“Are you active near Stone Forest Small Town?” Shi Feng couldn’t help thinking deeply.

In his memory, Star-Moon Kingdom not at all had such a monster, and it was the first time he saw such a monster.

If it is a Variation Type monster, it should be impossible to let go of any living creatures. Players are basically impossible to mix with them.

But these unicorn Humanoid monsters are similar to Variation Type, and they can become stronger by clicking to kill monster and player.

As Blood Fang said, those monsters are not justified now,

However, as these unicorn monsters continue to grow, it is very dangerous.

“This time, before I asked Graceful Blood Devouring to talk to you about cooperation, I had secretly checked it. According to the information reported by Graceful Blood Devouring, all the in the wild BOSS in that area were killed. Needless to say, even a Common Monster was gone, and the same situation was found in the Level 60 map in the vicinity.” Blood Fang immediately sent Shi Feng several pictures, “These pictures are Graceful Blood Devouring took it on that Level 60 map. With the growth speed of these monsters, I am afraid that it will not take long before it will be dangerous to Stone Forest Small Town or even NPC town.”

Shi Feng took a look at the photo. , Simply can’t believe this is true.

The original lush forest is full of Heavenly Pit and scorched earth. A six-level 13 High Lord with a body height of more than 30 meters is lying there, his whole body seems to be sucked. Dried up the moist mummy.

What’s more terrifying is that even the Common Monsters are not respawned in the places where the unicorn monsters have appeared. This is equivalent to destroying the entire map. Now although it is unremarkable, If it spreads, there will probably be no player level up in the entire Star-Moon Kingdom.

“Many thanks Blood Fang Guild Master’s message, I have something to do, so I’ll leave first.” Shi Feng, after reading the photo, dashing eyebrows wrinkled tightly, said goodbye to blood pressure directly, and took out the City Return Scroll to read Take it up.

After Shi Feng turned into a white glow vanish, Blood Fang also looked towards the Dark Guard instructed on the side: “Tell Blood Devouring that during this period of time, all of us have temporarily withdrawn from Star-Moon Kingdom. Put the focus to the side of Black Dragon Empire.”

“Guild Master, the business in Star-Moon Kingdom is good, people withdraw from Star-Moon Kingdom, and the income of gold coins will also decrease. Quite a lot, and those monsters only affect the area of ​​Star Moon Royal City, there is no need to be so careful, right?” The cold dark Guard on the side was surprised.

“Do you think those monsters are so simple?” Blood Fang glanced at the side Dark Guard, “There is something I not at all told Zero Wing, not long ago, the thorn shadow I sent out The group reported that they have discovered those unicorn monsters. Do you know where they found them?”

Dark Guard shook the head.

“It was an NPC Small Town on the Level 50 map. Now the entire Small Town has become a lair for those unicorn monsters. According to previous information, there are fewer than ten unicorn monsters. , But now there are hundreds of them, and the lowest level is Level 50, and the highest level has reached 80 Level. With this speed, the whole Star-Moon Kingdom will have an accident sooner or later. It’s better to leave earlier, don’t forget After being killed by those monsters, those people are still unable to log in to God’s Domain.” Blood Fang said with a smile, “And I also received a message that the guys from the Black Water Consortium have decided to be in the Star-Moon Kingdom Let’s start, we’d better not have any contact with them now.”

“What, is the Black Water Consortium finally stationed in God’s Domain? But why are they in Star-Moon Kingdom?” Dark When the Guard heard of the Black Water Consortium, his cold face showed horror for the first time.

“I don’t know this, but it’s probably due to this new profession. After all, in this God’s Domain, only Star-Moon Kingdom is the easiest to cultivate a new profession. With this batch of The new profession player is very beneficial for future development.” Blood Fang shook his head and said, “Among all the big consortiums, I hate the Black Water big consortium. They always do things by fair means or foul and don’t follow the rules. Zero Wing Guild depends on his own ability.”


Just after Blood Fang’s order was completed, Graceful Blood Devouring was also very puzzled with its potential. Hundreds of Raven members of Star-Moon Kingdom left Star-Moon Kingdom and went to the side of Black Dragon Empire to develop. As for Shi Feng, he did not go to Black Wing City to purchase Repellent Scroll at all, but came to Star Moon Royal City. .

At this time, the Star Moon Royal City has changed significantly compared to a few days ago. Many players on the street are from other Kingdom and Empire players. Each and everyone is selling weapons. equipment, and there are many more non-combat adventure players, these players are generally not high, some even have only ten levels, but these players are very rich, these people are the player Merchant.

In the city, it is difficult for players to have their own store, and there are regulations on the free market to set up stalls at random, impossible to sell items at any time, but if they are sold in Auction House, for Common player The handling fee is too high, and they usually choose to sell on the street. If anyone wants to buy, they can trade directly.

Although this is a bit time-consuming and laborious, for Common players, you can make a little bit, especially Common players that sell weapon equipment. This is not a small amount of money.

Because of this, players in business have a chance to make money. Generally, after rising to level ten, they will run around in major kingdoms and cities and sell them from the city. The player buys the Item in his hand and then sells it elsewhere. After all, the prices of each city and country are different, and they can make a lot of money.

Because it is a profession Merchant, the major kingdoms and cities of God’s Domain will have certain discounts on the transmission fee. And the Merchant is the same as the Profession Class, which is also divided into levels. The higher the level, the higher the transmission fee. The more discounts there are.

Many players have the capital to establish a store in an NPC city because they are running business. Otherwise, relying on the wealth accumulation of Common player, they can’t afford a plot of land for a lifetime.

Immediately, Shi Feng walked along the street to the residence of Hatfield Grand Duke.

The NPC guard in front of the gate of the mansion saw Shi Feng, but did not stop him, letting Shi Feng enter the Grand Duke mansion.

Shi Feng came here not for the Twilight Treasure Chest, but for the unicorn monster.

Originally, Shi Feng didn’t know the origin of those unicorn monsters, but seeing the information in the photos and what Blood Fang said, Shi Feng can be sure of one thing.

That is the unicorn monster is related to the Evil God Temple.

On the God’s Domain continent, the human race threat is not solely the abyss monster, there are many other dark forces, among which the most threatening is Evil God Temple. Unlike War God Temple, War God Temple specializes Against the invasion of the abyss, the Evil God Temple specializes in destroying God’s Domain continent, and it is purely destroying any life, unlike the possession of the abyss monster.

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