“Is this the person Autumn Goose is fancy?” Fallen Heaven Wind was shocked in his heart.

He is the Guardian Knight of Level 40 and the main tank of the team. He has always been at the forefront of the team. He is very clear about the power of these undead fanatics.

A single revenant fanatic can deal with any one of their team.

Although the Strength of the Revenant Fanatics is very large, completely surpassing the Level 40 Berserker Autumn Goose in their team, they are not fast in Attack Speed ​​and Reaction Speed. As long as there is enough space, an MT can take it Consumption of death soul fanatics.

Thousands of revenant fanatics are very terrifying, and they are directly surrounded by water, and there is no room to dodge. They can only resist, and the revenant fanatics have 200,000 HP For undead, this life is quite high. In addition, undead is highly resistant to Magic. Even if someone in the team uses AoE Magic, it will be one or two thousand damage. After a few waves, the dead soul is not consumed. How much HP of a fanatic.

wiped out is only a matter of time.

But Shi Feng just swung a sword at the front, nearly a thousand undead fanatics turned into ashes and disappeared…

At this time, I’m not solely Fallen Heaven Wind shocked Incomparably, everyone in the entire team was stunned.

“Autumn Goose, how did you know this monster?” Cursemancer, a Level 39 beauty, asked in a low voice.

“I also met when I was working on Quest with Gentle. At the beginning, I was just like you, thinking that Guild expert was just a flower in a greenhouse.” Autumn Goose thought that his original self was the same as everyone in Wind God’s Spear. Thoughts, I feel ashamed.

Gentle Thoughtful Rain and Green Bamboo heard the conversation between them, and their anger suddenly turned into a little smug.

“Let’s just say, Ye Feng big brother is very difficult to deal with. At the beginning, Ye Feng big brother took the two of us and easily killed the Level 50 in the wild High Lord. It is naturally not a problem to deal with these Level 50 Elite Monsters now.” Green Bamboo said proudly with a tall chest.

Although dealing with Level 50 in the wild High Lord mainly relied on two Personal Guards, in Green Bamboo’s view, the guards are also part of Shi Feng’s strength. Others have no ability to recruit such powerful Personal Guards. Guard.

“What? Can you solo duel a Level 50 in the wild High Lord with your two Magic based Classes?”

“This is impossible, we Wind God’s Spear previously assembled a 100-man team and used a lot of Rare items, and finally managed to kill a Level 40 in the wild High Lord.”

Everyone at Wind God’s Spear was spoken by Green Bamboo. Shocked by the information leaked in, this is much stronger than killing a group of undead fanatics now.

After entering God’s Domain, they kill monsters countless. They are very clear about how terrifying a Level 50 in the wild High Lord is. It is simply not a BOSS that the current players can fight against.

Because Level 50 is a dividing line, the player can start Tier 2 Class Change and increase its attribute by a great length. Skill is no longer Tier 1 but a powerful Tier 2 Skill. For the player The battle strength has increased considerably, so the level 50 monster is a great length better than the level 49 monster.

This is why Berserkers like Autumn Goose are not as good as Level 50 undead fanatics in Strength.

Suddenly everyone looked at Shi Feng’s with a sense of awe.

And Ordinary Blade, who was still disdainful of Shi Feng before, saw Gentle Thoughtful Rain watching Shi Feng all the time. At this time, he was deeply jealous.

“Wait, I will definitely surpass you!” Ordinary Blade secretly made up his mind.

He only came into contact with God’s Domain. Not long after, his strength improvement was still in a period of rapid rise. In reality, he had just joined the Martial Arts Master. He was considered by the Master to be a Martial Arts genius, like God’s Domain. What’s the difference between his virtual reality game and reality battle is not at all? He doesn’t believe that Shi Feng will be better than Shi Feng in the future.

“We can’t defend all the time. I’ll make a way. Melee Class will cover Magic based Class and follow me.” Shi Feng glanced at the undead fanaticism that was still emerging on both sides of the passage. He said repeatedly, “Don’t attack Magic based Class, try to use slow down and imprison Skill.”

After Shi Feng finished talking, he used Flame Spirit Storm to the front again.

Suddenly soaring fire swept through everything, even if the undead fanatic’s Magic Resistance is not low, but Shi Feng holds Holy Sword Thunder Slaying in his hand, which doubles the damage caused by Dark Lifeform, but any undead that enters the flame range None of the fanatics came out alive.

Although a lot of monsters have been killed, it’s a pity that in Trial of God, all monsters will not give the player any experience points, and there will not be any drops at the same time, and at most it will improve the player. Skill EXP, generally only after completing phased levels, can you get rewards.

But there is a benefit for Shi Feng.

After Shi Feng used Thousand Blade Streaming Light to kill a large number of undead fanatics, Heart of Icarus also absorbed a lot of Power of Life.

After the Heart of Icarus has evolved through the Holy Grail, there is no need to absorb the BOSS to raise the rise to Epic Level, so troublesome, you only need to kill the player to absorb the life force, but there are a lot of them, enough for the need Five thousand Power of Life.

Although Shi Feng killed many players after getting Heart of Icarus, he used Heart of Icarus many times, especially when opening treasure chest and killing BOSS, both sacrificial offering 100 points of Power of Life to increase the Luck value, almost used up the Power of Life, so Heart of Icarus has never mentioned rise to Epic Level.

But now every time two or three undead fanatics are killed, the Power of Life of Heart of Icarus will increase a bit.

After these two calls, Shi Feng directly got more than 800 points of Power of Life, which is only more than 4,000 points of Power of Life before being promoted to Epic Level. Such an increase in speed is better than killing a player. Much faster.

I saw Shi Feng’s double swords constantly wielding, while turning on the Defensive Blade and Thunder God Descend to use the Sword Path, he rushed forward quickly.

For the undead fanatics who have a Strength advantage on the team, Shi Feng has no advantage at all.

For Shi Feng, who owns Lesser Legendary Item and equipment several pieces of Epic Weapon equipment than Strength alone, only one sword can cut away undead fanatics, not to mention Shi Feng’s speed is extremely fast. There is no need to meet force with force, just cut directly on the weakness of the undead fanatic.

In the face of endless undead fanatics, Shi Feng is like a meat grinder, an undead fanatic rushed by a crazy Devour, with a radius of 15 yards, there is simply no place for an undead fanatic, as long as Stepping into this domain, HP will drop at a speed visible to naked eye.

In an instant, 200,000 HP was completely gone, and a trace of Power of Life flowed into the Heart of Icarus on Shi Feng’s neck.

The Power of Life of Heart of Icarus is rising steadily, and it will break through a thousand points in a short time.

“Autumn Goose, is he really a player?”

The Wind God’s Spear who followed Shi Feng immediately swallowed their mouths and couldn’t believe it was true.

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