God’s Domain suddenly turned on the Spiritual Space System, which had a great impact on the real world.

Shi Feng clearly remembers that after opening this system on Former Life.

The entire world is going crazy.

Before, only a few large consortiums and companies entered God’s Domain. Overwhelming majority consortiums and companies were all on the sidelines, but when the new system appeared, these people could no longer sit still.

Everyone and everyone are crazy and generally put their money into God’s Domain, wanting to get a share of God’s Domain world.

Like the current Big Dipper fitness center. Although the senior executives of the group know a little about God’s Domain, they don’t pay much attention to it. They also think about how to further develop the fitness center. The big companies in the city have the same idea. , After all, the risk of investing money in God’s Domain is too great. If there is no real benefit, who will spend the money?

But the emergence of the Spiritual Space System has huge benefits visible to naked eye, so these group companies have also entered God’s Domain one after another, so that the competition of God’s Domain can be regarded as the real start.

Because of the appearance of these people, the price of gold coins in God’s Domain was raised a lot, and he made a small profit.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng immediately notified Melancholic Smile and Aqua Rose by phone, so that as soon as God’s Domain went online, they would start accumulating a lot of gold coins. The sooner they accumulate a lot of gold coins. You can earn more in the future.


In the reception room of the Big Dipper fitness center, a middle-aged man sits on a soft White Tiger leather sofa with a man and a woman standing beside him. This man and woman are not very old, they seem to be only eighteen-nineteen years old, with the restrained temperament of a martial cultivator.

“Uncle Yuan, this Shi Feng’s shelf is too big. It made us wait so long. Even the director of the Big Dipper fitness center would not dare to neglect us so much.” Wearing a deep blue martial arts suit The young man browses tightly knit, a little impatient.

Heavenly Secret Pavilion is not like those Super-Guild, the influence of the real world is not small now, but recently Heavenly Secret Pavilion has reached cooperation with several world-class large condominiums, and its status is also as the tide rises , the boat floats, let alone the Big Dipper fitness center, even the person in this city does not want to hug their thighs.

Now they are here, not to mention personally welcoming them, but they have waited for more than ten minutes without seeing Shi Feng coming over. They simply don’t take them seriously.

“It’s not in a hurry, it’s not that you didn’t see us.” Yuan Tiexin couldn’t help laughing and said, “Moreover, we took the initiative to cooperate with Zero Wing this time. There is nothing to wait. Your character is still too frizzy. , So Guild Master will let you come to experience a lot, you should learn Wen Hua.”

“…” The young man glanced at the woman standing proudly beside him, and suddenly he did not speak. Up.

Because he is not qualified to speak.

There are three geniuses among the experts cultivated inside Heavenly Secret Pavilion. The most popular recently is the newcomer Leng Qiu, who has broken through half a micro level at a young age and officially entered the Realm of Micro. It’s the earlier Wen Hua.

Wen Hua’s battle innate talent, even the Old Monsters, praised them, saying that they are likely to reach the domain in the future.

The domain is the domain they have been pursuing. It may be very difficult to achieve Realm of Micro exclusively, let alone domain. Anyone who reaches the domain is the influential figure in the Virtual Game world. , Even Super-Guild contains as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Can give such an evaluation, one can imagine how optimistic Wen Hua is.

To compare him with Wen Hua, simply is one heaven one earth, and there is no comparability at all.

Just as Yuan Tiexin was talking, Shi Feng also walked in, followed by Liang Jing.

“Sorry, I made you wait a long time.” Shi Feng did the opposite of Yuan Tiexin, his eyes swept across Yuan Tiexin side men and women, heart startled, but not at all showed it.

Because standing on the Yuan Tiexin side Great Beauty Shi Feng, I know.

Empress Purple Jade!

Although his appearance is a little different from what he saw in the game, the difference is not that big. It just looks very immature now, not at all the imposing manner that disdains the world.

Shi Feng is familiar with Empress Purple Jade because the Step of Nothingness he has learned from Empress Purple Jade. I don’t know how many battle videos I have watched, even if he and the game There are some differences in it, and he can recognize it at a glance.

“Why did she come here?” Shi Feng was surprised.

As far as Shi Feng knows, Empress Purple Jade was one of the three geniuses of Heavenly Secret Pavilion at the time. It was favored by Heavenly Secret Pavilion. Its status in Heavenly Secret Pavilion was not lower than Elder. Not lower than Yuan Tiexin in front of him, how could it be possible for such an influential figure to come here, and still stand aside, like a beautiful bodyguard.

Although Shi Feng’s observation of Wen Hua is well hidden, Yuan Tiexin, who is an old fox, noticed that the corners of his mouth could not help but cocked.

The reason why Guild Master asked Wen Hua to come over this time was actually to shock the Zero Wing Guild.

Zero Wing Guild is gaining momentum recently. It not only develops extremely fast, but also shows an amazing level in Dark Arena. It is not afraid of any Guild. If you want to cooperate, you have to suppress Zero Wing. , Let Zero Wing know that these giants that have existed for many years are not as simple as they seem to be on the outside, so that they can talk about cooperative trading.

Didn’t expect Shi Feng’s eyesight is so good, I noticed Wen Hua so quickly.

“I don’t know what Yuan Uncle has asked me for?” Shi Feng asked with a calm mind.

“I told you before that we, Heavenly Secret Pavilion, are very optimistic about Zero Wing Guild, so this time I came to discuss a cooperation with Zero Wing. I hope you can introduce your Guild Master. Black Flame, or you can find a Guild executive who can decide.” Yuan Tiexin neither fast nor slow said.

“Talk about cooperation?” Shi Feng asked, “This is very good, I don’t know how Heavenly Secret Pavilion will cooperate?”

“We are going to talk about secret cooperation, could it be you Can call the shots? If you can’t call the shots, don’t ask that many.” The youth on the side said disdainfully.

Yuan Tiexin not at all talked, just watched quietly, undoubtedly agreeing with the young man’s statement, and felt that Shi Feng wanted to inquire a lot, although he also felt that Shi Feng had great potential and could I have been presiding over the affairs of Zero Wing Studio at a young age, but it is only a middle-level cadre of Zero Wing Guild, not at all qualifications to intervene in the issue of cooperation between Guilds.

I was angry about Shi Feng not at all. To outsiders, he was indeed just a Guild cadre.

“I understand what you mean by Uncle Yuan, but for the cooperation issues you want to talk about, I can indeed call the shots. If you don’t believe me, you can also contact us Guild Master in God’s Domain.” Shi Feng shook his head and laughed.

This made Yuan Tiexin startled for a while, and didn’t know what to say for a while.

To say that Zero Wing boldly launches newcomers, or no one is available…

How big a heart does this need to let a newcomer who has been in contact with God’s Domain not long ago decide Guild major event .

Zero Wing has been able to develop up to now. If there is not a strong enough background, ghosts don’t believe it. Generally speaking, they can sit up to the top, at least 30 years old. In addition, people who are not innate talent are amazing. The background is deep, but Yuan Tiexin checked Shi Feng, Shi Feng in front of him does not look like either of these two types of people.

“I don’t know what your ID is in the game?” Yuan Tiexin looked at Shi Feng and asked softly.

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