Melancholic Smile just clicked on one of the Master’s production videos, and a tall and sturdy body appeared in a room the size of a basketball court, and the skin of the whole body became a bronzed big bearded man.

“No way, it turned out to be a hologram!” Melancholic Smile looked at the big bearded man that suddenly appeared, and was shocked.

There are also many capable people’s production videos circulating on God’s Domain’s official website, but these videos are only flat shots, after all, they are not as good as personal experience.

And this is the hologram of Master Blacksmith. On Forging skill, the Forging player in the entire God’s Domain is scum in front of NPCMaster Blacksmith, allowing the player to learn the Forging Skill of God’s Domain most intuitively.

“Master Blacksmith is really amazing, so there is such a way to make Equipment Magic Reinforcement.”

Melancholic Smile just read it once, and I clearly feel my shortcomings. There is still room for improvement, especially the Skill when drawing in Mana Rune.

The Mana Rune drawn by the big bearded man is completely resembles nature itself, and only one stroke is enough.

In the design creation given by God’s Domain, there are only the simplest text introduction and some basic demonstrations. You simply can’t learn the Forging Skill, so you can only experiment and find directions by yourself.

Now watching Master Blacksmith’s production video, it is like opening a golden avenue leading to the New World.

“This is how the video is made, so what is the focus of the production?” Melancholic Smile calmed down his excitement, turned his attention to the marked production focus, and clicked lightly.

Only after clicking Melancholic Smile, the System alert sound came from my ear.

System: The production label mode is activated. The player needs to pay enough energy to start. The basic energy is Mana Crystal. A Mana Crystal can run continuously for an hour. Are you willing to pay?

“Do you want Mana Crystal?” Melancholic Smile couldn’t help being surprised.

Previously, Master Blacksmith’s production video didn’t require anything. Now it takes energy to mark the key points of the production. It can be seen that the key points of the production are more precious than Master Blacksmith’s production videos.

Melancholic Smile didn’t think too much. In order to make Equipment Magic Reinforcement, she had a lot of Mana Crystal on hand, and it didn’t matter if she consumed one.

Then Melancholic Smile clicked to agree, and the inventory was missing a Mana Crystal.

System: The marking mode has been activated, and the Equipment Magic Reinforcement 017 template is loaded, and the player can now start making Equipment Magic Reinforcement.

“Is this all right?” Melancholic Smiles not at all Seeing that he has changed, or something is extra in the room.

But since System has said so, Melancholic Smile also just wants to start making Equipment Magic Reinforcement.

After all, Shi Feng also gave them instructions and must produce a large number of Equipment Magic Reinforcement as soon as possible.

Just when Melancholic Smile picked up the material and began to smelt it in the fire, various data and images suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. These data and images were all translucent and would not affect the production of the Item.

Melancholic Smile was completely shocked after seeing this image and data.

Because these images and data are simply instructing her on how to make Equipment Magic Reinforcement, all she has to do is to overlap the action of the images, and also observe the extent to which the materials are smelted and the displayed data All gave specific tips.

All this is like practicing calligraphy in a copybook. The most standardized Forging steps are given. All she has to do is adapt to these steps. This is better than watching Master Blacksmith make Equipment Magic Reinforcement directly. Too much out.

As Melancholic Smile followed the prompts to make Equipment Magic Reinforcement again and again, the success rate and speed made were also steadily improved.

It’s just an hour. Melancholic Smile originally had a success rate of about 40%. With the use of Intermediate Grade Magic Source Ore, the success rate is about 50%. However, the actual item made is difficult to achieve. 50%, Melancholic Smile made ten Equipment Magic Reinforcement before, and probably got four pieces, sometimes not even four pieces.

Now I have produced ten Equipment Magic Reinforcement, which can be stabilized at more than four, sometimes reaching five pieces, and the production speed is much faster than before. There is a lot less confusion when making Equipment Magic Reinforcement , The shot is fast and accurate, making the production speed much faster, and it can almost be restored to the speed before the evolution of God’s Domain.

This makes Melancholic Smile ecstatic.

With the focus of Master Blacksmith’s video and annotation production, her Forging skills are constantly improving here every moment, up to ten times faster than in the Basic Grade Meditation Room of Candlelight Trading Company the above.

It can be described as rapid progress.

As for the four thousand gold spent before, Melancholic Smile feels too straight at this time. It won’t be long before she can attack Master Blacksmith, not to mention other Lifestyle Players, who want to start from Basic Grade. And Intermediate Grade is promoted to High Grade, simply with no difficulty.

In Titan Special Grade Studio, if Melancholic Smile is so excited and delighted, everyone who has experienced the benefits of Special Grade Studio are deeply attracted by it.

Everyone has a feeling that if you can stay here forever, it will be really easy to become a Master.

But this is also everyone’s illusion. After all, to become a Master, you don’t need to rely solely on Forging Skill and success rate, you also need to create your own things. If you don’t have considerable material knowledge accumulation, simply yes impossible things.

“If you let Flying Fish and the others know about the situation here, I guess they will be crazy.” Deep Burning in Special Grade Studio thought of the Flying Fish and the others who hoped that the Masters would guide Flying Fish and the others. With emotion.

Before he came to Titan Holy City, although he knew that Titan Holy City was the sacred land of Lifestyle Player, he didn’t expect to be able to do this step.

The name of sacred land is definitely well-deserved.

Flying Fish wants to pursue a shortcut to becoming a Master, but how does he know that what he did is simply chasing after the end, even if the Masters are very high in other Virtual Games, but other Virtual Games After all, it’s not God’s Domain, how can you compare the Master Level video production here, and there are important points?

Not to mention the research room here.


Star-Moon Kingdom, White River City Teleportation Hall.

Because of the appearance of the teleportation house, a large number of players are teleported to White River City almost every moment. Most of these people are Guild players, and only a few are Free players.

After Shi Feng arranged everything, he agreed with Graceful Blood Devouring and the others to meet here.

When Shi Feng discovered Graceful Blood Devouring in the crowd, suddenly there was a strange man standing beside Graceful Blood Devouring. This man also immediately noticed Graceful Blood Devouring. I noticed his existence.

Although the man is wearing a black cloak and can’t see his appearance at all, Shi Feng can clearly feel the cold eyes in the black cloak, like a wild beast, just being Looking at this man, it made people feel uncomfortable.

While Graceful Blood Devouring and the others are obviously respectful to this man, Qilin and Masked Angel on the side don’t even dare to breathe.

“You are Ye Feng!” The strange man glanced at Shi Feng and said coldly, “Before meeting our Guild Master, our Guild Master also said, let Ye Feng Elder see something first “

“What is it?” Shi Feng said curiously.

“Strength!” The strange man smiled and said.

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