Shi Feng looked at the markers on the map and thought he had read it wrong.

The city in God’s Domain generally has several areas, and the most important area is the Trade Area.

Generally, players who want to open a shop will buy plot of land in the Trade Area.

Next is the noble area.

Because there are city libraries and War God Temple in the noble district, these places are where players often go, so many players go to them.

After that is the civilian area. In the civilian area there are Adventurers Guild and Underground Arena, so there are many players who go to the civilian area.

The worst is the slum area. Although there is only one word difference, the two are as different as heaven and earth. There is no building that attracts players at all in the slum area, so rare players are willing to go there. So in all cities, the plot of land in the slum area is the cheapest. Where to open a shop, simply take money for fun.

“This is your sincerity?” Shi Feng asked with a smile.

Having said so much, King’s Return ultimately just wants to use a broken place in exchange for five plots of land that are not of low value.

“Guild Master Black Flame, don’t worry. At present, many plots of land in the entire City of Holy Light have been allocated. We have no good plots of land for a while. These plots of land are just It’s just vacant. But as mentioned above, if Candlelight Trading Company is allowed to enter the City of Holy Light, you can directly buy those plots of land from others. If you are in a hurry, you can also buy those plots of land first. “Unfamiliar Path explained.

According to Unfamiliar Path, this already praises Zero Wing Guild.

Where is the City of Holy Light? That is the base of King’s Return. The population alone now reaches 10 million, and it will definitely reach 20 million or even 30 million in the future.

It can be said that City of Holy Light is extremely expensive land.

What Zero Wing did was not to buy the five plots of land in Snow Field City.

A lot of Guilds want to open a shop in City of Holy Light, but they simply don’t have this opportunity. Now they promised Candlelight Trading Company to be stationed in City of Holy Light, which is a good thing that many Guilds cannot ask for.

“What if I don’t agree?” Shi Feng asked again.

Although it is right, but who fool sells the plot of land that has been so hard to buy? In the end, Zero Wing only got an empty promise and lost the potential of getting five extremely valuable plots of land.

King’s Return is a little too beautiful.

“This…” Unfamiliar Path was taken aback. Didn’t expect Shi Feng to say so, coldly said, “I hope Guild Master Black Flame needs to think carefully. We are Super-Guild King’s Return, really It’s worth offending us for those plots of land?”

“Okay, go back.” Shi Feng waved his hand with an expression of seeing off the guests.

“Is the Guild Master Black Flame for the Undescending Light?” Unfamiliar Path suddenly said coldly, “Guild Master Black Flame still think clearly, I can tell Guild Master Black Flame one thing clearly, Undescending Light is the mortal enemy of our King’s Return, and we have to do it. If Zero Wing Guild wants to help Undescending Light, when the time comes, we must bear the anger of King’s Return!”

“This is interesting.” Shi Feng The corners of his mouth couldn’t help raising, “Do you think Zero Wing would be afraid of King’s Return?”

When Shi Feng said this, both the Unfamiliar Path and the Thunder War Tiger on the side were stunned.

Didn’t expect Shi Feng actually didn’t care about the threat of Super-Guild.

Super-Guild is not comparable to other Guilds. It is a real Overlord in the Virtual Game world. In the Virtual Game world, apart from those Transcendent Influence and Super-Guild, no one dares to give face.

But thinking that Zero Wing really didn’t give the half-Super Guild Dragon Phoenix Pavilion any face, now it is really possible that they don’t care about the threat of King’s Return.

“Now you can roll, go back and tell your senior management, what Zero Wing Guild is going to do, it is not the turn of King’s Return to intervene. I have bought the five plots of land.” Shi Feng His eyes were cold.

Hidden Sins Heart has helped him a lot before, and he has promised Hidden Sins Heart to buy plot of land, so it is absolutely impossible to break his promise. The reason why he said that many is just to take a look What is King’s Return’s attitude towards Undescending Light.

Although Zero Wing can’t beat Super-Guild, it is not afraid of Super-Guild in Star-Moon Kingdom.

Shi Feng’s voice is small, but the air in the whole room seems to have cooled down, making Unfamiliar Path and Thunder War Tiger feel cold, and warning sounds continue to be heard in their brains, reminding them that they are very dangerous now , You may lose your life at any time.

Unfamiliar Path and Thunder War Tiger also knew that they were definitely not Shi Feng’s opponents, so they had no choice but to leave Zero Wing Residence.

“What shall we do now?” Thunder War Tiger looked at the Zero Wing Guild, “Should we report back like this?”

“What else can we do?” Unfamiliar Path I never thought that Shi Feng would be so crazy. He would offend King’s Return for a trifling Undescending Light. “Now find a place where no one is disturbed, and tell Elder Qingcheng about this. As for what to do, Elder Qingcheng will decide. Right.”

The two ran to a High Grade restaurant and rented a VIP box. They wanted to report the matter without omission and in detail to Duan Qingcheng.


At this time, Shi Feng also came to Candlelight Trading Company.

“Melancholic, how many pieces of Equipment Magic Reinforcement have you produced now?” Shi Feng does not have much money on hand now, although this period of time Stone Forest Small Town and Candlelight Trading Company made another profit Not a lot, but minus Guild’s expenses, and Mana Crystal that cannot be sold, the money on hand is actually more than four thousand gold.

Of course, for any First-Rate Guild, minus Guild’s consumption, there are four thousand gold working capital, which is absolutely fat and oily, something that I can’t even imagine.

But if you want to buy five plots of land from Hidden Sins Heart, that’s a far cry.

Not to mention there is a city waiting for him to build…

In a VIP box in the High Grade restaurant.

“Is that all?” Duan Qingcheng solemnly asked in the video.

“This is indeed all, and then Black Flame drove us out.” Unfamiliar Path explained in a low voice.

“Since Zero Wing is determined to make trouble, then teach Zero Wing a little lesson, and then I will let Prison Devil lead Falcon Regiment in the past, and you can check out Zero Wing’s core members. Where, when the time comes, don’t let go of one!” Duan Qingcheng immediately hung up the communication.

But Unfamiliar Path and Thunder War Tiger froze for a long time.

Although they don’t know why Duan Qingcheng attaches so much importance to Undescending Light, they sent Falcon Regiment to deal with a Zero Wing Guild. It was simply a fuss.

Falcon Regiment is King’s Return’s trump card Legion, which is filled with young experts trained by Guild, specifically used to fight against other Super-Guild Legion.

Furthermore, even Adjudicator Prison Devil came over this time. One can imagine how angry Elder Qingcheng was.

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