Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1084: Dry stone, huge turtle shell

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The inability of a different treasure to be sacrificed means that it cannot fully exert its power, cannot be used like an arm, it may be manipulated at the cost of essence and blood, and it needs to consume more mental power.

Fortunately, the Biluo Sword does not need blood, otherwise it will only become an unconventional method.

Li Changsheng began to sacrifice the Huangquan Sword, both of which were of the Zifu's Rare Treasure level. The internal space of the Huangquan Sword was larger than that of the Zining Cauldron, and the difficulty of the sacrifice also increased.

It took more than an hour before Li Changsheng completed the sacrifice and brought Huangquan Sword into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The Huangquan Sword and the Gate of Light and Darkness are almost parallel, indicating that the rank gap between the two is extremely low.

However, as long as the Biluo Sword is repaired intact, it will definitely exceed the Gate of Light and Darkness. This is a certain thing.

As for the Biluojian, it can only be temporarily placed in the space ring, and we will talk about it when we need it.

After the sacrifice, Li Changsheng tried the power of Huangquan Sword, but he was very satisfied.

Just a single Huangquan sword, the power is above the sun and the moon like a shuttle heavy light wheel and the mixed element golden lamp, and the gap is not small, let alone the double sword of the Biluo sword.

At this time, Xiaoguai had already transplanted all the spiritual plants of the upper rank of the Imperial Garden into the secret realm.

Among them, the variety mimosa and ice crystal fruit trees were placed in the central medicine garden, and the rest were transplanted to a newly opened medicine garden.

Without staying in the imperial garden, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen slowly disappeared and went straight to the secret realm.

Ning Bizhen went to take care of the two demon pets, while Li Changsheng came to the Flint Stone Palace, ready to digest the rest of the harvest, especially the purification of blood.

In this fierce battle, Li Changsheng obtained nearly 20 demon pet corpses, several of which were'contributions' to Dou Changkong.

Among the nearly twenty corpses, there were four majestic bloodlines, eleven rich bloodlines, and three pure bloodlines.

Among them, Li Changsheng most values ​​the champion Dapeng bird and the Sunda fierce tiger. Both have the bloodline of the majestic level. The former has the blood of the Golden-winged Roc bird, and the latter has the poor blood.

The Demon Emperor-level Burning Mountain Monkey was indeed strong enough, but it was of no use to Li Changsheng for the time being.

"After this purification, Ashe's Qiongqi bloodline can be advanced!"

Li Changsheng rubbed his hands subconsciously and began to prepare meticulously.

Since many of them are large-scale monster pet corpses, it took more than an hour to treat these monster pet corpses, and the tired dumb ‘butcher’ panted.

If it is just divided into pieces, naturally it will not take so much time. The key point is that dumb should keep some materials as complete as possible, such as fur, scales, minions and so on.

After handling the corpse, Li Changsheng began to purify the blood.

Even if Li Changsheng's movements were unusually skilled, the whole process still took four or five hours, and finally the purification work was completed.


Li Changsheng let out a sigh of relief and stood up from the ground, with three pots of Qiongqi blood floating in front of him.

Except for the purified essence and blood of Sunda Fierce Tiger, most of them are stocks accumulated a little bit before.

Li Changsheng's mind moved slightly, and Ashe immediately noticed it, and flew over here with his wings, staring at Qiongqi's blood with greedy eyes.

Ashe is so strong, he has finally surpassed Kailan, but he has been caught up by day and night again, which makes it always full of urgency.

As long as the concentration of Qiongqi's bloodline is increased, Ashe feels that his strength will steadily surpass that of day and night.

"Drink it!"

Under Li Changsheng’s gesture, Ashe opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, and the powerful suction pulled Qiong Qi’s blood into Ashe’s mouth.

From beginning to end, the jade jar did not fly, showing Ashe's powerful control.

In the blink of an eye, Ashe was shrouded in a rich light blue brilliance, and the Qiongqi essence in his body was rapidly rising.

Li Changsheng did not wait on the sidelines, there was still a lot of work waiting for him.

Before that, Li Changsheng checked Dou Changkong's space ring by the way.

Is Dou Changkong a senior pseudo-king or a member of the royal family? There are still one or two treasures of heaven and earth.

Soon, Li Changsheng turned the space ring upside down.

Not surprisingly, there are two treasures of heaven and earth.

A piece called Kurong Stone, which looks like a wrinkled tree on the surface, is actually full of vitality.

This is a very peculiar material, which feels like a cycle of life and death, and can be made into a special kind of exotic treasure.

The second piece was a tortoise shell with the size of a palm, but it was extremely heavy. Li Changsheng did not expect such a small tortoise shell to weigh dozens of tons.

After all, he is a top craft refining master, and only after a few glances he discovered the abnormality.

There are traces of secret techniques on this turtle shell, and it is in a sealed state. Once the seal is unlocked, it will return to its original appearance.

Li Changsheng will also use similar secret techniques, inherited from King Bailian.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng pinched a few times and sprinkled some liquid on the turtle shell.

In the next moment, the tortoise shell showed a slight brilliance, and the secret technique traces branded on it began to slowly disappear.

During this process, the turtle shell made a dull sound, which immediately amplified at an alarming speed.

Li Changsheng hurriedly flew up, and after a few breaths, he looked at the tortoise shell that occupies a radius of 100 meters below, and he was surprised that it was a lie.

It was the first time Li Changsheng saw such a huge tortoise shell.

Thinking of finding the owner of the tortoise shell, Li Changsheng naturally had a way.

Soon, the Xunfeng express cat flew over from the sky, and fell into Li Changsheng's arms to act like a coquettish, making a charming meow.

In the secret realm, Li Changsheng can do a lot of things that he can't usually do, which is almost equivalent to a weakened version of the Kingdom of God.

Because he still needs to cultivate during the day and night, Li Changsheng can only instruct Xunfeng to deliver the cat.

"Xunfeng expresses the cat and traces its roots!"

Tracing back to the source can investigate the root and explore the source, whether it is day, night or Sundanese to express cats.

To put it simply, most of the fairies with the blood of the cat will do this trick.


The cat's meow sound accompanied by the Xunfeng express delivery A ray of light violently shot from its eyes, and it instantly fell on the huge turtle shell.

Compared with the turtle shell, the light can be said to be negligible.

If you want to trace the roots smoothly, you don't need to wrap the turtle shell completely, otherwise, even if the Xunfeng Express Cat is exhausted, I'm afraid it will be impossible.

In the next moment, a fuzzy light and shadow began to appear above the turtle shell. This was a huge tortoise phantom. As time passed slowly, the light and shadow gradually became clear.

"Xuanwu? Baxia? Beihai Xuanwu?"

Li Changsheng could not help but surfaced the names of the three types of turtle monsters, and only turtle monsters with these three bloodlines could have such an amazing body.

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