“Sir, these are all the Magic Source Ore, please confirm.” The devil shopkeeper sorted out all the Magic Source Ore, and piled them on the ground box by box.

Shi Feng counted them again and put them in the inventory space box by box.

Bought so many Magic Source Ore, when the time comes, he can make several times, even dozens of times of profit, just by changing hands and selling it. How profitable some are.

“I don’t know when you will buy goods here?” Shi Feng asked.

“I have just purchased the goods here, and the next time I will deliver the goods from the abyss through about ten days.” The demon shop owner slowly explained, “Although the small shop Magic Source Ore is gone, but the small shop There are many other Rare products, I think you will like them.”

Shi Feng glanced at the other products displayed on the counter and couldn’t help hooking the head.

Although there are a lot of Rare Items displayed, the value is far less than the violence from Magic Source Ore.

But when Shi Feng gave up, a scarlet pendant in the glass cabinet deeply attracted Shi Feng’s sight.

Abyss Pendant, Adamantite Rank.

This thing can’t bring any attributes to the player, but it is a lot of items of player yearn for something even in dreams.

Generally, only by killing high-level abyss monsters, there is a small chance of drops.

So rare, and this pendant has only one function.

Spot delivery!

Make a mark in one place, and then send it to the marked place. The Cooldown Period is five hours, and only one coordinate can be marked at a time.

But even so, it is already a rare Top Grade pendant.

After all, what players hate most is running away, often because of equipment Durability or consumables, they have to go back to the city, but going back and forth is very troublesome, so the meaning of Abyss Pendant can be imagined.

On Former Life, many players like to kill the abyss monster, a large part of the reason is for this Abyss Pendant.

“How do you sell that pendant?” Shi Feng pointed to Abyss Pendant.

“This gentleman really has good eyesight. This is the shop protecting treasure of our shop.” The devil shopkeeper smiled slightly and took out the Abyss Pendant from the counter. “If the gentleman really wants it, I can come out 5,000 gold!”

When Shi Feng heard this, he couldn’t help frowning.

The price is really not expensive…

One Epic Level Item is only more than two thousand gold, Epic Weapon is only five or six thousand gold, and a pendant can be comparable An Epic Weapon.

On Former Life, someone bought Abyss Pendant for just over 3,000 dollars.

Although the fixed-point transmission of Abyss Pendant is very convenient, it has a shortcoming, that is, the Cooldown Period is too long. It takes five full hours. After the player rises to Level 40, there is a mount, so a round trip The time spent is much less, and there is no need to use fixed-point transmission for places that do not take five hours to go back and forth.

If the Cooldown Period of Abyss Pendant can be reduced to three hours, it would be nice to spend 5,000 gold to buy it, and even seven8,000 gold is not a problem.

Time is money. For any God’s Domain expert, time is far more precious than money.

Unfortunately, the Cooldown Period of Abyss Pendant cannot be reduced, which greatly reduces the value of Abyss Pendant. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the System will sell so expensive.

“Don’t you think about it, gentleman, this pendant is a very rare treasure, I am afraid it is difficult to find it except in this store.” The devil saw Shi Feng not at all’s willingness to buy, Quickly persuaded.

Shi Feng looked at the blood-red pendant and couldn’t help thinking.

Abyss Pendant is indeed very rare, even if it is to kill the high-level abyss monster, the chance of dropping is desperate, and this can be considered System gives preferential treatment to Abyss Ancient Book holders.

“Well, I want this pendant.” Shi Feng finally decided to buy it.

Although the five-hour Cooldown Period is a big problem, he will use Abyss Pendant now, and he also has a way to shorten the time. When the time comes, the value of Abyss Pendant will also increase. Times.

After that, Shi Feng spent another 5,000 gold to buy Abyss Pendant, left the Abyss Small Town, and began to look for suitable Magic Array setting points all around.

This is the lair of the abyss monster. There are too many abyss monsters all around. If the player who comes over does not have the mark of the abyss, it is easy to be killed by a large number of abyss monsters, so choose the location carefully.

Time is passing by little by little.

Shi Feng finally found a suitable setting point in a valley after spending more than three hours.

The valley is far from the abyss Small Town, the monsters all around are not very dense, and several roads in the valley lead to other abysses where there are not too many monsters and the level is not high, which is very suitable for now The player Level, even if it is not expert, can survive as long as a team is formed.

Immediately, Shi Feng began to set up the transfer point.

In God’s Domain, the most troublesome part of Magic Teleportation Array is to make Magic Teleportation Array. As long as all the parts are finished, the final assembly is still a lot easier.

Just as Shi Feng was preparing to use the Strength of Abyss Ancient Book to build a magic field, there was a sudden commotion in the valley, followed by a deafening roar from the whole valley, and a black fire blasted into the sky, even if It can be seen clearly from the entrance to the valley.

“Soul Fire!” Shi Feng recognized the true face of the black flame at a glance, and couldn’t help being surprised, “Where did what happened?”

Soul Fire is something extraordinary .

The appearance of solely means the existence of extremely powerful monsters, at least reaching Tier 4 level.

Tier 4 monster is simply Invincible for the current players and must not be provoked.

But before Shi Feng had time to observe carefully, he heard rumbling sounds coming from the valley, and the ground collapsed, followed by a dragon roar, which made people tremble.

“Great Dragon?” Shi Feng couldn’t help but want to leave this place of right and wrong.

The Great Dragon is a symbol of strength and violence in God’s Domain. It is born the Overlord in God’s Domain. Even advanced living creatures such as demons and Angel are also endlessly afraid.

It can be said that the appearance of the Great Dragon is a disaster.

Just as Shi Feng was thinking about evacuation, he suddenly found dozens of players suspended in the valley forest. These players formed a huge golden Magic Array, covering a large area completely.

“Why is there a player here?” Shi Feng was shocked.

Snow Field City is already a lair for the abyss monsters, and the player is supposed to be gone.

At this moment, a Great Dragon with a wingspan of more than 100 meters suddenly flew out, and its silver-gray scales were shining in the sun. The moment it appeared solely, it made people feel how weak they were.

Although the body is smaller than the Bone Dragon I met, the two are not at the same level. The power that radiates is simply several times stronger than the Vitality pressure displayed by Abyssal Blade using Skill…

If Shi Feng is not far away from the silver-grey Great Dragon, standing alone is the problem.

However, when this silver-grey Great Dragon was about to fly out of the golden Magic Array, numerous golden chains flew across the golden Magic Array, which directly bound the silver-grey Great Dragon’s claws and wings, The silver-grey Great Dragon unable to move even a little bit crashed to the ground, smashing out a crater like a meteorite.

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