“If you can’t decide for a while, you can go back and discuss it with your Guild Master, but I can only give you one day.” Blood Fang doesn’t think there is any other way to cooperate, but thinks that Zero Wing Guild might I can’t get so many gold coins at once. “Hundred thousand gold is indeed not a small amount. I think it’s impossible for you Zero Wing Guild to get so many at once. You can get out four ten thousand gold first, and then pay the rest within five days. The six ten thousand gold.”

At present, Raven Guild has no liquid funds on their hands. Almost all the money is used to rebuild Small Town and hire NPC guards.

However, with these NPC guards, it is still unable to resist that many monster attacks.

If you want to defend Small Town, the first thing is to build a Defensive Magic Array. With the Defensive Magic Array, plus a large number of NPC guards, it should be able to support a 15-day protection period. The Defense Defensive Turret was established during the protection period, after which the source iron Ore Vein in Small Town was truly foolproof.

“Blood Fang Guild Master, the hundred thousand gold you mentioned is too much, even if it is our Zero Wing, it is impossible to take it out.” Shi Feng directly rejected Blood Fang’s proposal, “It’s better to change it. We, Zero Wing, are responsible for the security of Small Town, but you have to pay 30% of the Ore Vein revenue.”

He still needs a lot of gold coins to build his own city. It’s too late. How could he put gold coins? Used by Raven Guild.

Moreover, the Small Town is protected from monster attacks, and it is not necessary to use Defensive Magic Array and NPC guards.

You can go to Black Wing City to buy Repellent Scroll.

Repellent Scroll can disperse monsters within a certain range, so that low-intelligence monsters do not want to approach. Although it is time-sensitive, it is cheap. Only five gold coins are needed for one. Compared with what Defensive builds Magic Array or Defense Defensive Turret, to save too much cost.

In God’s Domain, whether it is Defensive Magic Array or Defense Defensive Turret, it is not very effective for the player to capture the defense of Small Town. It is far inferior to the defense NPC, but it costs a lot. , The main role Defense monster attacked.

Instead of wasting so much money on this, it is better to use Guild itself or other aspects.

Generally, monsters that attack towns are extremely low-intelligence, and it happens to be able to use Repellent Scroll to drive away. As for the invasion of abyss monsters, there are very few low-intelligence monsters in abyss monsters, so there is no effect.

“Are you Zero Wing defending Small Town?” Blood Fang shook his head and said with a smile, “It’s not that I underestimated your Zero Wing, but that the levels of these monsters are all above the 100th level, and the number is basically thousands. Tens of thousands, with the current player’s battle strength, it’s useless at all. Even if you can do it, but I get hundreds of thousands of gold to make Small Town safe once and for all, and let you defend 30% of the proceeds. Rather than lose more? I won’t do this kind of business. If this is the case, I might as well contact a few other Great Influences. I think they will be happy to cooperate.”

For Blood Fang, Zero Wing Guild is not the only choice. It’s just that several other Great Influences want to invest hundreds of thousands of gold, which is basically impossible, but he doesn’t have to have a must hundred thousand gold. As long as there are four ten thousand golds in the previous period, everything can be done. In 15 days During the NPC protection period, build enough hotels to allow enough players to continue mining in Small Town restore Stamina, enough to earn the money to build Defense Defensive Turret during the protection period.

Only during this time, Raven Guild has to tighten his belt.

“In this case, I have another proposal. If Zero Wing helped you withstand a monster attack, how about your Raven Guild paying us Zero Wing six thousand Mana Crystals?” Shi Feng also Not in a hurry, smiled and suggested.

“What you said is true?” Blood Fang asked in surprise.

If we cooperate in this way, all the income of Small Town will go to Raven. As long as the source iron Ore Vein is officially operated, there is no need to worry about funding issues, and a strong enough defense will be established soon , It’s just the most difficult period in the early period.

Didn’t expect Shi Feng will now be willing to do such a thing.

Obviously, you can get 20% of Small Town’s income by taking out hundreds of thousand gold. The gold coins you will earn in the future will far exceed hundreds of thousands gold coins. It is only for a small profit to give up the future Big cake, I really didn’t expect this to be a decision made by the top of Big Guild.

“Of course it is true, I have already told Guild Master, and Guild Master has agreed, just to see what you mean by Blood Fang Guild Master.” Shi Feng said with a smile.

“Okay, I promise to cooperate with you Zero Wing, as long as you don’t regret it.” Blood Fang looked at Shi Feng for a long time, and couldn’t guess what Shi Feng thought, let alone guess. What does the Guild Master Black Flame of Zero Wing Guild think.

The reason why Zero Wing bought shares was because they were worried that Zero Wing was unwilling to pay. Now Zero Wing has taken the initiative not to share shares. As long as some Mana Crystals are needed, it is a good thing for Raven.

Monster attacks Small Town, not everyday all. Usually it will attack Small Town at night in about two days. Even if Zero Wing is guarded ten times, he only spends 60,000 Mana Crystals, when The defense of the time comes Small Town is also fully established, and Zero Wing is no longer needed.

According to the market price of Mana Crystal, one is 25silver coins. Zero Wing has spent nearly 20 days in defense of Small Town and only spent 10,000 gold. This transaction is a profit no matter how you look at it.

Immediately, Shi Feng signed a contract with Blood Fang. As long as Zero Wing helps Raven withstand a monster attack, he must pay 6,000 Mana Crystals, and he can only pay with Mana Crystal. If you can’t pay, You need to pay gold coins or goods five times the price of Mana Crystal, and also allow Zero Wing Guild to establish Guild Encampment in Small Town, which allows Zero Wing Guild members to travel back and forth to Small Town easily.

Of course, if Zero Wing cannot withstand the monster attack, Raven will have to pay 30 thousand gold for the reconstruction of Small Town.

“The next attack is likely to be tomorrow night, but I am not sure, I hope you can prepare early.” After Blood Fang signed the contract, he was somewhat worried, that many Monster, can it really be prevented with Zero Wing?

“Please rest assured, as long as the Zero Wing Guild station in Small Town is established, no matter how many monsters attack Small Town, you don’t have to worry.” Shi Feng assured.

Now that the contract is signed, he is in a great mood.

It seems that Zero Wing Guild has helped Raven Guild a lot and solved the biggest problem of Raven Guild Primary Stage. In fact, the benefits of Zero Wing far exceed the 20% of Small Town’s benefits. It’s just Blood. Fang didn’t know it.

Repellent Scroll is very convenient and not fake, but it also has a great disadvantage.

That is, Repellent Scroll can only drive away monsters, but cannot destroy monsters. This will cause the monsters to be attacked to accumulate and gather more. If Repellent Scroll is not used, Small Town will be attacked by monsters. It will be very terrifying and can even be described as terrifying.

As long as you accumulate four or five times, let alone build eight or nine Defensive Turrets, even the twenty-thirty Defensive Turret, Small Town can’t hold it either…

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