After Shi Feng chose a promotion store, the remodeling of Candlelight Trading Company’s branch took a short time.

In just ten minutes, five 1-Star Stores became 2-Star Stores.

Although the sales volume of the Store will not increase, the Lifestyle Player that can be accommodated is several times larger, enough to accommodate the 1,200 people recruited this time.

God’s Domain’s development speed has far exceeded Shi Feng’s expectations.

Originally, after Shi Feng got the 3-Star Promotion Order, he was not at all planning to enroll so many people. The maximum enrollment of five or six 100-Man would have broken the sky, but he completed the fourth evolution in System Later, the steps of Lifestyle Player making Item became more complicated, which greatly affected the speed of making Item.

Melancholic Smile has previously counted the speed of items made by everyone in the Zero Wing trading company.

The more Advanced the Item, the more it affects the production speed.

For example, when making items like Grindstone, the speed made by the player is about 15% slower, but High Grade Grindstone reaches 25%, which is equivalent to the time it took to make 5 High Grade Grindstones before. Only 4 can be made now.

Not to mention those items that can only be produced by Intermediate Blacksmith and Advanced Blacksmith, the production speed of solely Equipment Magic Reinforcement has dropped by 40%. Originally, there were not many Equipment Magic Reinforcement produced every day, but now it is even more pitiful. He had promised Heavenly Secret Pavilion before that he must deliver ten Bronze Mounts and two thousand Equipment Magic Reinforcement within five days of entering God’s Domain, and all the remaining items must be delivered within twelve days.

If this is not possible, not only will the Black Card be taken back later, but all items delivered before will also not be returned.

So Shi Feng’s time is tight.

To speed up the pace, in addition to increasing the success rate of making items, the rest is to increase manpower.

The success rate that can be improved is limited, and the only option is to increase manpower.

Shi Feng not at all hopes that these newcomers Lifestyle Player can immediately cultivate a large number of outstanding Lifestyle Players.

His plan is for these newly recruited High Grade Apprentices to do the usual Basic Blacksmith level work, those Basic Blacksmiths to do Intermediate Blacksmith work, and Intermediate Blacksmiths to do Advanced Blacksmith work.

This is enough to complete the impossible Quest within the specified time.

Immediately, Shi Feng explained the matter and asked Melancholic Smile to prepare in advance. After all, the adjustment of work and the arrangement of so many personnel are not so easy to complete quickly.

“Guild Master, I’m afraid it’s difficult to do this. Only the three of us Advanced Blacksmith made Equipment Magic Reinforcement. With the help of the Special Grade room, we have a success rate of about 40%. In the trading company Those Intermediate Blacksmiths of Intermediate Blacksmith have the help of the Special Grade room, I’m afraid it’s a success rate of about 15%. If you make an Equipment Magic Reinforcement like this, it’s very good to be able to maintain the cost solely.” Melancholic Smile is too clear about Forging’s success rate. I usually do various statistics.

Although the success rate of the production is 15%, which seems to be very high, it is actually produced ten times. Ten times will definitely fail, because Forging Item is not a gambling to open a treasure chest. This probability is not certain. , Also in other words, every time an Item is made is a success rate of 15%, and the success rate will not increase because of the next production.

According to statistics, generally only if the success rate reaches 20%, and the actual production is ten times, there is a high chance of success once, and as long as the success rate reaches 25%, then the actual production success rate will be A qualitative change is made almost ten times, and it usually succeeds once or twice.

If you really let Intermediate Blacksmith make Equipment Magic Reinforcement, it would be too much.

Cream Cocoa on the side is also nodded. After a long period of research and experimentation, she will give up on the Item as long as the success rate calculated by the System is lower than 20%, because the actual production probability is too low. It is also a loss and waste of materials, unless luck heaven defying.

The resources in God’s Domain are limited, and the materials used to make those High Grade Items are even scarce. You can use it once and make it less than once. It is very stupid to make it without certainty.

“What do you think this is?” Shi Feng laughed, and took out a fist sized sea blue ore from the inventory.

Suddenly Melancholic Smile and Cream Cocoa were taken aback.

Because the ore on the table faintly exudes magic power, this magic power is stronger than Mana Crystal.

After the two clicked to view the introduction of the attribute, their little mouths couldn’t help but open.

“Guild Master, how did you get this thing?” Melancholic Smile stared at Shi Feng, her eyes full of excitement, “Do you have a lot of Guild Master?”

Mysterious Flame is a very Rare thing in God’s Domain. Even Melancholic Smile has been investigating for so long and has not found a clue about other Mysterious Flame.

The reason why she knows Mysterious Flame is entirely because of the ice blue flames placed in the Guild Special Grade space, which Shi Feng left behind specially, but after getting Mysterious Flame, she can only be assigned at most Three rooms, with this thing, can improve a lot of success rate.

If it weren’t for Ice-Blue Demon Flame, their success rate for making Equipment Magic Reinforcement would not be as high as 40%.

And Magic Source Ore makes up for the shortage of Mysterious Flame.

This Intermediate Grade Magic Source Ore allows the Common flame to have the success rate of Tier 3 Mysterious Flame, but unfortunately it can only last for 30 minutes, unlike the real Mysterious Flame, which can be used indefinitely without time limit.

If there is a large amount of Intermediate Grade Magic Source Ore, those Intermediate Blacksmith can make Equipment Magic Reinforcement, and the success rate of the production reaches 25%. The current Intermediate Blacksmith of Candlelight Trading Company is almost Twenty people completely exceeded the number of Equipment Magic Reinforcement drawings. The three people with the highest success rate were selected to learn the remaining three Equipment Magic Reinforcement drawings, so that the original three-person production can become six-person production.

And if the three of them use Intermediate Grade Magic Source Ore, the success rate may exceed 50%. With the effect of the Basic Grade Meditation Room, the number of Equipment Magic Reinforcements that are continuously produced every day can reach at least 700 Many pieces, not only did not reduce the output due to the System, but increased a lot, which can fully meet the standards required by Shi Feng.

“Don’t worry, it’s enough for you.” Shi Feng nodded laughed, and then took out a table-sized design creation and spread it out on the table. This drawing was officially taken from Hidden Sins Heart I bought the Engineering Mechanical Mount, “Melancholic, you are most familiar with the people in the trading company, find some trusted Engineers, Alchemist, and do your best to make this thing.”

Melancholic Smile just glanced at the design creation When I saw the name on design creation, I was shocked.

The Cream Cocoa on the side also seems to have seen the supreme treasure, his eyes glowing.

Although the design creation in front of us is Engineering’s design creation, it involves three professions, namely Engineering, Blacksmithing, and Alchemy, three profession classes, and each profession has very high requirements. , The difficulty of production is much more difficult than Equipment Magic Reinforcement. If one step is not done well, it will eventually lead to failure.

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