
The moment the damage appeared, a fuzzy silhouette also appeared, and the dark green HP bar displayed was reduced accordingly.

However, after the HP bar appeared, vanish disappeared in an instant, even if Shi Feng launched an attack, it would have no effect.

“The counterattack time is only 1.3 seconds, which is really short. No wonder that many people are blocked at this level.” Shi Feng was slightly surprised, didn’t expect these monsters to have such characteristics.

It was difficult to grasp the attack trend of these monsters originally, and there are more than one monsters. According to Shi Feng’s detection, there are at least five or more. They want to avoid these monsters’ attacks at such a short time. It is more difficult to fight back within time.

There is no way, Shi Feng can only resist the attack quietly, looking for chance to counterattack.

It is often necessary to resist more than ten attacks before there is a chance to counterattack. If you do not grasp well, you must resist more than ten or even twenty-thirty attacks.

If you are a Common person, you will definitely get bored with it, but Shi Feng is happy about it.

I have to say that Battle Tower does have a lot of guiding effect on players.

Shi Feng unconsciously put all the Focus on the space fluctuation, the acuity of the five senses has also been improved, and the mastery of the all around environment has also been deepened.

Let the space produce small fluctuations, and this fluctuation appears instantaneously and vanish instantaneously, such things are not encountered in ordinary times.

Shi Feng usually doesn’t have this chance, and being able to train in this area can casually let him feel so meticulously, that is completely dreaming.

Time goes by a little bit, even if Shi Feng has a chance to counterattack, causing damage to these void Assassins, Shi Feng will not do it, because this is the best place to improve.

As the feeling deepens, Shi Feng is more and more sensitive to the subtle fluctuations caused by Void Assassin.

For Shi Feng, these faint fluctuations were like raindrops on the skin. Although they felt a little, they were not profound and could not attract too much attention. However, after thousands of times After Perception, these faint fluctuations are amplified, just like small rocks falling on the body. People will feel pain, will involuntarily pay attention to it, and can’t ignore it. Even if the brain doesn’t want to act, it will do something. Respond to instinctive reactions.

“It’s no wonder that half-Super Guild and Super-Guild can cultivate many Peak experts and even control Domain Monsters. Sure enough, First-Rate Guild is impossible to shake even when there are a lot of funds and resources.” Shi Feng said with emotion. Endless.

This time the sale is a big profit.

If it hadn’t been for this time, he might still be kept in the dark by those God’s Domain Great Influence, and he didn’t know the terrifying of these God’s Domain Great Influence.

Although he has the Secret Transmission Flagstone in his hand, he even went to the Guild Epic Level Quest in the cultivation sacred land Ancient Battlefield, but these are simply not comparable to Battle Tower.

The value of Secret Transmission Flagstone is reflected in the player’s ability to learn those High Grade combat skills, which doubles the player’s battle strength, and improving the combat level is only an added value. It is another matter whether it can be comprehensioned.

As for the cultivation sacred land, he has not been there, but the effect should not be much different from here, or even not as good as here, but the number of places that can enter the training system is limited, which makes the cultivation sacred land very valuable , Otherwise those God’s Domain Great Influence might not even bother to fight for it.


“It’s a pity. I thought he could pass the fourth floor. Now it seems impossible. According to this counterattack speed, I’m afraid the battle is not over yet. Stamina and mental power will be exhausted.”

“I said, here is a silent Hell, Guild that many Peak expert can’t pass, how can he pass it as a newcomer.”


“But this Shi Feng has been able to withstand for such a long time is already great, this is the first time I have seen someone who can last for such a long time.”

“Indeed, this attack simply appears and disappear unpredictably, if I go up, I am afraid that I will lie on the ground in less than five seconds, and among our trainees, it seems that none of us can last as long as Shi Feng, and it is considered the Number One Person among trainees. Now.”

Invisibly, Shi Feng’s position in the eyes of the human’s heart rises to the first among trainees. Before the aloof and remote attitude, some are just awe.

Just when everyone thought that Shi Feng’s limit was the fourth floor.

Shi Feng’s suddenly splashed two dark-green bloodstains in front of him, and the void Assassin that showed his real body dropped by nearly 2700 points.

“Practicing is almost done, there is no point in practicing like this, let’s go to the fifth floor to take a look.” Shi Feng adjusted his breathing, and then launched a counterattack.

After a long period of tempering, Shi Feng no longer needs to deliberately pay attention to the subtle fluctuations of the space, and has been able to focus more on dodge and attack, although there will be some improvement as the tempering continues, But he did not consume that many Stamina.

Compared with Perception, who sharpened his all around space on the fourth floor, he is now more interested in what kind of trial the fifth floor is.

“What’s the matter? Shouldn’t he have a lot of Stamina and mental power drops? It stands to reason that the frequency of counterattack will become weaker and weaker, how is it getting stronger now?” Suddenly, Shi Feng was stimulant-like, and his heart was full of consternation.

It is not clear to everyone that Shi Feng’s combat level has improved a lot after a long period of tempering.

If I used to spend three-quarters of Vitality focusing on space fluctuations, now only one third is used, which makes Shi Feng’s attacks more than two or three times faster.

In less than ten minutes, all eight Void Assassins were killed, leaving only one Lord Rank Nothingness Assassin who hadn’t worked at all.

At the moment when the eight void Assassins died, this Nothingness Assassin finally started.

The moment Shi Feng almost died.

This Nothingness Assassin is faster and stronger. It is impossible to dodge the Nothingness Assassin’s attack by predicting the evasion in advance. It must attack the Nothingness Assassin’s dagger to slightly change the attack trajectory. Can barely escape.

“powerful.” Shi Feng looked at his still trembling arm, feeling a little grateful in his heart.

If he hadn’t paid less attention to space fluctuation and could focus more on attacks and evasion, he might have been hit by Nothingness Assassin at this time.

“Did off?” Yuan Tiexin looked at Shi Feng who was safe and sound, with a very surprised expression.

He originally thought that the Nothingness Assassin shot would make Shi Feng suffer a lot.

Because he knows Nothingness Assassin too well, he himself is an expert of Realm of Vacuum, but he has been defeated by Nothingness Assassin’s hundreds of times. After the improvement and special training of sufferer untold hardships, he defeated Nothingness Assassin, and so far, he has not been able to beat Nothingness Assassin every time. Didn’t expect Shi Feng did it perfectly the first time……

Nothingness Assassin’s 1st Strike is the most terrifying Yes, if you can avoid 1st Strike, the next battle will be much easier.

Sure enough, in just a while, Shi Feng launched a counterattack, continuously causing damage to Nothingness Assassin, and finally slowly consumed Nothingness Assassin’s 200,000 HP after spending more than ten minutes.

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