As the Corrosion King Seruti fell to the ground, everyone who survived took a deep breath, followed by ecstasy.

The death of the Corrosion King Serutiban made them surviving Level Hurricane, like the Fire Dance and Aqua Rose who survived directly rise from Level 40 to Level 42, Nether Orchid just rise from Level 39 To Level 42, Shi Feng also rose from Level 42 to Level 43. As for Xiao Xiao’s Quiet White Night and Solidifying Dream, they also rose to Level 43.

“This Experience Point is too rich!” The surviving Graceful Blood Devouring watched two consecutive glows flashing on her body. He had already been promoted to Level 42, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Almost, just a little, they will all die in the hands of the Corrosion King Cerutiban. Now the people who survived, there is no more than half of the MT, and Healer only has Violet Cloud. one person.

Corrosion King Seruti class deal with them, if they don’t have any life-saving skills, they will all be one at a time.

The tragic situation of the battle left the hearts of those who survived.

“Take a rest, Violet Cloud, you restore the magic power and then resurrect Healer first.” Shi Feng glanced at the survivors, and felt surprised not at all. This is too ancient seed. It’s already very good to be able to do this step without using his hole cards. If you switch to another team, I’m afraid you’ll be finished under the wiped out Ultimate Skill, and there will be no chance to survive the weakness.

Corrosion King Cyrutiban did not drop many after the death. Even if Shi Feng has used Divine Grace Bestowed by the Heaven, there are only nine Items and some gold coins, and the materials occupy it. Five pieces and gold coins are divided equally by each person to get thirty-forty silver coins, which is not enough money to repair equipment.

But among all the drops, Shi Feng only cares about an Emblem that shines with silver light.

This Emblem is the Holy City Emblem. With this Emblem, you can enter Titan Holy City directly without a pass in the future.

Among the remaining three items, there is one growth equipment, one Epic Equipment, and one Miniature Ballista design creation.

Saloveia’s Blade, Warblade, Bronze Rank, Equipment Requirements 700 Point Strength, Equipment level 40-Level 100.

Attack Power +944 (Level 40)

Strength +52

Endurance +61

Attack Speed ​​+3

Ignore monster Level +7, when attacking, there is a 20% chance of triggering 2.1 times Critical Hit damage and causing Bleeding Effect for 12 seconds.

Additional Passive Skill strange power, when attacking, there is a certain chance to increase the Strength attribute by 60% for 5 seconds.

Additional Skill Furious Blood, the lower the holder’s HP, the higher the damage and Attack Speed ​​it causes, which can increase by up to 70%. The Duration is 1 minute and the Cooldown Period is 5 hours.

The thing held by Titan Grand Marshal Syloviya, but it is contaminated by Power of Darkness. Purification of this thing requires a lot of Mana Crystal and Experience Point, which can be purified five times. (The first purification requires 200 Mana Crystals and 400 million Experience Points)

This Warblade, which was used by Grand Marshal, made the Berserkers in the team scream, even the Berserker of Graceful Blood Devouring I also looked at it. Although the weapon held by Graceful Blood Devouring is already Epic Level, Saloveia’s Blade is more suitable for Berserker from the perspective of Skill, or a weapon tailored for Berserker, just want to cleanse five The cost of Mana Crystal and Experience Point is a little bit more.

In addition to Saloveia’s Blade, another Epic Level Item also surprised everyone.

Ring of Corrosion, ring, Epic Level, Equipment level 40-Level 90, Equipment Requirements Agility 400 points, Intelligence reaches 200 points.

Strength +38 (Level 40 )

Agility +42

Endurance +26

Intelligence +31

Ignore the monster Level +10, the main attribute is increased by 10%, Poison Resistance +20, Magic Resistance +10.

Additional Passive Skill is corroded. When the bearer attacks, it weakens the opponent’s defense and Magic Resistance by 50%, and falls into a poisoned state. He suffers a damage every 2 seconds. It can stack up to five times for 10 second.

Additional Skill poison mist Miasma, releases poison mist on a 20*20 yard range, causing 500% damage of the main attribute every second, weakening Defense Power and Magic Resistance by 10%, for 10 seconds, Cooldown Period for 30 minutes .

The jewelry in God’s Domain is originally Rare, not to mention the Epic Level ring. The Ring of Corrosion greatly improves all DPS. There are fewer jewelry, and its value is still above Saloveia’s Blade.

As soon as the Ring of Corrosion came out, everyone cried out.

“I want the Holy City Emblem first, which one do you choose?” Shi Feng looked towards Nether Orchid and asked after everyone was resurrected.

A person from Alluring Smile can’t wait to want everything, whether it’s two pieces of equipment or Miniature Ballista, it’s a rare item in any Guild. As for the attributes of the Holy City Emblem, Shi Feng not at all showed up, and Shi Feng had already chosen Emblem first, just to keep it secret, everyone had no opinion. After all, the victory of this battle depends entirely on Shi Feng’s command.

But this made Nether Orchid hesitate, and his eyes wandered back and forth on the two pieces of equipment and Miniature Ballista.

Miniature Ballista is a siege weapon.

Nowadays, the player’s level is getting higher and higher, and the Big Guilds have also begun to prepare to attack Small Town. The benefits of Small Town are self-evident. You can see some from Stone Forest Small Town exclusively. The place where the day is fighting for gold, so the Big Guild pays more attention to the capture of Small Town.

However, the production of Miniature Ballista is not easy. At the current Lifestyle Player level, I am afraid that it is still impossible to produce this thing.

In terms of short-term interests, choosing two equipment will undoubtedly improve the team the most. In terms of long-term interests, Miniature Ballista will bring far more benefits than two equipment. It is not difficult to choose from both sides.

“Nether Orchid, let’s just two pieces of equipment. You don’t have a strong enough team. Miniature Ballista is great, but it’s useless for you.” Just when Nether Orchid hesitated, Gray Wolf Battling Heaven on the side whispered to remind.

In the Netherworld organization, Nether Orchid has not yet entered the top of the organization, and has not mastered a Guild of its own. Miniature Ballista can bring great benefits to Guild, but it cannot bring any personal benefits.

Nether Orchid wants to be in the organization and must have its own team, so choosing weapon equipment is far better than Miniature Ballista, and this entry trial, if there is no help from Shi Feng’s, they also No chance to get these things.

“I choose Ring of Corrosion.” Nether Orchid also feels that Gray Wolf Battling Heaven is right. It seems that Netherworld is an organization, but the people in the organization are not of one mind. They contribute Miniature Ballista to Netherworld. , She may be able to get a temporary status, but this status can be replaced by others at any time.

“Then I will choose Miniature Ballista design creation for the next item.” Shi Feng did not hesitate.

Top Grade weapon equipment, he has many ways to obtain it. Although Epic Weapon equipment is now extremely Rare, as the level of the player increases, the difficulty of obtaining it becomes much smaller, but the design creation of the siege item It’s not the same. Items are very difficult to obtain no matter what. They can’t be obtained by killing a few powerful BOSS. It can be said that this village will never have this shop again.

Furthermore, Shi Feng has already obtained the Holy City Emblem, so there is no worries about not being able to train a large number of Advanced Engineers, or even Master Engineers. You don’t have to wait for a long time before you can quickly produce Miniature Ballista.

Use Miniature Ballista to capture Small Town, which makes Shi Feng solely think about it.

Just after the Item allocation and trimming, Shi Feng reversed the Teleportation Array again, thinking about entering the third test.

Suddenly, a small golden Teleportation Array appeared not far from the Teleportation Array. The golden brilliance directly hit the sky, and the great momentum made the Corrosive Beasts and Corrosive Beast Kings all around evade. When I drove, I didn’t dare to approach 300 yards.

“What’s the matter?” Shi Feng looked at the golden Teleportation Array that suddenly appeared in surprise.

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