Glorious Light Empire, Imperial Capital City of Holy Light.

City of Holy Light, as the headquarters of the Super-Guild King’s Return, is far more prosperous than the Imperial Capital of the Black Dragon Empire, and the number of sole players exceeds 15 million.

This prosperity is not only reflected in the number of players, but also derived from player Level.

Currently, the mainstream level of God’s Domain is no more than Level 32, and the more powerful Elite can reach Level 35.

But walking on the streets of City of Holy Light, Level 35 Elite Level players can be seen everywhere, and occasionally you can even see Level 36 and even Level 37 Free players, which are not other Royal City Imperial Capital at all. Can be compared.

The reason why the player level in City of Holy Light is so high is all because of the Guild of King’s Return.

Super-Guild has a long history in the Virtual Game world. Generally, these Super-Guilds are trained internally by their own experts and hardly absorb players from outside.

With the background of Super-Guild, almost all of the experts cultivated can become the best newcomers in the Virtual Game world every year. They have become well-known experts and their worth has doubled.

For countless players who want to get rich overnight, this is completely a matter of yearn for something even in dreams, so every year a large number of young players go to participate in Super-Guild’s internal tests and want to become Expert cultivated inside Super-Guild.

The long-existing Super-Guild of King’s Return is a bit different. In addition to cultivating a group of experts from an early age, it also absorbs some experts from the outside, making these experts become Guild inner members and get Super -Guild’s resource cultivation can compete for the best newcomer award each year. Maybe you can jump to the top of Super-Guild. He will have no worries about food and drink in the second half of his life, and he will also have a very high status.

Aqua Rose and Purple Eye are also such players, but they later decided to make a living by themselves, so they left Super-Guild after spending a certain price.

And this period of time, King’s Return has to recruit expert members from the outside, so many players in the entire God’s Domain want to join King’s Return, and many of them are expert players.

In the premises of King’s Return, many players are queuing up to sign up at this time, which is very lively.

However, after the two men walked in, the resident hall suddenly became silent. All eyes were on these two people. Among these two people, one was a middle-aged man, wearing Black armor, carrying an inscription Broadsword exuding bursts of cold, is a Berserker with a level as high as Level 38.

The other is a handsome young man with unruly temperament, holding a turquoise crystal Staff in his hand, wearing a gray mage robe, surrounded by a faint gray arc, and the Level is also Level 38 Elementalist.

The level of these two people is placed in Glorious Light Empire, they are all top-ranked existences.

“That person is not Thunderflash Sword Duan Qingcheng? It is so lucky to be able to meet the high-level figure of King’s Return!”

“The person next to him seems to be King’s Return newly promoted Adjudicator Prison Devil, didn’t expect daoist to be so handsome, I don’t know if there is a girlfriend.”

Suddenly, everyone in the hall started talking, watching both of them have their eyes on With the color of worship.

Whether it is the high-level of King’s Return or King’s Return’s Adjudicator status, they are all they want to pursue, especially Prison Devil can get the Adjudicator status at a young age. This is King’s Return for many years. I haven’t seen it before. Generally, only those experts who have worked hard for many years can get the status of Adjudicator. Newcomers like Prison Devil have no chance at all, but Prison Devil can do it.

In the hall, Duan Qingcheng and Prison Devil walked into a small Conference Hall while everyone was watching.

In the small Conference Hall, there was already a man in a black cloak waiting for a long time. After seeing the two walk in, he immediately got up to greet him.

“Give me the materials and things, and tell me the situation directly.” Duan Qingcheng said solemnly.

“Yes.” The man in the black cloak, nodded, handed a box and a piece of information directly to Duan Qingcheng, and then said repeatedly, “The original plan went well, but Hidden Sins Heart unexpectedly encountered People from Zero Wing Guild, and people from Zero Wing Guild have agreed to Hidden Sins Heart and are willing to spend money to buy the five plots of land, only waiting for Hidden Sins Heart to trade today.”

” Don’t those people in Zero Wing Guild know our warning?” Magic Sword frowned, and his voice became gloomy.

“Hidden Sins Heart also took the initiative to say, but Zero Wing didn’t seem to take our King’s Return seriously, and immediately decided to buy the five plots of land.” The man in the cloak was said by Prison Devil. Staring, sweating on his forehead, he said nervously.


“This Zero Wing doesn’t take our King’s Return too far!” The ground under the prison magic rod suddenly cracked, and his eyes flashed with anger.

“Don’t worry, they have not traded yet, we still have time, I will let someone contact Zero Wing’s Guild Master, a little warning, I think Zero Wing Guild should also know the importance. “Duan Qingcheng laughed and said, “If Zero Wing really doesn’t listen, it’s not too late when the time comes.”

“I know, Uncle Duan.” Prison Devil suppressed the anger in his heart this time. .

This matter is of great importance to him. If Zero Wing dared to intervene, he would not mind destroying Zero Wing.


At the same time, Shi Feng is also instructing everyone to start preparations before the battle.

“Fire Dance, Flying Shadow, North Wind, you first bring all around monsters here, Thoughtful Rain, you are going to use the blasting waterfall, Blackie is going to use Starlight!” Shi Feng summon released Tier 3 Battle Blade After Devil, not at all rush to deal with Frost Bone Dragon.

Peak High Lord is too strong for current players.

Not to mention that in the nest of the abyss monster, a slight error may be wiped out.

Especially to deal with guarding BOSS like Frost Bone Dragon, you must first clean up all around monsters.

Because Frost Bone Dragon has an ability to guard BOSS, that is the life Devour. This is only a Passive Skill. If you don’t deal with it well, you will die if many players rush up.

Because the life force Devour can absorb all life force within 1000 yards, whether it is a player or a monster, all lose 1% of HP every 3 seconds, and all these HP will be transformed into guarding BOSS The HP, so dealing with guarding BOSS is not the more the better.

Not to mention the monster with super thick HP. I am afraid that the damage caused by the player to the guardian BOSS has not yet responded quickly.

Furthermore, in the battle with Peak High Lord, the Stamina of the player is very expensive, and it is impossible to fight a protracted battle. The final result is only to be consumed by the BOSS.

Finally, after spending more than an hour, all the monsters in the Frost Bone Dragon’s range were cleaned up by the Zero Wing people.

“Let’s do it!”

Shi Feng immediately controlled the Battle Blade Devil to rush towards the Frost Bone Dragon, and at the same time turned on the battle cry and dark blessing of Magic Flame War Tiger.

Suddenly, the attribute and Magic Resistance of the whole group have increased by a great length.

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