“Boss, the defense and response of this BOSS have improved a lot, and the rest of us may not be able to resist this round of outbreak at all.” A Level 40 Summoner wearing an azure mage robe said anxiously.

After the Mutant Dragon broke out, it was just a round of dragon tail flicking, and the monster that he summoned out was completely destroyed.

Even their attacks are gradually ineffective.

Previously, they could still hit the Muted Dragon, causing about a thousand damage, but now most of their long-range attacks are blocked by the dragon tail that the Muted Dragon swings, even if it hits the Muted Dragon, it’s caused The damage is only six or seven hundred, and the damage is directly reduced by 30 to 40%.

In addition, the number of people has been greatly reduced. After deducting the Healer, the damage they add up may not be faster than the Mutated Dragon battle restore. When the time comes HP is not the less and more you fight, but the more you fight.

“Last fight, let’s play the Ultimate Skill!” Quiet White Night has been in control of the whole situation from the rear. Except for Shi Feng’s specific data, he has performed various calculations on other people’s data, and Calculate the various possibilities of winning the BOSS.

But no matter how he calculates, he is not an opponent of Mutant Dragon.

The gap between the two sides is too big.

didn’t expect the outbreak of Mutated Dragon to be terrifying. After the outbreak of the Common BOSS, the overall battle strength increased by about 30%, but after the outbreak of the Mutated Dragon, the overall battle strength increased by at least 50%. Many, even Quiet White Night suspects that the current Mutant Dragon is twice as strong as before.

Originally they were able to deal with Muted Dragon by adding Shi Feng, but now there is no hope at all.

If Mutated Dragon does not have so much HP, there is some hope.

Everyone heard Quiet White Night’s words, and they all turned on the Ultimate Skill, or else they turned on the burst mode.

Although not every member has Berserk Skill, less than forty people are left among the top experts in the group’s strength, and more than a dozen of them have learned Berserk Skill.

Suddenly, the attributes of these more than ten people hurriedly. Among them, the two who improved the most were Quiet White Night and Solidifying Dream, and the main attributes increased by 100%.

“Give me some time!” Solidifying Dream shouted, and then began chanting, and the surrounding magic power suddenly swarmed towards Solidifying Dream.

“Well, everyone else is attacking the joints of the Mutant Dragon!” Quiet White Night shouted repeatedly.

Here is a fight for life and death.

Either Mutated Dragon completely wiped them out in the outbreak, or they killed the last 8 million HP of Mutated Dragon in the outbreak.

One after another fire arrow flew out, Mutant Dragon raised its paw and swung it suddenly.

pēng pēng pēng ……

giant claws easily blocked most of the attacks, and only Quiet White Night’s very sharp attacks hit the joints.






Although several attacks hit the Muted Dragon, only Quiet White Night’s damage can exceed 3,000, and the others only have more than 1,000. For the HP of Muted Dragon, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

Quiet White Night and the others haven’t attacked a few times yet, and Muted Dragon shook its dragon tail high again.

“Not good, watch out for dragon tail attacks, all back!” Quiet White Night immediately became alert, attacking the huge dragon tail while retreating.

However, the range and speed of dragon tail’s attack are so fast that even Shi Feng can’t dodge, and can only rely on life-saving skill to resist. Even if they are far apart, they still cannot avoid dragon tail. The aftermath of shaking, just the aftermath is a fatal damage to Quiet White Night and the others.


There was a popping sound in the air, dragon tail Xiu!, swept over, and the attack range directly enveloped most of the team.

Suddenly, an azure glow Blink crashed on the swaying dragon tail.


The dragon tail’s attack came to an abrupt end, but a silhouette also sank into the ground and smashed a big hole.

“Blocked!” Quiet White Night two eyes condensed, staring incredulously at the silhouette sinking into the ground.

Although I can’t see clearly, I can vaguely see Shi Feng hitting the waving dragon tail with a sword, but after the collision, Shi Feng was knocked into flight.

The strength of dragon tail was originally stronger than dragon claw. Not to mention the attack in the berserk state, but Shi Feng was able to block it. Simply god.

I saw Shi Feng get up from the mound, looking a little embarrassed, but on the HP bar displayed, there is no loss at all, or insignificant.

“The upgraded Power of Heavenly Dragon is really strong, and it doesn’t matter if you fight it like this.” Shi Feng moved his body. Because of the impact, his body became a little numb, but the effect was not significant.

Power of Heavenly Dragon not only increased his HP by 500%, but also increased Strength by 150%, Agility by 60%, and Defense by 300%. Today, his sole HP has more than 260,000, even if it meets. Force with force, the damage he received was only more than three thousand, which was only one thousand points more than the previous meet force with force, but his HP has been poured into Power of Darkness from 80,000, which is a rise to As many as 260,000.

Even if Healer doesn’t add blood, he can resist hundreds of times without worrying about Berserk’s Mutant Dragon.

Then Shi Feng, a Silent Steps, appeared behind Mutant Dragon.

Phantom Kill and Nine-headed Dragon Slash are used directly.

Flame Burst!

I saw the sharp sword on the body and the doppelganger two-handed turned into a small sun, which was so dazzling that people couldn’t look directly at it.

one after another hot white light fiercely landed on the back of the Mutated Dragon’s neck.






A series of thirty hot sword glows were printed on the neck of Mutant Dragon, and they all attacked the same position. In addition, there were twelve Abyssal Blade Phantoms constantly attacking, and each Phantom Sword could cause Damage exceeding five-six thousand points.

Mutated Dragon made a painful scream on the spot and crashed to the ground.

As for the Mutated Dragon’s HP instantly dropped from 8 million drops to 5.64 million.

Immediately, Shi Feng used Flame Spirit Storm and Dragon Breath.

Mutated Dragon’s even directly fell below 5 million.

“This is too fierce!” Everyone looked at the Mutated Dragon that fell on the ground, almost speechless in surprise.

Quiet White Night was also shocked to see. I don’t understand how many hole cards Shi Feng hides. The boss of their entire team, who had no other way, was completely abused by Shi Feng…

At this time, Solidifying Dream finally finished chanting Magic, and the Staff waved.

Suddenly a deep blue Magic Array appeared on the top of Muted Dragon’s head. A huge ice gun was condense in the Magic Array, and it crashed on the body of Muted Dragon.

Tier 1 Forbidden Spell, frozen ground

After the Ice Spear fell, Muted Dragon suffered more than 7,000 points of damage directly. Not to mention, Muted Dragon’s limbs were frozen , Even if the Muted Dragon can break free, it will still be frozen after landing and have to break free again and again, and it will take some time to break free of the freezing effect, making the reaction of the Muted Dragon a little slow.

And Shi Feng took the opportunity to attack Muted Dragon again and again.

With Shi Feng, an absolute MT, everyone else is crazy and throws off Skill.

Mutated Dragon’s HP is also hua hua straight down.

4.5 million……

4 million……

3 million……

1 million……

When there were less than 500,000 left in the end, Shi Feng turned on Divine Grace Bestowed by the Heaven, used Tier 2 Forbidden Technique Flash Start, and appeared in front of Muted Dragon in the blink of an eye.

More than ten swords in a row bloom in front of the heart of Mutant Dragon.

Mutated Dragon’s HP was completely returned to zero, and it fell to the ground with a bang, exploding more than a dozen items of golden light glittering.

Immediately after Shi Feng appeared a golden light, which rose to Level 42.

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