After the System announcement appeared, all players were confused by the System announcement.

Data update is turned on to nothing. After all, it is not the first time.

But the new profession has aroused the curiosity of all players. Since the new profession can be used as a reward, it means that the new profession must have advantages that other professions do not have.

If Class Change becomes a new profession, it goes without saying that it will be welcomed by Big Guilds, just like Hidden Class.

However, Hidden Class is really hard to find. There is a ready-made Hidden Class. The player is not tempted and can’t wait to rush to Twin Towers Kingdom to kill the abyssal monster and earn a lot of merit.

And in Twin Towers Kingdom Snow Field City.

The endless abyss monster everywhere all is, black and black, wrapping the entire Snow Field City.

These monsters are strong and weak. The strong one has one or two hundred levels, and the weak one has Level 50. For the current players, what they can do is very limited.

Fortunately, there is a Defensive Magic Array in the NPC city, which can easily cover the entire city. The endless abyss monster can only wander in the sky, constantly attacking the Magic Array.

The sound of various Magic strikes echoed throughout the city, shocking all the players in the city.

What is a monster siege?

At this time, the players in the city have fully realized that this huge oppression simply makes people desperate.

“Can this Magic Array really resist?”

“This is the Magic Array of NPC City. It should be able to resist. Otherwise, what about us players?”

When the players on the street discussed spiritedly about the city’s Defensive Magic Array.


There was a crack in the Magic Array above the city.

With the appearance of cracks, Defensive Magic Array also began to gradually become unstable.

“Not good, Magic Array is about to collapse!”

I don’t know if it was the player who yelled it out, which made the players on the street start to flee, and each and everyone rushed towards Teleportation Hall, wants to leave Snow Field City.

After all, these abyssal monsters are not like Abyss Battlefield. Each and everyone area is divided into Levels. Players can choose the area to go to according to their own strength, but now it is different. Fifty level monsters are all mixed together.

Relying on their strength, they are simply due to Insta-kill. Killing once will cost Level 1.

The hard work of level up is the pain of all God’s Domain player. No one wants to die in vain. It takes several days to make up for it.

“hahaha, let’s see how Hidden Sins Heart is playing now.” Prison Devil sat in the largest outdoor restaurant in Snow Field City, looking down at the entire Snow Field City, with a touch of triumph in his eyes Blink .

The base of Undescending Light is in Snow Field City. If you want to earn a lot of gold coins, you can only use Snow Field City.

Now Snow Field City is captured by the abyss monster sooner or later. When the time comes Undescending Light, it becomes rootless water. Not to mention, Snow Field City’s plot of land is completely finished. No one would think Want such a plot of land.

Even if Zero Wing Guild keeps its promise and is willing to buy plot of land, how much will plot of land be worth in a city that will be captured by monsters?

But what makes him most happy is the scope of Abyss Summoning, which not only covers the entire Twin Towers Kingdom, but also impacts the surrounding countries, and Star-Moon Kingdom is on the west side of Twin Towers Kingdom. The Eastern Region that affects the Star-Moon Kingdom, the Eastern Region happens to be the site of the Zero Wing Guild, and when the time comes Zero Wing Guild will also suffer. The hard work accumulated will be in vain.

“Prison Devil, we should also go, that Magic Array may not be supported for long.” Praying Lotus said repeatedly as he watched the Magic Array that in midair began to disintegrate.

“Don’t worry, as long as you follow me, we don’t take the initiative to attack those abyss monsters, those abyss monsters will not attack us.” Prison Devil didn’t care.

After using the ancient book Abyss Summoning, he opened up the Abyss Channel, and as a reward, he also got a touch of strength of the abyss.

The abyss monster, which is very dangerous to other people, is a companion to him.

In the top lobby of the White River City Library.

The system announcement was announced three times in a row, and it echoed in Shi Feng’s ears for a long time.

“Abyss Summoning opened by Prison Devil in Twin Towers Kingdom?” Shi Feng was a little surprised.

Originally thought to provoke Prison Devil, it would make him go to the head with annoyance and use the precious ancient book on Stone Forest Small Town. Didn’t expect would do such a thing. He is in trouble trying to take advantage.

The invasion of the abyss is certainly a great threat to the country in which it is located, and it even makes players unable to level up normally, so they have to go to other safe places and abandon the cities that originally have geographical advantages.

But it is also a good chance to earn a lot of merit.

These feats can be exchanged for a large number of Magic Array and siege item design creation, and can also greatly enhance Guild Popularity, and even Class Change becomes a huge opportunity for new professions.

And this new profession is called Demon Blade Knight, which has the characteristics of Berserker. Close Combat is extremely strong and has good long-range attack ability. Although Demon Blade Knight is not as good as Berserker in Close Combat, it is long-range The output is not as good as Ranger and Elementalist, but both have both, which greatly enhances the survivability of the battle. After all, in the wild battle and Dungeon, the BOSS has many attack modes, and a single attack mode is not easy to deal with these BOSS.

It is the best choice for players who like Close Combat and remote.

“Who is so stupid that he dares to get through the Abyss Channel!” Sharlyn’s face was also very bad at this time, golden eyes flashed with fire, his eyes turned to Shi Feng and said, “I have something Let’s go first. If you are finding Mysterious Flame, you can come here to find me.”

Sharlyn finished speaking, suddenly vanish was in the empty hall.

“It seems that some people are about to have bad luck.” Shi Feng looked at Vanish’s Sharlyn and couldn’t help but worry about Prison Devil.

The ancient book sent by Abyss World is so easy to get Strength.

God’s Domain is fair.

Although the strength can be obtained by opening the ancient book, there are corresponding risks. It is good that the player using the ancient book is not caught by the NPC of the Human race, but after being caught, the end is no better than the Legendary Level Quest Failure Good coming.

But Shi Feng didn’t bother to care about Prison Devil. After all, he would like to thank Prison Devil. Without these abyss monsters, how could he make the Guild member Class Change a Demon Blade Knight?

Immediately, Shi Feng left the library and hurried all the way to Zero Wing Residence.

Although Shi Feng had received news before, Hidden Sins Heart was waiting at Zero Wing Residence, but he wanted to absorb Soul Fire earlier, so he didn’t go. Now Soul Fire has initially absorbed it, so naturally it should Go meet Hidden Sins Heart.

Zero Wing Guild station.

“Why is this?”

In the reception room, Hidden Sins Heart is turning around in the room, his complexion is very bad, his thick eyebrows are tightly together, in my heart I was very anxious, especially when I received the news from Guild that Snow Field City is now in chaos. Many players have died tragically in the hands of the abyss monster. Now Snow Field City is not a place where players can stay.

Hidden Sins Heart’s heart is full after hearing this.

Snow Field City has become like this, so the plot of land in Snow Field City is scrapped…

When Hidden Sins Heart was thinking about what to do, Shi Feng also Walked into the reception room.

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