Following the roar of the Three-headed Ape Demon King, one foot slammed on the ground.


The earth shattered suddenly, and a wave of fluctuations spread to all directions. The Cola HP was only less than 20,000, and there was no way to directly turn on Protection Blessing to halve the damage , But even like this, nearly 8,000 points of damage appeared on the head, and players with a radius of 60 yards suffered varying degrees of damage. The farther the distance, the smaller the damage, but that’s it, the remote players are also five -six thousand damage……

Then the Three-headed Ape Demon King slapped Cola again, and Cola quickly used a shield to resist, and took two or three steps to stabilize her body, and the HP was nearly lost. Five thousand points.

In an instant, Cola’s HP was less than 5,000 points. If it weren’t for Protection Blessing, it would have become a corpse.

However, after the attack of the Three-headed Ape Demon King, several Healers fell on Cola’s head. HP directly restored to more than 20,000, which barely exceeded the safety line.

At this time, Fire Dance had already circled behind the Three-headed Ape Demon King. Thousand Transformation in his hand was inserted into the ground. Suddenly, a large amount of spring water spewed out from the ground. -headed at the feet of Ape Demon King.

“Go!” Fire Dance suddenly pulled out Thousand Transformation and gave a light wave to the Three-headed Ape Demon King.

Water Bind!

Suddenly the flowing water at the feet of the Three-headed Ape Demon King turned into a rope and grabbed the body and limbs of the Three-headed Ape Demon King. No matter how the Three-headed Ape Demon King struggles, this The normal ropes of flowing water will pounce on again and again, making the actions of the Three-headed Ape Demon King very hard, even unable to hit the Cola in front of him.

Even if it hits Cola, the strength is greatly reduced because of the constraints of flowing water, and the damage is only about 70% of the usual, which does not pose a threat to Cola.

“This is Peak High Lord, and this skill is too strong!” Everyone was amazed at the Three-headed Ape Demon King whose battle strength was greatly reduced.

Just as everyone was amazed, Fire Dance made even more amazing moves.

I saw Fire Dance just waved into the air, and a water whip appeared on the ground and drew directly at the fist of the Three-headed Ape Demon King.


The water whip was smashed on the spot, but the attack of the Three-headed Ape Demon King came to an abrupt end.

Then the Fire Dance waved again, another water whip appeared on the back of the Three-headed Ape Demon King, and tens of thousands of damage appeared. Everyone who saw it was taken aback.

“What kind of skill is this?” Nether Orchid watched Fire Dance’s behavior, her mouth twitching.

At this time, Fire Dance is just standing in place motionless, two-handed waving the weapon, but the flowing water on the ground is completely controlled by Fire Dance, as if the entire flowing water area is Fire Dance The world, as strong as Three-headed Ape Demon King, cannot break free.

Speaking of surprise, in the entire battlefield, no one was more surprised than Fire Dance.

Because she never thought that the Water Bind she had learned is so powerful, and now she only raised the Water Bind to Tier 1 Level 1, so she can initially compete with Peak High Lord , If rise to Tier 2 is mentioned, it can definitely suppress Peak High Lord.

“Okay, everyone is doing their best to output Three-headed Ape Demon King!” Shi Feng said with joy after seeing the Skill used by Fire Dance.

In God’s Domain, First Skills are generally divided into damage Skills, Healer Skills, and restraining skills. However, there is another category of Domain Skills, but there are too few and too few such skills, generally only when they reach the Tier 4 profession. Will initial contact.

For this reason, there is a big gap between Tier 3 profession and Tier 4 profession.

However, the Domain Skill that Fire Dance has learned now has considerable shortcomings, that is, it is impossible to move, and the Duration is not long. According to his estimation, it can break the sky in ten minutes, so Consume the HP of the Three-headed Ape Demon King as soon as possible.

With the assistance of Fire Dance, the battle between the team and the Three-headed Ape Demon King was instantly relaxed.

The Defense Power of the Three-headed Ape Demon King is not as good as the Corrosion King. In addition, it is the Dark Element living creature. Even if Shi Feng does not turn on the burst mode, the damage is also a blast, each and everyone Thirty thousand damage absolutely occupies the first BOSS output list.

Finally, after Fire Dance used the Water Bind, nearly 50% of the HP of the Three-headed Ape Demon King was killed.

“All Range DPS, go to deal with the other two Two-headed Ape Demon, Healer pay attention to magic power, magic recovery potion cooldown as soon as it is good, don’t keep it.” Shi Feng saw Three-headed Ape After Demon King’s HP reached 50%, he was immediately instructed.

Three-headed Ape Demon King, the Advanced Lord, was originally difficult to deal with. When the HP drops to 50%, it will randomly charge any player in the audience. This charge is much stronger than the Berserker charge. , Even if it is an MT that enables life-saving skill, it is one next.

Because after the three-headed Ape Demon charge, not only the speed is superb, but also stun live the player and initiate a series of brutal fights.

Unless there is a cold ice shield like Elementalist, you can be immune to any damage for a long time, or you can avoid the assault route for the first time, otherwise it will be dead end.

But if you deal with two Two-headed Ape Demon first, when the HP of Two-headed Ape Demon drops to 70%, if the HP of the Three-headed Ape Demon King on the field is still above 70% , Two-headed Ape Demon will fall into berserk state, attack speed and damage will increase by 30%.

For the sake of team safety, after stabilizing the HP of Three-headed Ape Demon King at 50%, clean up the other two Two-headed Ape Demon, when the two Two-headed Ape Demon beat After almost, I went back to clean up the Three-headed Ape Demon King. The overall requirements for the team’s positioning and cooperation were very high, and it was a long-term battle. It was a great test for the magic power of the Healers.

As for the Three-headed Ape Demon King, Shi Feng asked four Guardian Knights to assist Cola.

The Cooldown Period of Tier 1 Protection Blessing is generally about 3 minutes and 30 seconds, and some high level only takes 3 minutes and 180 seconds. Those present are experts, and the Skill Proficiency is very high. The Cooldown Period is almost 3 minutes, plus the Guardian Knight Cola, there are a total of five Guardian Knights here.

When dealing with the Three-headed Ape Demon King, there is the skill of Shi Feng Ring of Water, which can last for 40 seconds. The Cooldown Period is one minute and thirty seconds, plus three Healers, Cola couldn’t die at all.

After the blooming of life enters the Cooldown Period, there are four Guardian Knights taking turns to add Protection Blessing to Cola. Each Protection Blessing lasts for 20 seconds, and three are one minute. If there is Protection Blessing, even if there is no Shi Feng’s life blooms, and Cola can’t die, and then Shi Feng’s life blooms. If he fails to connect in the middle, Shi Feng will take the initiative to use the life-saving skill to resist the attack of the Three-headed Ape Demon King to relieve Cola’s pressure. Form a good Defense cycle.

Time passed, and the Three-headed Ape Demon King was completely restrained. The High Lord of Level 45 was nothing to the team led by Shi Feng. He quickly hit 5%. Left and right, each left a team to stabilize the HP of Two-headed Ape Demon, and everyone else started to deal with Three-headed Ape Demon King.

Just after the HP of the Three-headed Ape Demon King fell below 50%, the Three-headed Ape Demon King finally started to charge.

Even if Shi Feng has reminded everyone, but the speed of Three-headed Ape Demon King was too fast, the one Assassin who was stared at the spot was killed, and the three people who were hit by the collision were killed directly. The two, one Low Health, and the Low Health one is the Shield Warrior……

This made the human’s heart a chill, and the overall morale was greatly affected.

As the HP of Three-headed Ape Demon King slowly drops, the people in the team are also losing staff.

Seeing that when the HP of Three-headed Ape Demon King is still 10%, the number of people in the group has dropped to 64. Fortunately, the remaining people are getting more and more familiar with Three-headed Ape Demon King. In the charge, the number of casualties is constantly decreasing.


Just when everyone thought that victory was in sight, Three-headed Ape Demon King suddenly used two-handed strikes on his chest, the whole body began to Reddens and fell into the berserk state , A punch hit Cola’s shield, and half of Cola’s body sank to the ground on the spot.

Even with the effect of Protection Blessing, Cola suffered nearly nine thousand damage. When a healing beam fell, it was another blow that blasted Cola into the ground completely, and the HP instantly dropped to half. the following.

Just when everyone was already Three-headed Ape Demon King attacking Cola, his arm suddenly waved at the crowd next to him, and there was a storm on the spot, and several people turned into a white glow vanish without a trace… …

The terrifying Strength directly dazzled everyone.

“BOSSHP is running out, try to get rid of it, Blackie will use Guardian of Light for Cola!” Shi Feng shouted repeatedly.

After speaking, Shi Feng also used Power of Heavenly Dragon and Thunder God Descend to attack the Three-headed Ape Demon King with all his strength, and Fire Dance also used the power of illusion.

At this time everyone is also in madness, desperately trying to kill the Three-headed Ape Demon King.

Each and everyone magic scroll and the powerful Skill are thrown out.




The number of people in the team is also constantly decreasing, from There were more than 60 people, and it was quickly reduced to more than forty people. After solving two Two-headed Ape Demon, the complete Ape Demon King was completely desperate. However, the two teams commanded by Quiet White Night were very damned. The grasp of Ape Demon King is very accurate. After Ape Demon King becomes complete, his HP is only less than 300,000.

Even damage can directly insta-kill Cola with dragon scale protection, but it cannot change the fact that HP is constantly declining.

“Get rid of it!” Shi Feng also used Flame Burst at this time, but the complete Ape Demon King Defense Power is too high and too high, the deity and doppelganger teamed up to only hit a total damage of 120.

Seeing that Ape Demon King’s HP is still 100,000, the number of people in the group is already less than 20. It is almost a second to see people, and the damage each person can cause is only more than 1,000. , Generally only a few hundred.

At this moment, 100,000 HP is like an unattainable mountain, which is insurmountable.

Until there were 50,000 HP left, the entire team was left with less than ten people. Even Quiet White Night felt hopeless at this time.

Seeing that Ape Demon King’s target was eyeing Shi Feng, Shi Feng directly turned on the Absolute Defense of Ring of Earth.

Ape Demon King just punched, Shi Feng flew out more than 30 yards, terrifying Strength, even Shi Feng felt heart palpitations, fortunately Absolute Defense was there, and Ape Demon King’s Strength also Can’t break.

Shi Feng did not die, which made Ape Demon King very angry, and rushed directly up and beat him violently.

But Absolute Defense can last for five seconds. During this period of time, Ape Demon King was helpless with Shi Feng and bought a lot of time for others.

At this time, Shi Feng also took out a pitch black magic scroll. The quaint Scroll exudes amazing magic power. The moment he took it out, Ape Demon King was shocked. Two eyes are full of terrified look.

“It seems that I will use it in the end.” Shi Feng glanced at the pitch-black Scroll, feeling a pity in his heart.

This thing is what he got from the Epic Level treasure chest given by Thousand Rain Phoenix. For this Epic Level treasure chest, he has spent too much Magic Crystal Stone, and there are only two in the treasure chest. One of the things is the pitch black Scroll in the hand.

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