Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1074: Squeeze the Assassin

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Although the speed of the assassination demon is fast, it is still not as good as Ashe, especially the assassination demon has not been out of the scope of being weakened by the heavens for the time being. Moreover, Li Changsheng also blessed Ashe with the fleeting secret method, which doubled the speed of Ashe in a short time. .

In just two or three breaths, he entered Ashe's attack range and shot a giant wind blade about three feet in size.

Feeling the sound of the wind blade cutting the air behind, the assassin demon reacted quickly to the thief, and hurriedly lowered his head, the giant wind blade flew over its forehead, making it startled.

If the reaction is slower, it is afraid that its head will be cut by the giant wind blade, even if it is led by a demon, it is afraid that it will suffer a lot of injuries.

There is no way, assassination demon is a type of demon with high attack and low defense. It is completely incomparable with the abyss dragon and the flame demon, and its ability to resist even the succubus is inferior.

At this time, the assassin demon immediately fell to the ground and continued to flee in the direction of the abyss gate.

However, its escape response is quite unique. It has been staring at Li Changsheng and Ashe, running backwards, and the speed is not much slower than the frontal walk, and it seems to have eyes on the back of the head, which is not at all complicated. Blocked by the terrain.

Obviously, the assassin is used to this way of escape.

The reason for being so independent is related to the special ability of the assassin's eye.

The assassin's eyes have dynamic vision capabilities. As long as they are within its line of sight, everything will show a slow posture. This can be said to be its natural ability.

Although the speed of the assassination demon on the ground is still very fast, there is a certain gap between it and flying.

In a blink of an eye, Ashe rushed forward and slapped the assassin on the head.

It is a pity that Ashe's movements became slow motion in the eyes of the assassin, and he was easily avoided by the assassin. Instead, he raised a claw and grabbed the soft belly of Ashe.


Suddenly, a long arm appeared and collided with the claws of the assassin.

A few deep bone scars were caught on his arm, but the assassin demon didn't get it right. He felt a huge force surge and staggered and almost fell to the ground.

The assassin demon looked up and found that it was a hundred-armed giant with a height of 100 meters.

This is naturally Li Changsheng’s illusion of a giant with one hundred arms. What is surprising is that there is an extra eye on the forehead of the giant with one hundred arms, but it is Li Changsheng who activates the Eye of Truth, possessing the same dynamics as a demon-led assassin. The ability of vision, this is the only way to stop the assassination demon's attack at a momentary moment.

Without time to prepare the assassination demon, the Hundred Armed Giant controlled dozens of outer arms, and countless house-sized fists flew out, and the biting sound of breaking through the air continued to sound, smashing the assassin demon from all directions.

Relying on the dynamic vision capability and super agility, the assassin demon began to evade in a small area, but was not touched by his fists.

Even so, the assassination demon is also full of embarrassment.

In terms of strength, the hundred-armed giant incarnation of Li Changsheng absolutely reached the stage of demon dominance.

However, the assassination demon who did not hide in the dark was equivalent to abandoning what he was best at, his threat dropped sharply, his strength was not as good as the normal demon leader, not to mention he was weakened by the will of heaven.

Li Changsheng used his dynamic vision ability, and in the blink of an eye, the Assassin Demon had to jump up.

At this moment, Ashe, who had already been prepared for a long time, immediately used the **** of the wind, and a light blue wind ring suddenly surrounded the assassin.

The assassin had to stretch out his claws and swing to forcefully destroy the wind ring.

But just in such a short time, Li Changsheng stretched out an inner arm that was fifty to sixty meters long, and the assassin was too late to escape, so he was grabbed by the inner arm.

The Assassin Demon struggled hard, but it was not known for its strength, and there was a big gap between it and the Hundred Armed Giant in this respect.

Even if it's just an inner arm, the assassin demon struggled for a long while, but still couldn't break free. He could only look at Li Changsheng with flattering eyes and said, "This subordinate, as long as you are willing to let me go, you are willing to do anything small!"

This assassin demon speaks the lingua franca and is extremely skilled. This is not because it actively learns, but has devoured the souls of many human powers and brought some knowledge.

"Just listen to the devil's words, it's useless to say more, and now I'll let you die!"

Li Changsheng was too lazy to talk nonsense with the assassination demon, his inner arm began to exert force, causing the bones of the assassination demon to crackle.

"Do not……"

The assassin demon struggled more violently, his claws kept hitting his inner arm, but he could only catch claw marks that were not deep or shallow.

Compared with the outer arm, although the inner arm is less in number, its strength and defense are greatly improved than the outer arm.

Click~ Click~

The assassin's bones shattered every inch, as if they were crushed into a lump of flesh.

It's just that as the leader of the devil, he has strong vitality, even if his bones are all shattered, his internal organs are squeezed into a ball, and he didn't die immediately.

Soon, the assassin never moved again.

Li Changsheng transformed into a human body again, began to search for the corpse, and obtained a space ring and a space bag from the assassin.

Of course, the body of the assassin was not let go.

At this time, Li Changsheng activated the Heaven, See, and Earth, and looked at the Yuanzhou Fortress.

There has already come to an end, Zuo Qiulin has joined the ranks of besieging the Six-armed Snake Demon, making the Six-armed Snake Demon unable to leave the encirclement for a long time, and it has fallen into a state of dying.

Qin Mingqing and Zuo Qiulin are both old fried dough sticks. In this case, they deliberately slowed down the demon pet's movements by a beat, allowing Ning Bizhen to take the final blow.

Performing the final blow can gain more merits. Although Qin Mingqing and Zuo Qiulin are greedy, there is no need to fight for this benefit for the sake of the long-term. Moreover, they may not be able to compete with others. It's better to give it to Ning Bizhen, after all, they all know the relationship between Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen.

On the way back to the fortress Li Changsheng checked the harvest in the space ring and space bag by the way.

The space bag is still the same, most of them are magic stones, and the rest are mostly products of a certain plane of the abyss.

In addition, there is a treasure of heaven and earth, but Li Changsheng could not identify it.

The difference in the quality of the space bag this time made Li Changsheng frown. Compared with the previously obtained Demon Domination Space Bag, the quality this time was significantly worse.

"This should be the space ring left by a certain strong man!"

Li Changsheng looked at the style of the space ring and recognized that it was the style of this world.

However, Li Changsheng couldn't help being surprised when he watched the harvest in the space ring.

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