“One Wave Boss, this can’t be wrong. If you look at these pictures, if you don’t believe me, the Store was originally changed to Candlelight Trading Company.” The bald middle-aged man took out pictures from his subordinates.

After watching Abandoned Wave, the expression is indescribably cold.

“Gentle Snow!” Abandoned Wave suddenly slapped it on the wooden table, shaking the wine glass and Witch’s tears, and almost fell to the ground.

He didn’t expect that he only dismissed Gentle Snow from his post and cleaned up all of her subordinates. Gentle Snow just came out on the back foot, completely unable to let him enjoy it for a while.

In fact, the Big Guilds in the entire Star-Moon Kingdom are also very bad-faced if they are not solely Abandoned Wave so angry.

Because the news is so amazing.

“What the hell does this Gentle Snow want to do?”

“So much potential plot of land has been sold to Zero Wing, is she crazy?”

Each Big Guild hates Gentle Snow’s behavior, gnash the teeth. They would rather spend double the price to buy these plots of land from Gentle Snow, and they will not rot in their hands, and they never want to put these plots of land. Handed over to Candlelight Trading Company.

So many Major City, originally Crescent Moon Trading Company under the name of Ouroboros, have now become Candlelight Trading Company. Although these stores are the cheapest stores, they are all in front of the gate at this time. It was crowded with players who came to visit and buy.

God’s Domain store transfer is very easy. Just go to the city hall to handle it. If you don’t modify the store, just change the name, and the NPC can be replaced immediately without any cost.

Candlelight Trading Company has always been famous for selling Illumination Stone and Armor Piece.

Especially Intermediate Grade Mana Armor Kits, this thing has been out of stock in the market, if it weren’t for the small output of Intermediate Grade Mana Armor Kits, the price is very expensive, Candlelight Trading Company has already occupied the whole In the Star-Moon Kingdom market, if other trading companies do not have exclusive merchandise, they simply have no room to survive, but even this has become the first trading company of Star-Moon Kingdom.

Because of the background of the Candlelight Trading Company, even if you try to buy plot of land, the potential you can buy plot of land is limited. As for purchasing Golden plot of land from Major City, there is no such thing in the first place. Capital, if you can buy a golden plot of land, you can spend money to buy three or four potential plots of land in the same city. Unless you want to build a base camp, or if you panic with too many gold coins, you will buy golden plot of land. The second is that the members of Zero Wing Guild do not have enough reputation to buy, so the development of Candlelight Trading Company in Star-Moon Kingdom is limited.

In order to avoid direct competition with Candlelight Trading Company, Gentle Snow chose the potential plot of land in Major City where Candlelight Trading Company is not present. Otherwise, it is geographically separated from the east and the west. The far plot of land.

The shops sold by Gentle Snow completely make up for the shortcomings of Candlelight Trading Company’s insufficient number and limited coverage. In addition, Candlelight Trading Company has previously recruited a large number of Lifestyle Players. If these Lifestyle Players are cultivated, it will be For them, who had a low market share, it was simply a disaster, but they couldn’t suppress Candlelight Trading Company in Star-Moon Kingdom…

They had a meeting in each Big Guild and thought. When dealing with the sudden growth of Candlelight Trading Company, Shi Feng also transferred to Emerald City through Black Dragon Empire’s Imperial Capital Black Dragon City.

As the Top-10 Major City of the Black Dragon Empire, Shi Feng only walked out of the Teleportation Hall and found that the number of players on the street was not as good as that of White River City, but it was worse in terms of level and equipment. some.

Because of the problem of the abyss monster, three seventeen-eighteen level players can be seen everywhere on the streets of White River City now, and even Level 39 experts can even be seen occasionally.

Emerald City is different. Players on the street who are rare at level 36 or above, players with a level of three seventeen-eighteen are simply as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

But Empire is different from Kingdom. Generally, the real cities that can be classified as Empire by God’s Domain are second-tier Peak or first-tier cities with a population of 10 million. These cities are fish and dragons mixed in together, Studio and Big Guild Many, the competition is fierce, and Emerald City is ranked Top-10. You can see no less than ten different Guild Members exclusively on the street.

Such things are rare in Star-Moon Kingdom. Generally, a Major City can have three or four Big Guilds. It is cruel to compete, but in Emerald City, there are more than ten, the worst It’s the Second-Rate Guild. There are three First-Rate Guilds. This number is no less than the First-Rate Guild of the entire Star-Moon Kingdom.

“I remember that the Guild who finally ruled Emerald City on the former life seems to be the Undefeated Dynasty. The Undefeated Dynasty also has a very tolerant Guild among the many First-Rate Guilds. If you open a shop here, you should not worry The problem of being suppressed.” Shi Feng sat on the Advanced Carriage, looked around the players on the street, and secretly estimated in his heart.

Nowadays, the largest number of Guild Members on the street are the Illusionary World Temple and Undefeated Dynasty First-Rate Guilds. As for the other First-Rate Guild, Shi Feng is familiar with World Dominators.

Since Zero Wing Guild became White River City’s absolute Overlord, World Dominators has completely withdrawn from the Star-Moon Kingdom hegemony, focusing on Black Dragon Empire and other Kingdom strategic cities.

The surrounding area of ​​Emerald City is mostly mountain range. It is a Major City that produces Rare ores and emeralds. It is also a strategic city of the Black Dragon Empire, but the Dragon Phoenix Pavilion doesn’t look at it. , Will have the current situation of Emerald City.

Just after Shi Feng walked out of Advanced Carriage, he saw more than a dozen free players from Crescent Moon Trading Company. These player levels are quite out of the ordinary, and the lowest level is all Level 36 is generally Level 37, and it is also Elite Level in Big Guild. Regarding the combat level, if the free player does not pass the fourth floor of the Trial Tower, it is difficult to reach Level 37.

Moreover, the equipment of these people is also very good, almost all of them are above Level 35 Mithril quality, which is definitely an expert in the eyes of Common player.

“It’s damned, the Intermediate Grade Health Potion and the Intermediate Grade Magic recovery potion were sold out so quickly. I knew I should buy more and pile it up. Now we want to make a little Bounty fee. Give it to chance.”

“There is no way, who would have thought that Illusionary World Temple and Undefeated Dynasty would go to full-scale war in Emerald City, and now they are Bounty the head of Guild Member.”

“But what happened to these two Guilds. They suddenly announced a full-scale war for no reason. Aren’t they all restrained before.”

“I heard from their insiders, it seems that there are two Guild found a Small Town. This Small Town is a treasure. There is a Mithril Ore Vein in the ground of Small Town, which allows players who occupy Small Town to mine this Ore Vein at will.”

” Mined the Mithril Ore Vein, won’t it be developed if you get the Small Town!”

“Who said it’s not, but the small town’s defense NPC is not ordinary. Other Guild attacks may fall short, so now both sides want to drive each other out of Emerald City.”

“Big Guild is good, free players like us, only for the Common Mine will have to break their legs. They can dig directly in Small Town!”

These players said Mithril Ore Vein, every and everyone’s saliva will flow down.

Although the Mithril mine is not a very valuable ore, it is very commonly used in Forging weapon equipment. It is a relatively scarce ore. Generally, as long as it is collected, Lightweight Art can be removed. If it can be easily collected, then The money earned is completely beyond their imagination.

“Mithril Ore Vein?” Shi Feng looked at the free player who was laughing and leaving, and the corner of his mouth could not help but slightly raised.

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