As the result of the Gentle Snow battle appeared, the players of the entire Star-Moon Kingdom were boiling.

Many male players are even more conquered by Gentle Snow’s dashing and heroic posture. Each and everyone wants to sign up for Ouroboros to get closer to Gentle Snow.

“Does this win?” Purple Eye looked at the screen of Gentle Snow’s victory, and couldn’t calm down for a long time.

A dignified expert with deep knowledge in Realm of Micro, with the same strength, was so defeated by Gentle Snow, which made her really puzzled.

“It seems that the Black Water Consortium is a shame this time, and then if everyone knows that the Black Water Consortium is going to occupy Ouroboros and drive Gentle Snow away, the Black Water Consortium wants to be mixed in Star-Moon Kingdom. It’s difficult. Although Gentle Snow is an enemy, I really want to thank Gentle Snow.” Past Galactic was also taken aback by the strength that Gentle Snow showed. “There will be a good show for a while.” /p>

Ouroboros and Galactic Alliance can be said to be old rivals. I originally thought that Ouroboros was greatly reduced due to Cao Chenghua’s problems and could take the opportunity to suppress Ouroboros. However, a Zero Wing emerged as an alliance, not only did not overpower Ouroboros. , But let Ouroboros surpass the Galactic Alliance.

Now Ouroboros has been acquired by Black Water Consortium, didn’t expect Gentle Snow to play such a hand again, maybe new Ouroboros will appear again in a short time.

Today’s Star-Moon Kingdom is a lot of joy. In addition to the Glare like a tiger watching his prey Black Water Consortium, there is also the Heavenly Burial Guild, which has been very popular recently, and there is a faint competition for Star Moon Royal City. First Guild’s momentum, if it weren’t for the Galactic Alliance’s approval of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion’s capital injection, I am afraid it would be difficult to mix in Star Moon Royal City.


“Boss Storm, are you right here to do it?” A Level 39 Ranger on the Crushed Soul Storm side glanced around the environment and asked with some worry.

The worst defensive NPCs in God and Demon Arena are Tier 2 professions of Level 200, let alone Tier 3 professions walking back and forth.

In so many NPC defenses, as long as they do, these NPCs can easily Insta-kill them.

Although someone did succeed in killing King’s Return in the God and Demon Arena before this, King’s Return offered a sky-high Bounty, but that person’s performance is not something everyone can do. , Nowadays, many players have praised it as a legend, honored as Assassin Frozen Eyes.

There are even many Super Organizations secretly offering sky-high prices to contact this Assassin Frozen Eyes, just to let Assassin Frozen Eyes kill some high-level personnel of other forces for them.

God’s Domain’s Super Organization is not lacking in experts. It stands to reason that it can be done by sending your own people, but in the end it is not to invite Assassin Frozen Eyes.

Why is this?

It’s not even these Super Organizations that can’t do it. This is why you want to spend a lot of money.

Although they are experts in the Black Water Consortium, they can’t compare with the Black Water Consortium’s cream of the crop expert. They want to kill players in the God and Demon Arena. There is a more than 80% chance that they were killed by the guards all around before they could kill Gentle Snow.

“This is definitely not a place to do it. When they leave the God and Demon Arena, it’s not too late for us to do it.” Crushed Soul Storm observed the defensive team not far from Gentle Snow, directly Dispelled the idea of ​​doing it now, “When you do it for a while, you two will cooperate with me, the stone and the broken tooth, and the other people will contain the NPC. With Gentle Snow’s current state, the three of us can work together and we can do it without two clicks. “

Everyone else was nodded and began to simulate the assassination plan in their brains.

The stone and the broken tooth are both Level 39 Assassin. Assassin, a profession, is a special assault expert. If an Assassin succeeds in Ambush, a Berserker is likely to be killed more than 60 to 70%. In an instant It can capture nearly half of the HP. If two Assassins work together, the Berserker of the same level will basically have no way to survive, and will be Insta-killed instantly.

Now there is a Berserker who is the main force of output and containment. The Berserker who was Ambush basically has the fate of being instant kill.

What’s more, stones and broken teeth are also Assassin experts that can be ranked by Black Water Consortium. They have reached Realm of Micro, but they are a bit different from Crushed Soul Storm. The same attribute is the same as Gentle Snow. On the single, they can all win, not to mention the Gentle Snow under the Weakened State. It is not too simple for their three people to join forces to want Insta-kill Gentle Snow.


“Guild Master Snow is really amazing. Didn’t expect to have a hand in the end. The Crushed Soul Storm defeated the Peak expert at No. 354 in the Wind and Clouds Master List. At this time, Guild Master Snow’s ranking is expected to rise a lot.” Shi Feng looked at Gentle Snow walking towards him, and he understood in his mind why that many expert would lose in the hands of Gentle Snow.

At the last moment of the battle, others may not have seen it clearly, but he saw it very clearly.

At the last juncture, Gentle Snow’s mastery of body strength reached the level of meticulous micro, so he could fully control six powerful sword glows and accurately hit the Crushed Soul Storm, or else rely on Crushed Soul Storm’s skill, facing the sudden attack of six sword lights, how can he avoid most of it, so that the final victory will be rewritten.

Without any guidance, the time to enter God’s Domain is not long, and we have to manage the huge Ouroboros.

Even so, Gentle Snow still reached the Realm of Micro. This innate talent is really a monster.

Know that he can reach the point he is today, but he has ten years of experience in God’s Domain combat, and he has a lot of fortuitous encounters, insights, and guidance…

The Violet Cloud that he carefully taught has just entered the Realm of Micro, and Aqua Rose has not yet reached it, but I believe that after Aqua Rose goes to the Training Simulation System, it should be reached soon.

“Luck.” Gentle Snow shook the head, his face did not show the slightest joy of victory, and his heart became more worried. The Black Water Consortium has not officially entered God’s Domain yet, Nengdu Sending an expert like Crushed Soul Storm, now officially stationed in God’s Domain, has been determined to develop in Star-Moon Kingdom. She wants to take people out of Ouroboros. The problems that she will face in the future may not be as easy as she imagined.

“The game is over. See Guild Master Snow looking for me. I shouldn’t trade those Rare herbs and Rare ore exclusively.” Shi Feng said with a smile.

“I do have other things to talk about, but this is not a place to talk, not equal to me, how about going to the following High Grade restaurant to talk about?” Gentle Snow nodded, not at all concealing what I came from She still has a lot of resources to sell. She just wants to eat such a large amount of resources. Common people can’t do it in a short time. She wants to come to Shi Feng to eat all the Rare herbs and Rare ore. There should be no problem with downloading other resources.

“Let’s go, then.” Shi Feng also felt that it was not the place to talk. Now everyone around is watching them, which is too eye-catching.

As Shi Feng and Gentle Snow walked out of the God and Demon Arena, the Storm team followed suit.

Although there are guards patrolling the streets on White River City, they are far apart, and the level of guards on the streets is far inferior to the guards in the God and Demon Arena. Crushed Soul Storm finds it right After leaving the chance where the guards were far away, they quietly walked towards Gentle Snow, and the stone and broken teeth had already sneaked past.

When Crushed Soul Storm was within 30 yards of Gentle Snow, Crushed Soul Storm used a charge and rushed directly to Gentle Snow.

“Guild Master Snow, I’m so sorry, you have to die here today!” Crushed Soul Storm sneered, raising the Warblade and using the Absolute Kill cross-slash against the weak Gentle Snow.

At the same time, two dark shadows suddenly appeared from both sides of Gentle Snow, and four sharp daggers plunged into the dead corner of Gentle Snow, silently.

Gentle Snow’s face suddenly became gloomy. Didn’t expect Crushed Soul Storm to be crazy. Those who dared to do it on White River City’s Street were not punished by cracking a joke.

But now Gentle Snow knows that Crushed Soul Storm has rushed up, and there is nothing to do. Under the Weakened State, her attribute drops by 80% for five hours. With that 20% attribute, she can’t keep up. The Crushed Soul Storm battle, let alone two Assassin experts that she didn’t even notice.

As soon as a Warblade’s four daggers were about to fall on Gentle Snow’s body, everyone suddenly heard a low voice.

“Dignified Black Water Consortium really can’t afford to lose, are you eager to get your face back so soon?”

As the sound ends, suddenly five azure sword glow are in Gentle Snow’s all around flashed.

pēng pēng pēng ……

A series of five crisp metal interweaving sounds echoed across the street, and the three of Crushed Soul Storm were directly shocked five or six yards away.

“Who are you? I dare to intervene in the Black Water Consortium!” Crushed Soul Storm looked at Swordsman in a black cloak solemnly, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

Expert combat, as long as you fight each other, you can see the strength of the opponent.

The Swordsman in front of him is so powerful that he is definitely not inferior to him.

Solely can withstand the attacks of their three people, which is not something Common Experts can do.

“Who am I? This is White River City. Do you dare to work on my site and ask who I am?” Shi Feng glanced at the Storm and took off the black cloak. .

“Ye Feng!”

Gentle Snow was surprised to see the silhouette under the black cloak.

Although she felt a little familiar with Shi Feng before, she was familiar with it, maybe she had met other people where she had met before.

Now that I see Shi Feng, all the problems are solved.

Speaking of money, who in the entire Star-Moon Kingdom can match the Zero Wing Guild?

“It turns out that you are Ye Feng of Zero Wing Guild. This is a problem between our Black Water Consortium and Ouroboros’. I advise you not to be nosy, when the time comes, it’s too late to regret!” Crushed Soul Storm listen After arriving at Shi Feng’s name, his face was indescribably ugly.

The name of Ye Feng is hardly unknown to the members participating in the Dark Arena.

Even if he has stones and broken teeth to help him, it is impossible to defeat him. Now he can only threaten him with the name of Black Water Consortium, maybe there is still some hope.

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