Myriad World Unmatched’s sudden proposal not only started Nether Orchid and the others, but even Aqua Rose, the Zero Wing Vice-Guild Master, was surprised.

I have to say that Myriad World Unmatched’s proposal is really good.

The three big bosses at Level 45 are no small threats to Myriad God Temple or Zero Wing. If they are not dealt with properly, there will be no surprises even if they are wiped out.

If the strengths of two teams are assembled, the odds of defeating the three major bosses will also increase a lot.

Although Aqua Rose does not yet know how strong the team led by Myriad World Unmatched is, the strength of the team that can come here is definitely not to be underestimated.

Myriad World Unmatched I also firmly believe that his proposal is enough to impress Shi Feng.

After all, the ultimate goal of the two teams is to enter Titan Holy City, and there is not only one team that enters Titan Holy City. As long as they pass the entry trial, they can enter Titan Holy City. In terms of benefits They not at all conflict.

And it’s better to befriend a Super-Guild than to be an enemy.

However, Shi Feng’s answer is only indifferent.

No need!

As Shi Feng finished speaking, he drew out the Holy Sword Thunder Slaying and slammed it forward.

Thousand Blade Streaming Light!

The Thousand Blade Streaming Light of rise to Tier 1 has been mentioned. The attack range is 50 yards, which completely covers most of the team led by Myriad World Unmatched.

Suddenly one after another azure streamer flew by.

Shi Feng’s attribute was originally extraordinary. Even if Cola in the team was hit in the body, he couldn’t resist a few swords, let alone an Ultimate Skill like Thousand Blade Streaming Light.

In the blink of an eye, the members of the Myriad World Unmatched team lay in a large area. Even if MT used the life-saving skill to resist, they were still taken away. Only those who escaped the attack range and had a short time Players who are immune to all damage survive, but such people are rare.

After Thousand Blade Streaming Light, there are only less than ten people left on Myriad World Unmatched.

The shocking formidable power is not worse than the wiped out skill of BOSS.

“What the hell is he doing?” Nether Orchid couldn’t understand this scene at all.

I originally saw Myriad World Unmatched propose that cooperation is a good thing. It not only eliminates the hidden dangers of forging a beam with Myriad God Temple, but may also establish a little relationship, which is extremely beneficial to the future development of Guild , But also increased the success rate of passing the entry trial.

But Shi Feng turned down unexpectedly, and destroyed most of the members of Myriad God Temple without the slightest hesitation.

Nether Orchid all doubt whether Shi Feng has a bloody feud with Myriad God Temple?

Otherwise, how could I be so decisive, without even mentioning a single condition, I would kill Myriad God Temple.

Nether Orchid and the others can’t understand it, even Aqua Rose’s head is dull, Graceful Blood Devouring is even bigger.

How can I say that these people are also people from Myriad God Temple. Kill if you say kill, without a trace of hesitation. This decisiveness really makes people have one’s hair stand on end, even if it’s black like Graceful Blood Devouring The name player can’t help but feel trembling.

I feel that Shi Feng is even more daunting than someone who licks blood!

But Shi Feng is not at all to explain, or that he cannot explain this reason to everyone.

Because Titan Holy City can only get reputation rewards for the first team to pass, he doesn’t want to be a dispensable, but also thinking of bringing trouble to others, so he gave up. Get 100% chance of the prestige of Holy City.

Don’t talk about a Myriad God Temple at this time, even if there are three Myriad God Temples, there is no room for negotiation.

Only its own strength is the root, everything else is a cloud.

“I killed you!” Myriad World Unmatched looked at his dead companion, with two eyes full of bloodshot eyes, and wished to eat Shi Feng raw, this is the capital of his level clear entry trial, and now all are by Shi Feng was gone, and Myriad World Unmatched immediately opened the Berserk Skill, raised the silver-gray Warblade in his hand, and rushed towards Shi Feng.

However, when Berserker Myriad World Unmatched was about to rush to Shi Feng’s, who was a big body, a silhouette stood in front of Shi Feng’s. This person is the Guardian Knight Turtledove.

“Fuck me!”

Myriad World Unmatched was so angry that I decided to fight with Shi Feng. Seeing Turtledove in the way, One Blade swept over, thinking To fly Turtledove with his soaring Strength.

Turtledove faced Berserk’s Myriad World Unmatched, and directly waved the long sword in his hand and slashed it with a steel impact.


Myriad World Unmatched was knocked out of 10 yards and fell into a Confused state. The HP of up to 26600 points immediately dropped by more than 3000. Turtledove’s powerful Strength shocked the hearts of the rest of the Myriad God Temple .

They all know how powerful Myriad World Unmatched is.

Although it is not as good as Battle Wolf Guild’s North Star Sirius, it is also one of the Peak Experts who achieved Realm of Vacuum in Myriad God Temple. He wears an Epic Equipment and Level 40 Dark Gold Top Grade equipment. On Basic Attribute, not many people in the entire Myriad God Temple can surpass Myriad World Unmatched.

The burst mode is turned on. Whether it is Strength, Agility, Endurance, it has been greatly improved. Even the Advanced Lord of the same level can meet force with force, but it is now given by a tall build female Knight How could they not shock them with a sword strike.

“Boss Myriad World, I’ll help you!” The invisible Level 40 strong Assassin immediately went around to Myriad World Unmatched, who had the stun effect removed in the first place.

It’s just that the Level 40 Assassin, before he ran to Myriad World Unmatched, several arrows flew over, making the Level 40 Assassin had to resist and followed his figure Just revealed.

“Isn’t that the Three Tiger of Myriad God Temple? Why did he come here?” Nether Orchid was surprised when he saw Assassin who suddenly appeared, “It seems that Myriad God Temple is about Titan Holy City Sure enough, the Zero Wing Guild has become a big brother of Myriad God Temple.”

The name of the visible Assassin is Three Tiger. It is the Peak expert in Myriad God Temple and also in Myriad God Temple. Assassin profession ranks Top-5 expert. He is known for his aggressive attacks and is called Assassin Tiger.

However, as soon as this Assassin Tiger appeared, he felt the danger from death. He quickly used the Gale Step and suddenly turned his body forward. I don’t know when a sharp dagger has been drawn. On his back, if it weren’t for the short Invincible time, it would have been pierced through the body.

“What a great footwork, so close to me, I didn’t even notice it!” Assassin Three Tiger’s aftermath swept over the Fire Dance that suddenly appeared behind him, the whole body felt cold, if it weren’t for him When Realm of Vacuum is reached, the five senses can be exerted to the limit. The slight air fluctuation was noticed at the moment Fire Dance started. I am afraid that Fire Dance has already succeeded in the previous blow.

“My Step of Nothingness is still too crude and crude.” Fire Dance looked at Three Tiger who was avoiding, and secretly reflected on it.

Just after Three Tiger dodges Fire Dance’s Ambush, several arrows appeared next to him. These arrows are exactly what Quiet White Night saw through Three Tiger’s movements. It was shot out and couldn’t dodge and resist at all.

“Damn it, how come there are so many experts!” Three Tiger instinctively used the vanish Skill and blocked all the arrows again.

Two major life-saving skills have been used in succession. This is the first time Three Tiger has encountered such a situation after entering the game God’s Domain.

Only Three Tiger was vanish in everyone’s eyes. After a short while, he suddenly realized that he couldn’t move, all around. I don’t know when one after another black barrier appeared, so I shut him up. ……

This move is Violet Cloud’s Black Coffin, and the time is just 1.3 seconds after vanish Invincible…

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