Shi Feng was a little moved when he heard what the Silver Great Dragon said.

After hearing the System prompt, Shi Feng was even more taken aback.

System: Congratulations to the player for obtaining Dragon Race approval.

System: Congratulations to the player for learning the Dragon Race language.

System: Player triggers Hidden Quest’Life Redemption’, does the player accept it?

“It turns out that reseal Silver Great Dragon still has this benefit.” Shi Feng looked at the System prompt and moved his gaze to Silver Great Dragon.

Dragon Race does not exclusively have incomparable Strength. At the same time, it likes to collect all kinds of treasures. If you can complete the Dragon Race Quest, you will get far more abundant things than Human race NPC.

Originally, this Quest was supposed to be the Quest that Quiet White Night they took, but he received it by mistake.

“The deal is ok, but what can I get?” Shi Feng was not in a hurry, quietly looking at the falling Silver Great Dragon, and asked with a smile.

“I know that your Human has always wanted to pursue Strength. I know a place where a piece of Secret Transmission Flagstone that your Human powerhouse has always wanted is stored. If you can release me and help me eliminate those Variation Type, where can I take you.” Silver Great Dragon slowly said.

“Secret Transmission Flagstone?” Shi Feng was surprised.

I really didn’t expect that the Hidden Quest triggered would be so rewarding.

If you can get an extra Secret Transmission Flagstone, you will be able to train more Guild experts, instead of being so nervous and not enough places.

“Okay, I promise you.” Shi Feng said happily while looking at the Silver Great Dragon.

System: The player accepts the Hidden Quest’Life Redemption’, Quest Details, and helps the Silver Great Dragon kill Mutant.

Such a good thing, no one can ask for it.

Golden Flagstone’s Quest, he is powerless now. The mysterious young man is too strong. He doesn’t have the slightest chance, but it’s much easier to deal with Variation Type.

Now Variation Type has just appeared, and it has not grown up in all aspects. It is in the weakest period, so it is much easier to kill. If it is put for ten days in half a month, he just wants to kill Can’t do it either.

Immediately, Shi Feng destroyed the stone platform again and liberated the Silver Great Dragon.

“I can’t get too close to those Mutants, but I will assist you!” Silver Great Dragon watched the chains dissipate, and moved towards Shi Feng stretched out his huge paws, “Sit up, I This will take you over. If those Mutants are left alone, they will become stronger and stronger, and they must be eliminated as soon as possible.”

Shi Feng did not hesitate, and jumped directly onto the paws of the Silver Great Dragon.

As the Silver Great Dragon said, even if those Mutants don’t use Devour and kill any monsters and players, they will become stronger with the ebbing of time. If left alone for a few days, they will eventually change. Into a disaster.

On the former life Mutant, the players of Star-Moon Kingdom were miserable. It was because they were not eliminated early. When the Mutant grew up, more than 100,000 players were Hard to deal with.

Suddenly the Silver Great Dragon flicked its wings and flew out of the Heavenly Pit and soared into the sky.

“Boss, there seems to be something wrong with these Variation Type monsters!” A Level 38 male Swordsman said suddenly, “I always feel that they are getting stronger.”

“Well, I also think that although HP is not at all any changes, but my attack hits them, the damage is reduced a little bit.”

“I am here Yes, and their actions and reactions have improved a little.”

Everyone originally thought it was their own illusion, but when one person said it, others realized that it was wrong.

If these monsters are allowed to grow, their situation will be precarious.

After all, in terms of quantity, they are no longer dominant.

Before 101 Variation Type monsters, there are now 87, and they have dropped from 100 before to 64 now. The saddest thing is that they have not killed an Elite Level Variation Type so far. .

Moreover, the Magic Item on them is almost used…

This is the first time they have encountered such a difficult Quest, and there is simply no hope of winning.

Quiet White Night, who has been kiting Chieftain-rank Variation Type, is frowning at this time.

In fact, he has long discovered that these Variation Type monsters are getting stronger, especially the Chieftain-rank Variation Type he has contained, whether it is reaction speed, Defense Power and Attack Power, compared to a few minutes ago. Some improvements have been made.

But he has no good solutions.

This Quest he has made full preparations, didn’t expect finally failed…

Just as everyone was in helplessness, a huge silhouette in midair once again Appearing, angry roar made everyone feel a tremor.

“It’s over, it’s really over!” Everyone looked at the Silver Great Dragon flying from a distance, each and everyone was completely desperate.

The Silver Great Dragon of Tier 4 is far stronger than these Variation Types.

They have no chance of winning against Variation Type. Now they come with a Silver Great Dragon, and they don’t even have the heart to resist.

“You look at the Silver Great Dragon’s paws as if there is a person standing on it.” Solidifying Dream looked at the Silver Great Dragon, beautiful eyes widened, thinking that he was wrong.

How terrifying the Silver Great Dragon is, it is difficult to imagine who can stand on the paws of the Great Dragon.

Everyone looked around.

“Isn’t that the player before?”

“I’m not dreaming, the Silver Great Dragon who chased him before, is now under his control, is he really a human “

Seeing Shi Feng standing on the Silver Great Dragon sharp claw, everyone was stunned.

Once upon a time, they were all proud of having a Bronze Rank or Mysterious-Iron Rank mount, but compared to the current Shi Feng, they simply don’t want to live anymore.

That is the Silver Great Dragon, which is hundreds of meters tall, and there are players who say they can ride.

constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry!

The arrival of the Silver Great Dragon, even if it is hundreds of yards away, the powerful coercion makes everyone feel suffocated.

As Shi Feng jumped from the paws of the Silver Great Dragon, he landed in front of everyone.

Everyone couldn’t say a word that everyone read, they just watched it quietly, with fear in their eyes.

Thinking of the Silver Great Dragon on Shi Feng’s head made them shudder.

As long as the Silver Great Dragon breathes out, they will be wiped out every minute. It can be said that their life and death are all controlled by Shi Feng’s.

“This friend, don’t know what advice you have?” Quiet White Night looked at Shi Feng, and his expression was very solemn at this time.

Let’s not talk about the Silver Great Dragon hovering in the sky. Shi Feng himself gave him an unattainable feeling. He obviously didn’t feel any danger, but the power exuding from his body was no better than the same. The level of Lord monster is much worse, and even higher.

Faced with such an expert, Gao Huru had to be cautious as well, for fear that it might provoke a single bit.

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