There are very few Super-Guilds in the Virtual Game world.

As one of the Super-Guild, King’s Return, the recruiting competition held every year is a major event in the Virtual Game world.

Not to mention the opening of God’s Domain, making this kind of event even more exciting.

However, if you want to accommodate so many players to participate in the assessment, the position of Guild Encampment is far from enough, so King’s Return also thought of a way, that is, to use God and Demon Arena to perform pre- selection.

Imperial Capital’s God and Demon Arena is not comparable to White River City, towering above the City of Holy Light, but half-empty and half-real, as if it exists in two worlds with the City of Holy Light.

“This time the pre-selection requirements are so high that I have to reach the sixth floor of the Trial Tower. I only reached the fifth floor in my previous trials. I don’t know if this time can pass the fifth floor.”

“Who said no, this requirement is too high. In which city I am, the most powerful player only reaches the sixth floor, and this sixth floor is the threshold. Simply won’t give us anything. chance!”

The players who came to God and Demon Arena saw King’s Return’s request, and everyone and everyone complained.

The Trial Tower in God and Demon Arena does not look at the level and equipment of the player, only the skill level of the player, but the most pitfall lies in the Trial Tower itself. To participate in the Trial Tower, you need Mana Crystal.

Mana Crystal has always been scarce in the entire God’s Domain. It is extremely difficult for a Common player to get one, even if it is in the hands of an expert player, there are not a few, usually each and everyone is a province. It’s useful, but now it costs one for the test. If you don’t join King’s Return in the end, you will lose a lot.

But when everyone was discussing spiritedly, everyone’s eyes suddenly moved to a young man walking into the hall. Everyone looked at this man, and each and everyone cast awe and envy. .

Because this man is Prison Devil, the host of King’s Return’s new recruiting contest, and is also King’s Return’s Adjudicator. In King’s Return, he is a first-class expert, and it is also their goal.

As everyone watched, Prison Devil told all the participants who came to participate in the rules, and then walked into the VIP box on the 2nd floor, quietly reviewing this pre- selection.

“Prison Devil, there are a lot of experts who came to participate this year. You are the host of this time competition. When the time comes, you can find chance to attract a few potential newcomers, when the time comes said It may become your helpful assistant.” Praying Lotus on the side looked at the 2nd floor and found that many of these experts came to participate in the pre-selection, and some of them reached Level 38. This is for the Free player. But it’s difficult.

There are many factions in Super-Guild, so every year new things are recruited, and they are particularly concerned by the senior executives of the Super Club. Among them, it is extremely difficult to get the status of the host. After this transaction, Prison Devil became the host.

As a host, he can win various promising players during the game, and even after the selection is over, give priority to selecting some newcomers with great potential. After a period of special training, these newcomers are very It will soon become an expert or even a cadre of King’s Return. It will have a great effect on Prison Devil in the future, so you must choose carefully and choose carefully.

“Don’t worry, I have already checked some of the great experts involved in pre-selection this time, and I will definitely not let others half the potential newcomers.” Prison Devil laughed, self-belief, “If Those Old Guys who know so many potential newcomers this time will probably regret the deal this time.”

Before King’s Return officially started the selection, he asked his men to ask about the list of experts participating in the selection.

So it is very clear about the experts participating in the pre-selection this time.

Eight of them attracted his attention very much.

These eight people, regardless of their age or current strength, are all rated by Level S on the evaluation list.

In previous selections, there are three or five Level S evaluations, which is very good. Now there are eight people in full. They can’t express the comfort when they think of Prison Devil. In order to become the host, they are here. It cost a lot of money, and even the flagstone quota was let out.

But now you can get eight Level S-rated newcomers at one time, equivalent to presiding over two selections, which is a big profit.

What is Level S evaluation?

That is the possibility of becoming the No.1 Expert in Guild in the future.

Praying Lotus was already a Level S appraiser, and has now become one of the well-known figures of the young generation of King’s Return.

“Those Old Guys just wait, King’s Return will become my thing sooner or later.” Prison Devil thought that today not only disturbed the Hidden Sins Heart transaction, but the abyss monster also affected Star-Moon. Kingdom, I can’t express the joy in my heart.

He really has no way with Zero Wing Guild, but those abyss monsters are with no difficulty.

He knows that the abyss monsters pass by Barren, not to mention White River City. Even if the Royal City of Star-Moon Kingdom encounters the abyss monster, it will only be captured in the end. Guild is good. The easy-to-buy plot of land will also fall into nothing.

But he not at all intends to let Zero Wing go.

In order to prevent Hidden Sins Heart from getting the gold coins, he used even the most precious ancient book. If Zero Wing Guild was so cheap and destroyed, how could he extinguish the anger in his heart?

He also wants to kill Black Flame, kill all the senior leaders of Zero Wing Guild, and completely remove Zero Wing.

He used to be somewhat dreaded Black Flame, but now he opened the ancient book and got Strength, he has full confidence in killing Black Flame.

Just when Prison Devil was complacent, he suddenly received a message and his face suddenly became gloomy.

“This Zero Wing Guild is crazy!” Prison Devil looked at Blink with a trace of Blood Light, and at this time he wished to swallow everyone in Zero Wing’s.

“Why are you so angry, what happened?” Praying Lotus asked in a whisper.

“The Zero Wing Guild actually bought those five useless plots of land. Now Hidden Sins Heart has collected all the money, this damn Black Flame, I will definitely not let go Pass you!” When Prison Devil spoke, the cold voice reduced the temperature in the entire box a lot.

“How come! Snow Field City has been captured by the abyss monster, where the plot of land is not worth anything at all. Isn’t it true that Zero Wing’s top executives are all fools?” Praying Lotus startled, she knows Hidden Sins Heart needs a lot of gold coins, Zero Wing spent that many money, and the result is five broken plots of land, which only lunatics can do.

“Damn Black Flame, I dared to ruin my plan. I want to let him know now that meddling with my business will kill my life!” Prison Devil stood up and said sharply. “Praying Lotus, let’s go now. I want everyone in Star-Moon Kingdom to know that Sword King Black Flame’s Legendary will be completely over today for the lifetime of Sword King Black Flame’s Legendary!”

“But what about the trials?” Praying Lotus looked at the pre-selection that had already started, and asked quickly.

“I have notified Unfamiliar Path, when the time comes Unfamiliar Path will pick those experts on my behalf.” Prison Devil no longer wanted to waste time, so he walked out of the 2nd floor box and wanted to go to the City Teleportation Hall of Holy Light.

However, when Prison Devil walked out of the box door with his front foot and stepped into the deep corridor with his back foot, several dark chains emerged from the ground and directly bound to Prison Devil. The speed was so fast that Prison Devil was panicked immediately, but couldn’t react at all.

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