In the bustling training hall, a full number of 100-Man gathered beside the fighting arena.

“The training hall here is really not very good. These teachings are all rubbish, they are completely mischievous, so you have the face to open a training hall like this?”

” These people still don’t practice here. These wastes teach you that no matter how long you train, you are also impossible to achieve success in fighting tournaments. It’s no wonder that for so many years, this city has not produced a decent fighter. Of course, this is not the case. Blame you, and these instructors are too wasteful.”

“If I knew that the instructors of the training hall were so rubbish, I would definitely leave as soon as possible, and I would never waste my youth here.”

More than a dozen young men in their twenties wearing dark grey martial arts robes glanced at the newly defeated middle-aged Instructor, with deep disdain in their eyes, and looked at the training hall. The teenage youth cast a sympathetic look.

Although the trainees in the Big Dipper training hall were very angry about this, no one dared to speak, they were silent.

Because the dozen or so people who came over suddenly are really amazing.

Six very skilled Instructors were hit by a cold young man who was about the same age as them, and from beginning to end, none of these Instructors encountered this cold-eyed one. Even the layman knows how big the gap between young people is. If they are replaced by them, I am afraid they will be overwhelmed.

One move to control the enemy, this kind of thing is difficult to do in actual combat, usually expert dealing with laymen, where the difference between strength and actual combat experience is too big to do this kind of thing.

Everyone looked at the young man with cold eyes, thin and not strong, and felt tremendous pressure.

The trainees in the Big Dipper training hall didn’t speak, they were first. A fierce-looking bald man from is very satisfied.

“How is it?”

“You have seen the strength gap, and you don’t need to hide it from you. All of us are from White Tiger Dojo. Recently, we White Tiger Dojo want to Set up a branch here. This is your chance. If you can perform well in the branch, you will probably be sent to the main hall for training. When the time comes, the future star of the fighting tournament is you. You don’t need to be in such a small place. It’s a waste of life.”

When bald man said this, everyone was taken aback, and they immediately understood why even the previous Chen Wu Hall Master was not an opponent.

They have all heard of White Tiger Dojo, or anyone who wants to step into the fighting world knows the name of White Tiger Dojo, because many well-known players in the national fighting tournament are from White Tiger Dojo has even trained many world-class players, which is a place that countless young people want to enter the fighting world.

didn’t expect White Tiger Dojo to establish a branch here…

Just as bald man wanted to say something, the door of the training hall suddenly opened.

As everyone watched, Shi Feng and Liang Jing walked to bald man’s body, and the trainees in the training hall became excited.

Shi Feng is the Chief Instructor of their Big Dipper training hall. He can achieve this position at a young age. It all depends on his strength and is the idol they worship.

Many of them also came here because they heard that the Big Dipper training hall would be guided by Shi Feng. However, Shi Feng usually lives in the Green Water Villa, and only occasionally comes to see it. Look, usually you can’t see it simply.

“Are you the Chief Instructor here?” Bald man curled his mouth and looked at Shi Feng’s with deep disdain.

Before he heard that the newly established Big Dipper training hall was guided by a Martial Arts expert in his twenties.

He originally thought it was cracking a joke, but now it still seems true.

Wearing a cheap dark blue sportswear, the body is not strong, and his face is still pale at this time. I don’t find any martial cultivator all over the body, just like a neighbor. It’s hard to imagine how this kind of person became the Chief Instructor. In his opinion, Shi Feng is not even as good as the Instructors that have just been defeated. At least those Instructors still have a good power.

“Well, that’s right, you are so anxious, don’t know what to do with me?” Shi Feng glanced at the more than a dozen people in White Tiger Dojo, and confirmed his guess in his heart.

On Former Life, after opening the Spiritual Space System in God’s Domain, well-known training halls across the country have also begun to expand. Branches have been established in various places, and they want to grab people everywhere to expand their influence. Let the large consortium inject capital. Although some large consortiums also inject capital into the training halls, most of the training halls do not have large consortium injections.

The intention of these large consortiums is obvious. They want to cultivate their own Guild power in God’s Domain. Compared with recruiting Common players, let these people who are familiar with actual combat go to God’s Domain to develop. Efficiency, and the game God’s Domain does not affect the daily training of these people, it just enters God’s Domain at night.

In this way, the fighting world and the Virtual Game world are both right, and they can also improve each other. Both sides can make money. Those big consortiums interested in the Spiritual Space System will naturally not let go.

Among them, White Tiger Dojo chose more than ten third-tier cities to establish branch halls. Jin Hai City is one of them. At first, the major training halls in Jin Hai City were depressed. It was because they couldn’t compete in the first and second tier cities that they came to the third tier cities to have a drink. Now the big Dojo even does not let go of the third tier cities, so they don’t even have a place to drink soup.

In the end, many Dojos can only choose to cooperate with White Tiger Dojo.

Just after Shi Feng glanced at the crowd of White Tiger Dojo, Shi Feng’s eyes focused on the cold youth behind bald man.

This young man, Shi Feng, knew him, he was very famous in Jin Hai City at the beginning, and he was out of control after entering God’s Domain. He was called Silent Bladewalker, and he was ranked among Wind and Clouds in the peak period. Tier 5 Berserker, the 58th place in the Master List, unfortunately entered God’s Domain late, otherwise his achievements in God’s Domain would be even higher.

“We White Tiger Dojo want to open a branch in Jin Hai City, so we come to say hello, and we want to learn from each other. I wonder if Instructor Shi is interested?” bald man smiled and said.

“Discussion?” Shi Feng corner of the mouth raise, shook the head, “How can I look at it? White Tiger Dojo is so famous, even a layman knows it, it is necessary to borrow Are you here to kick the hall and dig people?”

“Don’t say that Instructor Shi is so ugly, we all open the door to do business, so naturally we have to give newcomers who want to step into the fighting world a better choice. “Bald man said with a smile, he didn’t pay attention to Shi Feng at all. In his opinion, Shi Feng was just a puppet invited by Big Dipper, and he was not qualified to talk to him. “I heard that Instructor Shi is very It’s great, but I’ve been admiring my name for a long time. I don’t know if I’d like to discuss it with me, so that everyone can know if Instructor Shi looks impressive but is worthless!”

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