With Shi Feng Level 43, even if the Thousand Blade Streaming Light is directly raised to Tier 1, the level has not dropped from Level 43 to Level 42.

However, after Skill reaches Tier 1, the required Experience Point and formidable power have also undergone a qualitative change.

Thousand Blade Streaming Light, Active skill, cast time 0.5 seconds, can cause 700% physical and 700% lightning damage to the front cone. Duration is 5 seconds, and the initial coverage is 50 yards. Cooldown Period is ten minutes, Current Level Tier 1 Level 1. (It takes 200 million Experience Points to advance to Tier 1 Level 2 Skill)

Originally, Shi Feng wanted to improve his Skill, but as he goes up, his Level will drop from Level 43 to Level 42, and his whole body The attribute will also drop, which will have some impact on entering Titan Holy City later, so I gave up and then raised the level of Thousand Blade Streaming Light.

After learning the Skill, Shi Feng was also sent out of the library by Wallen and came directly to the front door of the library.

At this time in front of the gate, everyone has also finished learning Skill Magic, and each and everyone is very excited.

There are a lot of Skill Magic books in the Titan Library, and there are many of them Rare’s incomparable Skill. Even if you can only choose one in the outer area, it will greatly improve your own battle strength.

“You are so excited, what great skills have you learned?” Shi Feng asked with a smile while looking at Zero Wing.

“Group Leader, you don’t know, Sister Aqua has passed the ban on the inner zone, and now has mastered a large Destruction Spell, and Violet Cloud has also passed the ban on the inner zone and has mastered a Mass Healing Skill, Sister Fire Dance entered the inner zone, although they didn’t learn the group skill, but they learned a very powerful restriction to weaken the Skill, even the BOSS cannot be exempted.” Cola explained.

Skills learning in the outer and inner areas of the library have as different as heaven and earth.

One side is Tier 2 Common Rare Skill, and the other side is Tier 3 Ultimate Skill. The two simply have no comparability.

Not to mention the skill of Aqua Rose and the others learn, for the current team, there is a considerable improvement, especially the group heal Magic of Violet Cloud learn.

Now the skills learned by the Healers in God’s Domain are all single target Healer Magic, there is no half of the tricks for the group Healer, Violet Cloud meets the group Healer Magic, one person can reach a group Healer, when you play Dungeon against the BOSS in the future, you don’t have to worry about not being able to add blood to the whole group, causing unnecessary attrition.

And this time there are 100 people in the whole group. There are 14 members who entered the inner zone, but Shi Feng is not included.

Among them, Zero Wing has three people, Raven has three people, Xiao Xiao has five people, and Alluring Smile has three people.

This shocked everyone at Zero Wing.

Raven and the others are who, Aqua Rose and the others know somehow, but the owl led by Quiet White Night, they don’t know anything, but five of the fourteen can enter the inner zone. It shows how strong the team is.

“I really don’t know where Guild Master got the great guy.” Aqua Rose looked at Quiet White Night and the others, with an indescribable shock. “But a team of fourteen people actually has So many experts.”

Although I have a certain understanding of the strength of Quiet White Night and the others, I know Quiet White Night and the others not simple, but from the performance in the Titan Library, I can completely understand Quiet White Night is a powerful team.

Nether Orchid, who is resting on the side, is also very speechless, as if I knew the Zero Wing Guild on the first day.

From the outer zone to the inner zone, she knows how difficult it is. She took the Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers to pass. The remaining two are Gray Wolf Battling Heaven , One is Soaring Snake, the others can no longer advance half a point after rushing to 80 yards.

But there are 50 people in Zero Wing. Although I don’t know what area Shi Feng has reached, it should be easy to enter the inner area. Counting this, Zero Wing has 12 people entering the inner area. The strength gap of this team is simply desperate, and even Nether Orchid doubts it. Searching the entire Star-Moon Kingdom and gathering all Guild’s Strength, I am afraid that there is no team comparable to Zero Wing.

“Since everyone is here, let’s go to the final level of the introductory trial.” Shi Feng glanced at the crowd, and after making sure that everyone was there, he led everyone to the Titan Library A Teleportation Array not far away.


“You all be careful, as long as you are attacked, Healer will give the wounded blood for the first time, and the MT will grab the monster. 10 million can’t let the monster run away. !” Myriad World Unmatched, who was walking through the gray mist, carefully ordered in Guild Chat.

After they passed the long road to the abyss, they thought they should be able to see the entry of Titan Holy City soon, but they didn’t expect that they just walked out of the wolf den and stepped into the tiger den.

In this gray haze, their visibility is less than 10 yards, and they will be attacked by monsters from time to time.

These monsters are not affected by smog. Even if they are separated by a thirty-forty code, they can easily be found and attack immediately. These monsters use bows and arrows to attack remotely. After every attack, they are immediately It will move its position, and the target of these monsters is the cloth armor profession every time.

If these monsters cannot be solved as soon as possible, it will cause more and more monsters to gather, and this will make them suffer a lot, because any player killed by these monsters cannot be resurrected, and One person is dead and one person is less.

Up to now, they only have 89 people left. If they keep reducing, they can give up without waiting for them to reach the final checkpoint.

Just after saying not very long in Myriad World Unmatched, more than a dozen arrows flew in the mist.

With the visibility of ten yards and the extremely fast speed of the arrows, even the profession of the Agility System is difficult to resist, let alone the cloth armor profession.

A white clothed Cleric was shot by a hedgehog on the spot, and his HP instantly returned to zero, even Healer’s chance was not given.

“Give it to me! Never let these monsters go!” Myriad World Unmatched shouted angrily.

Suddenly more than a dozen Melee Class rushed to the place where the arrow came.

Just before charge ahead not very long, I heard a scream from the player, and then several people died on the spot, and three MTs were knocked into flight and landed heavily on the body of Myriad World Unmatched. Before, HP only had the last trace.

“What the hell happened?” Myriad World Unmatched yelled in Guild Chat.

The monsters I dealt with before were only Level 45 Elite Monsters. With the strength of their team members, as long as they match up, one person can handle a few one-on-one, but now several people are dead in an instant. , Even the heavy armored MT can be knocked so far, things are definitely not simple.

“Boss Myriad World…It’s the BOSS!” A Swordsman who rushed up before stammered, “And…three BOSS…”

This Swordsman hasn’t said yet After that, the name in the team status bar immediately turned gray, proving that the player was dead.

At this time, this Swordsman is not sole, but all the players who rushed up before will die one after another.

Myriad World Unmatched hasn’t come yet to say something urgently, suddenly three tall silhouettes, in addition hundreds of four-handed monsters holding bows and arrows appeared in front of Myriad World Unmatched.

This makes everyone suffocated.

Because of the three bosses in front of me, one is Peak High Lord and the other two are High Lord. Such a combination is simply desperate.

Just as the two sides were preparing for a battle, a cloud of golden glow suddenly flashed out of the fog, and the fog that had obstructed the vision was suddenly dispersed, and the source of the golden glow suddenly emerged one after another silhouette. .

“Why?” Myriad World Unmatched looked at the silhouette in the distance, and the mouth almost couldn’t close.

Because of the silhouettes of these people, he has seen Shi Feng and the others before, but Shi Feng’s current team is unscathed, and each and everyone is vigorous with vitality, standing on the mountain leading to Titan Holy In front of the city road.

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