characteristics, known as the bloodline warrior.

To put it simply, it is a professional who plunders the blood of powerful creatures for cultivation, and perfects various bloodline cultivation methods.

This bloodline training method is a bit similar to "Xuanji Nine Changes", except that the former requires a step-by-step process, first absorb the blood of low-level creatures, and only after advanced, can it absorb the blood of higher-level creatures.

In addition, the blood of these creatures must be related. For example, this drow practiced the "Nightmare Cultivation Method". The highest level of cultivation requires nightmare blood, but in the initial stage, only the blood of dark wildebeest needs to be absorbed. Absorb the dark wild horse, dark nightwalker, dark unicorn, dark dragon horse, and finally it's the nightmare blood.

In addition, the bloodline cultivation method has many sequelae. For example, when this drow has cultivated to the level of the dark unicorn, he still has to absorb a certain amount of dark unicorn blood every once in a while, otherwise he may not enter. Retreat, the other levels are the same.

Although dark unicorns are very rare, there are still a certain number of them. The nightmare is different. Not only is the number more scarce, the key is that the nightmare, as a divine beast, is extremely powerful and it is difficult to obtain its blood.

And if it is a bloodline warrior who has cultivated the "Nightmare Training Method" to the extreme, it is best to capture a nightmare, so as to maintain the state, but it is extremely difficult.

But it was precisely this kind of defect that made Li Changsheng's eyes bright, and his heartbeat was a little faster, which means that those strong or forces in the dawn world must have powerful creatures and even beasts in captivity.

So if you put your ideas on these powerful people, you can get a lot of fairies that meet the standards!

The supernatural creatures in the world of dawn are called monsters, and in fact they are no different from the fairies in the world of fairies, that is, the difference in name.

In addition, due to the limitations of the world's rules, there are also certain differences in the forms of force exerted.

Li Changsheng carefully understood the "Nightmare Cultivation Method". He had no idea of ​​cultivating, but the stone of his mountain could be used for jade. This cultivation method might not bring Li Changsheng some insights.

After a quarter of an hour, Li Changsheng didn't continue to feel, his figure suddenly disappeared, and he came to the sky above the city lord's mansion a few miles away.

Originally, there was a restriction in the City Lord's Mansion, but it was apparently visited by two Demon King-level dragons. It looked messy. If you look closely, it is difficult to find a silver coin, and it was almost completely plundered by the two Demon King-level dragons.

Li Changsheng landed in the backyard of the City Lord’s Mansion. There was a huge steel beast pen containing dozens of monsters, most of which were dark wildebeests and dark nightwalkers. There was only one dark unicorn.

This dark unicorn is tied with a round metal block on each of its four hooves, and its neck is tied with a thick and long chain ~ ~ looks sluggish, and looks like it is empty.

Whether it is a round metal block or a chain, they are all used to restrain the dark unicorn and avoid the possibility of it escaping.

The other dark wildebeests and dark nightwalkers don't have much restraint, but they are also lacking in energy and blood. Although their blood is useless to the Lord of Helland, it does not mean that his people and cronies do not need it.

Click~ Click~

Li Changsheng straightened his palm into a knife, cut a few gaps in the steel beast pen in three or two, and walked straight towards the dark unicorn.

The dark unicorn looked up at Li Changsheng, his eyes were full of numbness, and he could hardly feel the rest of his emotions.

As for those dark wildebeests and dark nightwalkers, they took the opportunity to rush to the gap.

Li Changsheng did not stop them, and let them leave, mainly because their quality did not meet the standard.

As for the dark unicorn, it naturally wants to be in the secret realm, no matter what it is, it is also a quasi-god, not to mention having a rich bloodline of nightmare.

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