“Will you meet your Guild Master now?” Shi Feng looked at Graceful Blood Devouring with a little surprise in his heart.

Raven’s Guild Master Blood Fang is a mysterious person in God’s Domain.

Even if he is on the former life, he has only heard the name of this person, and has never seen this person.

As literally, Shi Feng has never seen the appearance of Blood Fang.

Now the famous Blood Fang Guild Master of the later generation suddenly asked to meet, and if he said it, it might cause a commotion.

“Yes, we Guild Master has already said that there are some things that cannot be expressed in words. It is more convincing to see with your own eyes.” Graceful Blood Devouring nodded, explained.

At that time, when the Blood Fang Guild Master said his request to meet, he was taken aback.

As a Raven Guild’s Peak expert, he is also a senior of Raven, and he has only spoken to the Blood Fang Guild Master. He has not seen the Blood Fang Guild Master until now.

Shi Feng, an outsider, is now invited by the Blood Fang Guild Master to meet directly to discuss cooperation. It can be seen that the Blood Fang Guild Master attaches great importance to Zero Wing’s, which makes him a little envious of Shi Feng.

“Well, this reason is really tempting.” Shi Feng is also very curious about what Blood Fang wants to show him. “But I have to finish some things before I can go with you. This period will probably take a few hours.”

“There is no problem. Master Guild has already said that he is willing to wait for your visit from Ye Feng Elder.” Graceful Blood Devouring heard Shi Feng agree. Not sighed in relief.

Blood Fang Guild Master gave him a deadly order. Must meet Shi Feng, and the sooner the better, preferably before the match between Asura Team and Evil Flood Dragon Team.

Although he does not understand why the Blood Fang Guild Master is so anxious.

Then Graceful Blood Devouring left Zero Wing Residence, ready to stroll around in White River City, waiting for Shi Feng to finish the matter.


In White River City’s slum area, the originally quiet streets are now vast crowds, and there is a 100-man with excellent equipment everywhere. The faces of each and everyone player were complaining.

“When do we have to wait? We have waited for more than half an hour!”

“What are you waiting for more than half an hour, I am waiting It’s been almost an hour!”

each and everyone The team looked at a simple bungalow not far from the corner of the street, and their eyes were full of helplessness.

This simple bungalow is very common, but inside it is directly transmitted to the Teleportation Array in the central area of ​​Twin Towers Kingdom, but this Teleportation Array can transmit only a limited number of players, and I want to go to Twin Towers Kingdom has so many honorable players. Unconsciously, there are already several streets in line.

“Beautiful Cold, how’s your investigation done?” In the waiting line, a beautiful woman riding a Black Phanter looked towards the Level 39 female Assassin who had just run over and asked.

This Black Phanter is two meters high, like a large jeep, very eye-catching on the street.

But compared to this mount Black Phanter, the owner riding the Black Phanter is even more awesome.

Because this beauty riding a Black Phanter is the Vice-Guild Master Cleansing Trick of Hundred Flowers Palace.

“I have checked all of them. Several nearby plots of land that can be used as Guild Encampment have been bought. In addition, there are a few good locations that can be used to open shops. Some people have also bought it.” Assassin, Beautiful Cold, whispered a report.

“This action is really fast, can you find out who bought it?” Cleansing Trick slightly frowned.

After receiving the news of the delivery store, she organized the team to come over immediately, and even prepared a lot of money to establish a Guild Encampment in White River City so that they would not have to spend With high transmission fees, you only need to pass the Guild Teleportation Scroll to directly come to White River City.

The new profession is quite beneficial to Guild’s future competition, so it is necessary to cultivate a large number of new professions.

Furthermore, honor is not exclusively used to exchange new professions. There are other uses. It can be said that farm abyss monster is a stable profit without loss.

It’s just that the teleportation fee is always a problem. The Dark Night Empire she is in is a bit too far away from the Star-Moon Kingdom. It’s not as close as the Black Dragon Empire. The teleportation fee is very small. She only brings three 100- Man came over and made her spend hundreds of gold.

If you send thousands of people, the cost will be more terrifying, but if you want to gain an advantage in Twin Towers Kingdom, the number of people going is naturally the more the better, and it is imperative to establish Guild Encampment.

“This hasn’t been found yet. The people who bought it have hidden the information.” Beautiful Cold said, shaking his head.

In God’s Domain, people who purchase plot of land generally want to let others know, especially the plot of land purchased by Guild, so that they can build a reputation for Guild, and of course there are special plot of Land, Guild doesn’t want people to know, so he chooses to hide information so that it is difficult for others to find out.

“Hid the information concealed?” Cleansing Trick slightly smiled, “Send some people to these places to leave some information, saying that we Hundred Flowers Palace sincerely want to buy a plot of land from Guild Encampment, I hope they can take the initiative to contact us. If the owner of the plot of land has any movement, I will be notified as soon as possible.”

Normally, if Guild now gets these plots of land, I’m afraid I’m eager. Let other players and Guild know that they will never conceal information, the only possibility is to sell it, not for their own use, but for selling.

Although she didn’t know who she was, she had the ability and vision to see the value of these plots of land in such a short period of time and bought almost valuable plots of land. , But she did not intend to waste time, waiting for those who bought plot of land to slowly sell these plots of land.

The sooner you get the nearby Guild plot of land, the sooner you can send more Guild Members to Twin Towers Kingdom.

Even if the plot of land is so expensive, she must buy it as soon as possible.

“Understood!” Assassin, called Beautiful Cold, was nodded again and again, and immediately took people to several nearby places where Guild Encampment could be built in plot of land.


In the Basic Grade Meditation Room of the Candlelight Trading Company, the Intermediate Grade and Advanced Lifestyle Players of the entire Candlelight Trading Company are gathered here.

Its number is 100-Man, occupying a large proportion of Advanced Lifestyle Player in the entire Star-Moon Kingdom.

In particular, Advanced Lifestyle Player has the highest proportion.

Now each Big Guild pays more and more attention to Lifestyle Player. The status of Advanced Lifestyle Player is also as the tide rises, the boat floats. Any Advanced Lifestyle Player’s status is placed in the First-Rate Guild. It is the core level.

But at this time, these Advanced Lifestyle Players are all standing quietly, each and everyone dare not to show up, staring at the Blacksteel Token on the table, their eyes are full of longing.

These Tokens are nothing else, they are the city entry orders that Shi Feng obtained from Titan Holy City.

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