Chapter 121 is funny

鈥淚ceheart Arrow is smashed? What is this mental reaction speed.鈥?/p>

Cold Fish looked at Su Xiao unbelievably, but the spell in his hand did not stop.

“It’s extremely cold…”

Cold Fish was about to prepare for the next skill, only to find that Su Xiao had already rushed within five meters of him.

This can make Cold Fish stunned. If you are close, you will die with the other side’s Sword Technique.

“Mental Pulse.”

Bang, a shock wave that is invisible to the naked eye spreads out to all around. Other Contractors are retreating nearby, and some are tragic in the hands of priest and the others. This is a repelling skill.

Su Xiao also withstood this repelling skill, he immediately inserted the Dragon Flash into the ground and stabilized his figure.

[You are subject to the repulsive effect of ‘spirit and pulse’, and the intelligence attribute is judged. 銆?/p>

[Just passed, you only bear the 10% repelling effect of this skill. 銆?/p>

A shock wave blows Su Xiao’s short hair, which is the extent of strong winds, and he can even continue to make progress.

This is why the intellectual attribute is ‘Shadow of Extinguishing Law ‘one of the three main attributes, which is immune to Caster’s spiritual control skills.

The previous Ice Tentacle was a physical property control and did not make an intellectual judgment, but this time it is a Spirit Attribute control that requires an intelligence decision.

After using the repelling skills, Cold Fish immediately prepares for the next skill. Although Mana is not much, he still has to die.

At this time, a long knife had appeared in front of Cold Fish, a sharp blade wrapped in an electric arc. The blade was about three centimeters wide and the blue light was dazzling.

Cold Fish subconsciously held the token in front of him. He now has only one idea. How did the enemy rush over? What about his repelling skills? Deceleration skills?


The long knife is on the scepter, and the scepter is a Magic Art weapon. It is impossible to withstand the sniper of Dragon Flash, not to mention Su Xiao’s Sword Late has Level 3.

The scepter was broken, and the two legs of Cold Fish were broken with the scepter.

Dragon Flash touches the body of Cold Fish and pulls out the wound, and the energy of ‘Azure Steel Shadow’ flows down the wound.

A light blue arc instantly plunged into Cold Fish within the body and went straight into the brain of Cold Fish.

At this moment, Cold Fish’s look is sluggish, and the black pupil looms blue rays of light.

Ahh!! ! !”

鍑?鍒?鏋侀檺 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C energy of.

After entering the Caster within the body, Azure Steel Shadow’s energy is like alive, going straight to the brain, suddenly bursting out and burning energy when it reaches the brain.

Azure Steel Shadow was developed to hunt Caster and now finally reveals tooth decay.

What does it feel like the brain suffers from the pain of Azure Steel Shadow? Cold Fish is now realizing it.

The buzzing in the ear, the sky is spinning, the expression is sluggish, and the drowning water flows out from the corner of the mouth. This is what Cold Fish is now.

Cold Fish was standing in a dull position, a smeared blade light zoomed in his pupil, and eventually the endless darkness swallowed him.

Killing Cold Fish, Su Xiao kicked the Scarlet Card on the floor and caught it in the hands, which was dropped by Cold Fish.

After fighting Caster, Su Xiao has a basic understanding of the ‘Shadow of Extinguishing Law’.

I have to say that the Caster is as strong as a fort, and if there is a teammate’s cover, it can cause amazing damage to the enemy.

The skills of Shadow of Extinguishing Law have not been learned. The situation is that it is a little difficult to get close to Caster, but as soon as you get close to Caster, the battle is almost over.

As long as he continues to enhance his intellectual attribute, Caster has little threat to him.

The intelligence attribute can reduce the Spirit Attribute control, the power attribute can break away from the physical class control, and the Agility attribute ensures that he quickly approaches the enemy.

As for Caster’s ‘small leg short’, after the control skills are eaten, Su Xiao will be close to me sooner or later.

Absolute Magic Physique immunizes 40%magic damage and gives him time to be close to Caster.

In the case of one-on-one, Caster, who is similar in strength or stronger than him, is not his opponent. He can kill each other without even paying any price.

It is good to be able to do this, and nothing can be done at a glance, but also with personal efforts.

There is no useless skill, but also depends on the user. When a skill reaches the extreme, it will become a Legendary in a certain field.

When Cold Fish died, the Contractor on the field began to despair. Under the priest and the others, Contractor had long since collapsed. Some people even gave up their hands and rebelled, including Xu Luoluo.

The little Loli is staring at a pair of watery eyes, looking at Su Xiao with a pitiful look.

Thirty seconds later, the Contractor, who was rebellious on the field, died. These people died, but they were a bit sturdy.

They all know that it is useless to surrender in Derivative World.

The remaining five of the Ghoul camp Contractor survived, Xu Luoluo and four surrendered Contractors.

The four men clasped their heads on the ground with their hands, and they must have watched the police film.

Su Xiao walked to the five people.


Xu Luoluo yelled, attracted the attention of some people at the venue.

The priest, full of blood, is throwing a skull of Takatsuki Sen, wiping the blood on the eyes of Arima Kisho, and holding the Dragon Flash Su Xiao.

GuLu ~, Xu Luoluo swallowed, pale pink hair is a little messy, she whispered in her heart, life and death.

Su Xiao stares at Xu Luoluo, he recognizes the other party, the two are just trading, no friendship.

The other party is going to die and fight back? Su Xiao secretly speculated.

I saw Xu Luoluo jump in place, legs bent, and a golden card suddenly appeared in his hand.

“Come.” Su Xiao is physically fit and ready for this ‘unknown’ attack.


Xu Luoluo actually came directly to a flea, his forehead clinging to the ground, his hands raised over his head and holding the golden card high.

“Oh, let me go, warm bed is OK, my age is absolutely 100% original.”

Su Xiao鈥檚 mouth twitched, and he almost laughed. He also thought that the other side would be a slap in the face.

Priest and the others are also watching, how child is afraid of death.

“Ha~, this little younger sister is really interesting.” Takatsuki Sen laughed.

Su Xiao walked slowly to Xu Luoluo and looked at the card in the other hand, which read 5000.

“what is this?”

Upon hearing Su Xiao’s voice, Xu Luoluo raised his head.

“Paradise Coins memory card, I just made it, so it is more sincere.”

Su Xiao took the card and the prompt appeared.

[You get the ‘Paradise Coins Memory Card’, the face value 5000Paradise Coins, and get 5000Paradise Coins after use. 銆?/p>

Xu Luoluo Unexpectedly, this is a smart person. It is useless to have more Paradise Coins when a person dies.

And Xu Luoluo is a worker, and is essentially different from Contractor, who has long been a passer-by.

For the workers, Paradise Coins is earned, and with Paradise Coins they will find ways to make more Paradise Coins.

For Su Xiao, Paradise Coins is a life-saving fight. Compared to the workers, his transition to Derivative World is much shorter and there is no time to do business.

鈥淕reat, can spare my life.鈥?/p>

Xu Luoluo tentatively looked up and his eyes were full of demanding.

Workers are very difficult to live, they are the losers who did not pass the first Derivative World.

It is difficult for workers to become stronger, the attribute points are difficult to obtain, and the lack of combat experience leads to the use of skills. Many problems hinder the workers from becoming stronger.

“This 5000Paradise Coins ~, enough for you to buy life, what do you mean, is to spend money to buy life, or let me send you a ride.”

Su Xiao looked towards the four captured Contractors.

(End of this chapter)

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