Chapter 275 is a dead woman

[Monteraya Ore]

Quality: special

Type: Rare consumables ore.

Effect: If you add ‘Montelaia Ore’ when strengthening equipment, it will greatly reduce the damage caused by the reinforcement failure, and strengthen the +10 to add this ore. If the reinforcement fails, the equipment will not be damaged.

Rating: None

Description: Cara Star is a unique ore. The Kara Star people have added this ore to the core of the spaceship. The core has become sturdy and durable, and can continue to use 1500 for more than a year.


Su Xiao threw the blackstone-like ore in his hand and put it back.

This time, the harvest is not small, Soul Crystal’s rare Su Xiao has long seen that there is no sale of Soul Crystal in the trading market, and it can only be purchased at a high price.

Soul Crystal (Small) prices range from 2 million to 5 million Paradise Coins, with no price.

Soul Crystal (Medium) is simply not available, and the Contractor that has the ability to get it will use it by itself, no one will sell it, unless it is a time of great need for Paradise Coins.

As for the ‘Monteraya Ore’ is unique to the battlefield, other channels are not available, and it is also unique to the ‘parasitic beast’.

Su Xiao has never dared to reinforce Dragon Flash. If the enhancement +7 fails, the enhancement level is directly cleared, and each time the enhancement requires 3000Paradise Coins, then the loss of 21000Paradise Coins is a huge loss.

Once the +8 is hardened, the Dragon Flash is broken… The kind of loss that Su Xiao can’t afford can cause his strength to plummet.

‘Monteraya Ore’ can solve this situation, ensuring that Dragon Flash + 8 fails without damage, and a ‘Monteraya Ore’ can only be used once, disappearing after use, regardless of the success or failure of the reinforcement.

Su Xiao has a rich harvest here, but Contractor is struggling.

The melee has been going on for a few hours, Contractor has been dead and injured from time to time, and the parasite’s offensive has not diminished.

[Coordinate arrangement success remaining time 6 hour 03 points. 】

In the battlefield

The king of the king is mechanically waving the sword in his hand. A sword cuts the head of a parasitic beast. The blood splashes him. He becomes a blood man. He has forgotten how many parasitic beasts have been cut. The periphery of the battlefield has formed a Circle corpse.

The appearance of the corpse mountain led to the contractor’s formation can only retreat, otherwise it will face the parasitic animal’s high offensive.

The parasites rushed like tides, and the Contractor’s front line was like a dam. The ‘river’ slammed on the ‘dam’ and splashed a wave of spray, which was blood red.

All Contractors are soft, and the parasite’s offensive is too long. If these Contractors are not through the baptism of each and everyone Derivative World, they have long experienced a mental breakdown.

The entrance is full of parasitic beasts, and the parasites are attacking without stopping, and taking their lives to their lives is a desperate thing.

Ahh! This group of brainless wild beast. ”

The main tank of the King of Adventures broke out. His eyes were red with a shield to smear nearby parasites. The parasite immediately seized the neutral to attack him.

Pu chi.

A strangely shaped weapon was cut on the main tank. If the strike was changed to a normal Contractor, it was already seriously injured. This main tank is only slightly injured.


The King of God broke his drink, and the rear Healer immediately gave the main tank a gain state to stabilize the fluctuations of the main tank.

The main tank calms down and the red in the eye recedes.

This scene often appears on the battlefield, and the Contractor is a flesh-and-blood human, not a slaughter weapon.

After the Contractors were tenaciously defended for an hour, they found that the parasite’s offensive was significantly weakened.

“hahaha, this is going to win.”

“kill them!”

The laughter and the big brothers came one after another, and the Contractors vented their repression.

Compared to these parasites, the King of God and Adam and the others are more worried about one thing.

If only the parasites are attacked, once there is a stronger creature, the defense will be in jeopardy.

This is the Contractor’s care, the Asian continent is the territory of the Human Alliance, and the Kara Star people are now in a weak position.

Just after the war that lasted for two years, the Kara Star people were snored by weapons developed by human beings, and they are recuperating and not daring to set foot in the Asian continent.

These parasitic beasts are all airdropped by the Kara Star people.

It must be said that the time when Reincarnation Paradise chose to start the war was very sinister. It was the time when the Kara Star people were weak and the human beings just emerged.

The Kara Star people know the existence of Reincarnation Paradise, but the human alliance is not clear, this is the difference in species.

Once the Kara Stars are defeated, it is not so easy to arrange World coordinates. The Human Alliance will develop at a rapid pace, and the difficulty of capturing this Derivative World will be greatly enhanced.

Half an hour after the battle, the parasites left thousands of bodies and retreated. The Contractors ignored the blood on the ground and lay down on the ground to gasp.

Some Contractor trembled and took out the bloody cigarettes, and Meimei sucked a big mouth.

[Coordinate placement success time remaining 4 hours 37 points, Contractor death and injury degree: 259/289. 】

There have been nearly 10% of deaths and injuries, which are not obvious from the figures, but if you visit the battlefield, you will find that it is a bloody and sinister body.

War is not a child’s play. This is to put all the creatures in a meat grinder, and the last one to survive is the winner.

The god king stood up hard and he had already seen the tips in the war channel.

“Our King Adventure Group can send two people.”

“The same is true for Brother’s Society.”

“Flash does not agree!”

Seeing the war channel’s prompt Su Xiao, the Flash Gold Adventure Group, the off-line woman is in the nerves.

Su Xiao has a preliminary understanding of the character of the three Captains. The character of Shen Wang is steady and he can give up someone for the big picture.

Adam is very loyal, and the group is brother, and will not give up any members of the Adventure Group.

Flash silver is a off-line female, intermittent mental disorder, the degree of thinking jump is staggering.

In the previous battle interval, Flash Silver actually compiled a riddle in the war channel to let Su Xiao guess.

The behavior of this ‘playing’ Adjudicator almost scared the gods and Adams, and the gods and Adams spent five minutes educating the silver, and the silver stopped the fancy.

Not only does Flash Silver like to die, but her Vice-Captain Gold Ghost is also a veteran hobby. After entering the War Channel, she intended to bribe Su Xiao and was finally banned by Reincarnation Paradise for half an hour.

The Flash Gold Adventure Group is a wonderful work in the war, but it also activates the atmosphere of the battlefield.

“Flash girl, you…”

The god king is quite helpless.

“This is good for us. I suggest that you consider it again.”

Adam’s tone is also very helpless.

“No, I am not refusing to collect, but have other ideas.” The sound of flashing silver came.

“Adjudicator adults, the situation in our group is a bit special, the specific reasons are not easy to disclose, but I want to send two charismatic attribute specials, their charm is above 25 point, is a pair of twin sisters, and they have combat power No need for anyone to protect.

Therefore, our Flash Gold Adventure Group wants to send two attractive specialties. Do you know if Adjudicator agrees? ”

This is an unexpected joy. If it is the king of God or Adam, this kind of opinion, Su Xiao will accept it without thinking, but the silver can be off-line female…


Su Xiao replied with a blank in the war channel and did not make any statement. He did not want to waste precious opportunities because of this kind of thing.

Nothing can be said to be a rejection, or it may be the default, just look at the IQ of Flash Silver.

“many thanks Adjudicator.”

The fourth War Zone’s flash gold chuckled, and thought in the eye.

“This Adjudicator adult… seems not very fair, but I like this unfairness.”

The flashing silver bites the nail of the thumb and continues to whisper:

“Before the riddle god capital is so scared, it can be seen that Adjudicator must not be provoked. Now it has released information that is of interest to us. If it is imagined… the battlefield is not dead.”

Flash silver is not the kind of dead character on the surface. She has been experimenting with Su Xiao’s attitude in a seemingly innocent way.

Su Xiao has long discovered this. Flash Silver can try the best. He can’t say “I will help you win” in the war channel. If it does, his Adjudicator identity will be stripped off, and Will be punished.

(End of this chapter)

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