After Turtledove was replaced with Steel Crown, although the attribute dropped slightly, the feeling immediately changed after wearing it.

The silver white crown is inlaid with five sea-blue gemstones, giving Turtledove a touch of noble king’s aura, and it feels that Turtledove’s look is a lot easier.

It is obvious that the vitality oppression that exists in the great hall at all times has no effect on Turtledove.

“This crown is so powerful. After wearing it, it made my mood a lot calmer. In this way, I don’t need to worry about Vitality oppression when dealing with high-level bosses in the future.” Turtledove equipment suddenly appeared after the crown. It feels refreshed, and the brain is calmer, but the biggest feeling is that the body has become more flexible, which is completely different from the helmet worn before.

“Growth equipment, like Epic Equipment, is an extraordinary item. In addition to improving attributes a lot, it generally has some hidden effects.” Shi Feng explained.

God’s Domain is a virtual reality game that is constantly evolving. At the beginning, everyone thought that Epic Level Item was only better than those Dark Gold Level Items in attribute. However, with the evolution of God’s Domain, Epic Level Item’s out of the ordinary will also be displayed little by little. Now God’s Domain has evolved four times, and some special Epic Level Items will gradually begin to show the hidden effect of out of the ordinary, allowing players to show better Due battle strength.

After the team rests, Shi Feng leads everyone on.

Inside the heavy iron gate is a long and narrow corridor leading to a statue square without any fork in the road.

There are various statues erected on the huge square. In addition to these statues, there are piles of monsters. These monsters are not Elements Lifeform. Each and everyone is covered with black spiked scales, with The crescent-shaped head has no eyes, but the sharp claws of the canine teeth make people cold all over the body. The sharp claws on the limbs are like daggers, and deep scratches will be left wherever they go, and there are also body shapes. Silver white monsters two or three times larger are obviously more difficult to deal with than black monsters.

Corrosion Beast, Dark Lifeform, Elite Level, Level Level 42, HP 150,000

Corrosion Beast King, Dark Lifeform, Lord Rank, Level Level 43, HP 8 million.

The entire square is like a nest where these corrupt beasts live, there are thousands of them, and looking at it exclusively makes the human’s heart chill.

There is a huge Teleportation Array in the center of the square. In addition, there is no other exit. You can only go through that Teleportation Array.

“There are too many monsters here, do we want to clean them all?” Nether Orchid looked at the disgusting corroding beast, crescent moon eyebrow wrinkled tightly.

Although she only glanced at it roughly, she could guess the approximate number, at least tens of thousands, of which there were hundreds of Beast Kings corroded by sole silver white, and wanted to clean up these monsters. It is definitely a vast Engineering.

Nether Orchid feels a headache. Everyone is shocked by the scene in front of them. This is definitely the place where they have seen Lord Rank monster the most.

Even everyone feels that as long as they walk down the stairs, this endless corroding beast will swarm.

The thought of facing hundreds of Lord monsters makes the scalp numb. This number is definitely not something they can handle now.

Just when everyone was amazed by so many monsters, they suddenly discovered that at the other end of the square, a steel door suddenly opened, and a group of players came out.

“Why are there other people here?” Nether Orchid looked at the player over there, suddenly surprised.

“It seems that you are not the only one who has obtained the Titan Holy City Pass. We must speed up the speed.” Shi Feng was a little surprised, but not at all surprised.

Titan Holy City’s entry trial is not Dungeon, it can only be regarded as a very dangerous special map. In addition, it is divided according to the level. Every tenth level shares a map, Level 36 to Level 45. Player is a map, Level 46 to Level 55 is a map.

As long as any player who has a pass can come here, God’s Domain is so big and there are so many players. It is not surprising that other Peak players can get the pass.

It’s just that the other party can come here to prove that the team is out of the ordinary. He doesn’t want to give the benefits of the entry trial to others.

There are three levels in the four roads of the introductory trial. In the four roads, the initial levels are different, but after the second test, except for the BOSS road, the second test of the other three roads is this A square, and the final pass, the four roads are the same.

One of the benefits of the first team that tackled the last level is the reputation of Titan Holy City, which is extremely difficult to improve in Titan Holy City. This can be regarded as the first level clear team The greatest welfare.

Just when Shi Feng and the others discovered those players, those players also discovered Shi Feng and the others.

“Boss Myriad World, there is a team over there, do we need to find chance to kill them?” A Level 40 strong Assassin looked at Shi Feng and the others and made a wiping motion.

“Regardless of them, go through here first. If you can meet them later, it will not be too late to kill them.” The leader named Myriad World Unmatched middle-aged man shook his hand.” Now that we are ready, we have to go through here quickly this time.”

“Yes!” It seems that other people have not been here for the first time, and they have moved quickly.

“Group Leader, those people have acted!” Aqua Rose asked quietly, “Do we need to take a look at their situation first?”


Shi Feng naturally understands Aqua Rose’s concerns. Facing seven or eight Lord monsters, they can easily solve them with the strength of their team, but facing hundreds of Lord monsters at the same time, even he will feel powerless. Just take a look at how the opposing player passes, so that they will be more certain.

However, Shi Feng does not intend to let the other side take a step ahead.

The prestige of Titan Holy City is bound to be won!

Although there are many monsters on the square, the most troublesome problem is that the Corrupt Beast has a very disgusting ability.

That is the Durability consumption of player equipment is very large. If you want to clean up all the way to the center of the square, the player’s equipment simply cannot support it.

“All MT and plate armor Close Combat are coming to me.” Shi Feng said, and took out a large amount of Equipment Magic Reinforcement from inventory, “These Equipment Magic Reinforcement are two of you each. Use After that, thirty people gathered in a circle and formed the Defensive Formation. The other Close Combat substitutes, and all the remote DPS and Healer stations, we rushed all the way.”

Everyone understands Shi Feng. Shi Feng’s idea.

At this time, they are not trying to kill these monsters, the main purpose is to reach the Teleportation Array.

This feels like an ancient battlefield. In the face of a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, all they have to do is directly attack the root of the problem.

It’s just that this Quest is good for MT, but for Common’s Close Combat, it’s not easy. Not to mention that they will be damaged in the face of countless corrupt beasts. Healer in the back If they can’t keep up, they’re dead end. After all, Healers used to add blood to those few MTs before. Now it’s changed to add blood to 30 people, and the distance from the stairs to the center of the square is not short. Solely Magic consumes It is a great test.

Shi Feng’s behavior is definitely very risky.

But at the moment Nether Orchid and the others can’t think of a better way. They can only brace oneself and do it according to Shi Feng’s requirements, and now they two waves can also disperse some monsters. If it really waits The other party has passed first, and their difficulty in the past is much more difficult.

“Go!” After everyone was ready, Shi Feng glanced at the player on the opposite side who had acted, and suddenly shouted sharply.

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